Part 10
Jack backed up against the wall of the bathroom, telling Yandere cautiously. "Well then... See? The book must be wrong. If I belong to you, then why would I ever want to leave"? Yandere blinked in confusion, before stating a bit coldly. "No... The Host's books are NEVER wrong. They tell the story as it happens. Every thought. Every detail. The Host is the only one who can change it". It slipped out before Jack could think about it more clearly. "And what happens if the book is damaged"? Yandere pulled the book from behind him to his chest. Hugging it like a child would a precious teddy bear. Yandere's eyes narrowed in on him, asking back distastefully. "Nothing will EVER happen to this book! I won't let you go! You belong to ME"! Jack swallowed anxiously. He wasn't sure he believed it... but his fate was somehow attached to that book. If he got ahold of it, would it tell him the way out of this hell? Gathering what little courage he could, Jack took a small step closer to Yandere. Yandere closely watched him move, before taking a step back. His arms tightening around the book.
Trying to act more calm and confident, Jack licked his dry lips and suggested softly. "How about we go sit down in the living room... and you can tell me about yourself"? Yandere took a quick glance behind him like he expected someone to be there. When he turned back though, he nodded. Yandere lead the way out of the bathroom and Jack tried to relax. So far so good. Yandere dropped down on the sofa still cuddling the book. Jack took a seat carefully next to him. Yandere was acting suddenly so differently now. He had become so shy and awkward. Jack tentatively reached out to touch Yandere's shoulder, only to have him blush and turn away. His mood was so sporadic. Hesitantly, Jack slid his hand over Yandere's shoulder. He had to get him to put the book down. Genuinely sweet, Jack asked Yandere softly. "Are you alright"? Yandere turned to look back at him with soft eyes, answering shyly. "I'm alright. I just... I've dreamed of having you here with me and now that you are... I'm so nervous".
Jack smiled a bit and Yandere's eyes gleamed with joy. Jack bite his lip tenderly, internally telling himself to just take one for the cause! He could do this. He could get out of this. All he had to do was distract Yandere long enough. Touching Yandere's cheek, Jack slowly forced himself to lean in. The moment their lips touched, Jack tasted Yandere's lip gloss. Pineapple? That wasn't what he had expected. Mark hated pineapple. Yandere's hand slid up his bare chest to his shoulder and Jack shivered. Yandere was so much warmer than he felt. Yandere didn't let him break the kiss though. Instead, he seemed to be slowly leaning his weight against him. Driving Jack slowly back across the sofa! The fear of that startled Jack and he tried to push back... when his hand touched the book! Adjusting himself on the sofa to cover his startled reaction, Jack let Yandere push him down... while his hand tentatively curled around the book. Yandere was so lost in his kiss that when Jack managed to pull it free from Yandere's hand, he slipped it casually under his back.
Pushing Yandere away enough to pause the kiss, Jack asked a bit breathlessly. "Should you check on the pizza? Don't want it to burn. You put so much effort into it after all". Yandere giggled loudly, before climbing off him to dash for the kitchen. There! He had done it! Quickly pulling out the book, he snapped off the leather strap fastening and opened it up. Flipping through the pages, Jack tried to find anything that read 'Exit' or 'Escape'... but instead became transfixed on a blank page that was slowly writing itself out. It was describing how Yandere was checking on the pizza and even what he was doing! It just didn't seem possible! Even if it was... How could he possibly use this damn thing to escape? It was just writing out what was happening. It didn't tell him much more than that. Flipping back a few pages, Jack tried to see if Yandere might have thought of the way out during their pervious conversations. He had to move fast though. Yandere wouldn't check the pizza forever! That's when the book started to vibrate in his hand. From in the kitchen, Jack heard Yandere place a pan roughly on the stove with a loud 'clatter', before he said scarcely aloud. "Oh No. He knows".
Jack sat up on the sofa and let out a surprised yell. The Host just suddenly appeared on the sofa with him! Jack slammed the book shut, but it didn't make him go away. Instead, the Host crossed his arms over his chest and began to mutter to himself. "While Jack continued to stare at the Host in a state of perplexed fascination and fear. The Host turned his attention instead on Yandereplier. Yandereplier knew just 'WHY' the Host was here and yet still was trying to think of yet another way to lie to him. So, he just came out and said the very thing that she knew he was going to bring up". The Host turned on the sofa to his head in Jack's direction as he added louder. "I'm not going to ask why you gave me a fake book, Yandere. I already know. However, it should interest you to know that you let herself be seduced into letting Jack get ahold of it... and that is unacceptable". Yandere gasped and started to say something in bewilderment, but Jack's focus was on the Host.
The Host seemed to be saying the same thing, but in a much less surprised tone of voice. "Yandere gasps suddenly after patting himself down, realizing that the book the Host had described was not on his person. Giving credit to the Host's words. To which Yandere yells over at Jack in a state of confusion. 'Jack, where is the book. Don't let the Host have it'. To which the Host tells Jack...". Jack felt like his brain was fried. He could barely keep track of all this crazy talk. When the Host leaned in suddenly to yank the book from his hands, telling him loud and sternly. "The only way out is to finish the story. Now will you be more cooperative? Or shall I enter a few things to make this story more... interesting"? Yandere dashed over to the sofa screaming out loudly at the Host. "Don't you dare! He's mine! Now give me back the book"! The Host straightened back up in his seat, suddenly staring off into the distance as he fearlessly stated aloud. "While Yandere plans the Host's impossible death. The Host's attention is however drawn off back to the board meeting where the camera turns back to the Host who sits narrating the scene before it moves off to-". Jack stopped listening to glance back at a fuming Yandereplier. He just couldn't believe it... How was he suppose to get out of this mess? To Be Continued...
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