Chapter 1
-Humans...- (Y/N) thought as she walked up the avenue of the city. -Always so noisy. I almost forget how rambunctious they can get...
She preferred the apparent tranquil of her domains, so full of life but so enormous that all the hubbub of it becomes an almost mute background harmony, yet it's still there.
-Noisy and imaginative- looking up, the female stopped on her tracks as she came across one of the temples that these puny humans had erect on her honor. A big polished stone structure held up by many columns, and with a trident sculpted on the pediment.
She could only just hold her laugh as she caught a glimpse at her representation situated, on a little pool, inside of the temple. Cold, marble eyes stared right back at her, set above a frowning mouth covered by an abundant beard. Going down, the flat, pale, naked body rested upon a stone, coming out of the water, holding up in its hand a trident made of solid gold that shined under the orange light of the late afternoon. Don't get her wrong, the statue was beautifully made, the artist was great, really, but, for her, it was a little too...well, male.
Shaking her head, (Y/N) continued her journey navigating through the sea of people that were out for walks, socializing, hearing the philosophers debate, or buy some goods on the stands of the market. Swimming through the busy agora at that hour was no easy feat, people were not always at their politest and the vast amount of white clothes could make someone lost their path.
-"Make way, γυναίκα!" (woman)- yelled a big and sweaty aristocrat while shoving her, and sending a dirty look in her general direction, not really acknowledging her. –"Damn these wandering fools, standing on the path of the higher ups! We better not arrive late for the elections at the Forum"
-"They should learn about social propriety, right μέλι?" (honey)- The jeweled woman on his arm spat, looking down on (Y/N).
The water on the cups and basins of nearby merchants started to ripple as (Y/N) stumbled and to an upright position after being thrown out of balance by the rude humans. The thought of following him and drowning him when he went to drink crossed briefly her mind, but was put off by the remembrance of the meeting she had to attend. He was probably already waiting for her...Leave it to him to be there at the agreed upon hour, not a minute early, not a second late. Calming down, she continued her upwards path towards the shinning temple on the top of the hill.
Overlooking the city, the temple was beautiful, but smaller than her own to her secret delight. Sleek columns and clean lines, supporting a red roof with an owl on the pediment, that gave protection to the sculpture of a woman in battle armor and with a round shield by her feet. In the shadow of the great marble woman was waiting, serious faced, her meeting for the evening.
-"Oh, Wise One! Do not look at me with that guise, Great Athena, for I might cower upon your immense grace!"- (Y/N) doubled at the waist on a mock bow.
-"You should've been here in time, I wouldn't be upset at you. You are 6 minutes late, Poseidon"- said the figure, crossing their pale arms, the frown on their face deepening in an attempt to suppress the light smile threatening to show at her quirkiness.
-"C'mon!! Six minutes! That's nothing compared to the span of our lives! Don't be like that, Steve! I've been mauled over by unrespectful pedestrians, ignored and looked down by them too...not to mention that I'm out of the water! And all of this for you!! Why won't you give me a good-heartened greeting and gift me with one of your beautiful smiles, Virgin Warrior? It's the least you could give me..."- She dramatically complained, clinging to one of his big muscled arms, distracting her momentarily from her pained feet, not used to wearing any kind of foot-wear.
-These arms thou...- She thought, lightly squeezing.
-"So what was so important that you called upon this goddess to rise from the sea? Has some pitiful quarrel taken place between you and Hephaestus? Fighting for the love of Ares again? Should Hermes run with the notice for the gods to assemble again, ready for battle? Maybe Aeolus should still the winds for war? Or Angelos warn her brother of the incoming mass of dead mortals that are to swarm their realm when this is over? Should I rise the waters again to drown the souls of- mphmm!"- he put one of his big hands over her mouth stopping the rambling.
-"Would you just let me speak? By the Titans (Y/N)! Stop!"- He laughed at the frown on her face. Huffing she released his biceps and took a step back from his body.
-"Well when you only have sea-life to talk to, you become a little bored. They only have just about enough themes to engage in small talk, never anything too deep. And then, the nymphs are just the worst. Real gossipers. The only good thing is that I get to know what happens out of my oceans..."- (Y/N) pouted, admiring how the fading light of the day created lovely shadows on the very female representation of her friend in the center of his temple.
-"You know that you're always welcome at Olympus, you're always very welcomed at my house, (Y/N)"- his sapphire eyes softened, looking at the young goddess, his family love for her shinning through. Love reflected with the same intensity by her own eyes when they locked with his.
With an audible sigh, she said- "I know, Steve. But you know how I feel out of the waters...".
-"Like a fish out of the water?"- he joked lightly, making her smile, and both laugh a little.
-"Very funny, Pallas Athena. But, now, really, what happened? Another fight with Tony?"
-"No, he's good. Pestering Hera, as always..."
-Poor Pepper- She thought.
-"Is Hecate why I called you. We've been planning a party for his nameday. I thought that Circe and you could arrange a distraction for him while we prepare the feast and Persephone does the decorations."- He hummed with a low voice, knowing that you weren't exactly Stephen's biggest fan.
-"Really? You called me out of my home to play a fair monkey for that man-witch?"- (Y/N) held a little grudge towards Strange since he turned her pet dolphin on a grabby octopus that wanted no other thing than constantly cling to her face, shooting her clean white robes with his black ink. It was her favorite chiton, and the stain lasted for weeks!! How dare he!!- "You know what he did to me!"
-"(Y/N), please, Circe can't do it alone. And you know that if you are there, his attention will be on you only. We'll be free to do our part"- he pleaded- "it's only for a few hours, and it'll be worth it. Almost all of our schedules meet for the first time in a long time. We'll be able to be together for other thing that is not war. We all need it."
-"All of us will be there? Even Zeus?"
-"Yes, Thor too"
-"Bia? Asclepio? Dolos? Dike? Apoll-"
-"Apollo, Nike, Artemis, Hera, Hades, probably Macaria and Menoetes, Tique, Dionysus, Nyx, Aeolus,... and yes, Ares too"- he said with a knowing smile.
She shifted in the temple shadow to try –and fail- to hide her light blush from the blonde.
-"Okay... but just because I don't want to leave Wanda alone to distract Stephen. The Titans know what could await us if those two decide to have a go to see whose powers are the best..."- she conceded avoiding the god's amused eyes.
-"Of course. That's very kind of you Poseidon. The party will be due in a fortnight, come to Tony's at the Olympus. We will be there to start the plan."- he explained, giving her an hug and turning to leave.
-"M'kay. 'til then"
-"Until then, yes... Oh! And dress up nice, he's coming back from war!"
And with that he turned into an owl and disappeared on the already dark sky, leaving (Y/N) behind, trailing to the ocean in hopes for it to help cool down the warmth that surged in her cheeks and ears at his insinuation, and to slow down a little her racing heart at the prospect of getting to see the God of War's breathtaking azure orbs.
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