Part 8
Jack slowly opened his eyes and imminently had to close them. The room was too bright. Where was he? He wasn't in that dark storage room anymore. Jack bolted upright. Where was Mark? The last thing he remembered was Mark drugging him... but where had he taken him? Jack took in the room quickly, feeling cautious. It was similar to a condo. The kitchen and the living room were practically in the same room. There were only two other rooms. One looked like a bathroom and the other a bedroom. Climbing off the sofa, Jack walked straight for the huge window that spanned the whole wall. Outside the window was a stunning view over a mountainy forest terrain as far as the eye could see. Jack swallowed anxiously and backed away from the window. This place was really high in the air. Turning around, he hesitantly called out loudly. "Mark? You here"? There was no answer. The place seemed so small. Was he not here? Sneaking over to the door, Jack reached for the handle... only it didn't have one.
Jack looked around for a panel of some kind. Finger print scanner. Something. Nothing. Pressing up against the door, he cringed. The door was painted to look like a wooden door... but it was as cold as Iron! Peeking through the key hole, he could only see darkness. Stepping away from the door, Jack noticed something on the kitchen island. A note. Picking it up, Jack read aloud. "I left you pizza in the frig. Make yourself at home. See you soon". Jack crumpled up the note and flung it away, snapping out. "Why? Is it drugged? Cause I've had enough of being knocked out, I tell ya! I'm going to end up addicted to the shit"! Something sounding like an intercom turned on and Jack jumped back against the frig in surprise. Over the intercom, Mark's voice casually answered him. "It's not drugged. I would never do that to you. You're new home should be proof enough of that". Jack glanced at every corner of the room, but saw no cameras or speakers. Slowly prying himself away from the frig, Jack asked tentatively. "What do you mean 'my new home'? I have a home and I'd like to go back there".
Mark's answer was quick and had an wisp of humor in his tone. "But Senpai, you are home. And you'll be safe here". Frustrated, Jack yelled out sharply. "Stop calling me that! Now let me out, Mark"! There was no answer and Jack struck the top of the island. What the hell was Mark doing? This was weird even for him. The door to the room opened up and Jack held his breath. A man stood at the door who kind of looked like Mark, but it was hard to tell. Jack gathered himself to take a few steps closer and waved his hand at him hesitantly. Could the man even see? He had a blood stained bandage over his eyes. The man crossed his arms tightly and snapped back at Jack. "I can see you just fine, Jack". Jack gave him a guilty smile as Mark strolled into the room in that same Japanese uniform. The man uncrossed his arms to grip Mark's shoulder tightly, before stating plainly. "I did what you wanted. Now give it back". Jack stared between them confused. Mark pulled up the front of his shirt to pull out... a brown book? The man carefully took the book from Mark, adding on. "I hate babysitting... but I cooperated. So now will you leave me to my work, Yandere"?
Jack blinked and began to back up a bit. It was fussy... but hadn't he seen these characters before? Yandere crossed his arms like a spoiled brat, snipping back snobbishly. "For now anyway. Don't you forget! Dark said you where to give me whatever I wanted". The man hugged his brown book to his chest, leaning in a bit to tell Yandere in a matter-of-factly voice. "He only said that because he doesn't want you at the meeting. All you care about is Jack. Well, you have him. Obsess away. FAR away from us". Yandere snorted dismissively, muttering out at the man as he was leaving. "Watch yourself you creepy hermit. I commune with dark forces and have taken more lives than you have. Dark sees my value. I get the job done. He just knows I hate board meetings". The man stopped at the door to slam it hard enough to rattle the pictures on the walls. Pictures of him, Jack noted. That made him more creeped out by all this. His attention was drawn back to 'Yandereplier', when he hopped up onto the island counter top. His voice turning giddy and playfully, when he say aloud. "The Host can be such a girl at times. He knows everything, but he still hates to admit how useful I am to them. Everyone has their hobbies, I guess".
Jack took a shaky breath and pointed to the door asking in disbelief. "I'm high, aren't I? Why the fuck is there more than one Mark"? Yandere chuckled and began to swing his feet happily, when he answered. "There is only one Mark. We are just living breathing split personalities that he has tried to get rid off. Unwanted feelings. Dark thoughts. Etcetera. You could even go so far as to say we are a kind of a twisted family of our very own. But none of that matters. What matters is YOU". Yandere slipped off the counter and started toward him with a strange smile. It felt as twisted as this whole thing was! Jack backed himself into a wall and nervously asked Yandereplier. "What a minute now. What does all this have to do with me? I'm just Mark's friend". Jack tried to quickly slip away from the wall, but Yandereplier was too quick. Slamming his hands on either side of the wall to keep Jack there, he sweetly told him in a shy kind of way. "You're so much more than that to me. I'm your biggest fan! I love you so much! I dream about you. I have pictures of you. I know everything about you! No one loves you like I love you"!
Jack was terrified to even breathe. He half wished he could disappear into the wall and away from this... Mark... Yandere... Yandereplier. Yandereplier took a sudden step away from him and brushed his long red bangs down over his eyes. His voice becoming almost a terrified squeal, when he ranted off. "OH GOD! I probably shouldn't have told you that! I can only imagine what you think of me right now! I wasn't prepared... Your blues eyes are so much more powerful in person! And the fact you're shirtless is distracting enough"! Jack glanced down at himself, realizing that himself. He was only wearing jeans. He was drugged before he had the chance to completely dress. Meekly raising his arms to cover his chest, he tried to think about this rationally. Yandereplier appeared to be even less mentally stable than Billy had. He wasn't sure he could even attempt to escape if there was more of them around... Which only left him with one opinion. Play along. He was getting kind of good at that lately. To Be Continued...
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