Jimmy and I made our way out of the house, locking up behind us. He wrapped an arm around me, kissing the side of my head softly. Today was the day. We were on our way to say goodbye to the guys, since it was move out day. Most of them had put in the group chat that they were packed up and ready to go, since we were meeting for brunch before their families drove them home. Except for Oli, of course.
I had spoken to Oli last night and I felt pretty bad for him, he would be staying in the dorms all by himself over summer. It must be really eerie living there when everyone else was gone. There was one other person who wasn't fully packed and that was Saint- the lovable idiot. According to Mia, he had left everything until this morning and was now paying the price. The whole gang had decided to lend him a hand- rather than going to brunch as planned- so we were on our way there now.
"Is that Jimmy and Andy?" A voice came from my left, making my head whip over.
Angel and Mary were climbing out of a pristine, white car. Jimmy and I headed over, helping them unload their bags. I had completely forgot they were getting home from their girls end of exams trip today. I suppose I had a lot of explaining to do, but I'm sure Connor would do the honours for me.
"How come you're here and not home?" Angel asked, giving me a side hug.
"I'll be here pretty much all of this summer... long story." I kept it vague, "Besides, I could ask you the same thing."
"We just got back from the airport- we're in dire need of a home cooked meal and Mum's working a late shift tonight." Angel explained, wheeling her suitcase towards the door, "Where are you off to?"
"Going to say goodbye to the gang before they leave this afternoon." I shrugged, making them both gasp.
"It didn't even cross my mind that they would leave over summer. Tell them thanks for the fun times, for us?" Mary pouted, "If you want to hang out later, we were gonna chill with a movie."
"Oh, yeah! You should both totally join. You have to tell us how camping was! Also, tell Felix he better keep in contact with me, or else." Angel joked.
"Yeah, I might take you up on that movie. Thanks." I nodded, Jimmy unlocking his car.
We both climbed in, him taking my hand and squeezing it. We had spoken last night about Angel and Mary. He had brought it up, asking if we were still as close as we were when we were seven; I had explained that we used to barely talk, but things had been improving lately.
"I think we should watch a movie with them tonight. It would do you some good to spend some time with them, before you move." Jimmy suggested, giving me an encouraging smile.
"Sure. Why not." I agreed, Jimmy setting off driving.
Although neither one of us mentioned it, both of our eyes were stuck to the house at the bottom of the hill as we drove past. The broken glass and plant pots had been cleaned up, but the paint was still there. You could tell somebody had spent hours furiously scrubbing at it to get it off, but it stuck to the bricks of the house like a second skin. It had faded, sure, but you could clearly still make out what it said.
I took Jimmy's hand, squeezing it gently to comfort him. He shook his head, looking away from the horrible house and focusing on the drive. His tight grip on my hand let me know he was more effected by it than he let on, but his face was void of emotion. He held onto my hand for the rest of the drive, even while he was changing gears.
"Where do I park?" Jimmy asked once we arrived at the Uni, seeing the hoards of cars here to pick up their children.
"I usually park around the corner a bit, it's quieter- there's a short cross across the campus green to their dorms." I pointed it out, giving him directions.
Once we were all parked up, I headed inside while still holding Jimmy's hand. The corridors were a lot busier than usual and I felt a little sadness trickle into my mood, but I pushed it back as best as I could. Jimmy could probably tell, since he wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a soft kiss to my temple, telling me he was here for me.
"Andy Pandy!"
I could recognise that voice (and that god awful nickname) anywhere. I spun around quickly, just in time for Felix to jump right onto me. We both went crashing to the floor and I groaned at the impact, still laughing at his antics at the same time. Felix wrapped his arms around me in a hug, clinging to me on the floor.
"I don't want to go!" Felix dramatically cried, "Don't take me away from my Andy Pandy!"
"Felix, is this Andy?" A woman's voice asked sweetly, approaching us.
I could immediately tell she was related to Felix, since her hair was the same shade of bright orange. She was also sporting the same pale skin, although their frames were very different. Felix must have got that part from his dad.
"Mum, meet Andy. Andy, meet Mum." Felix introduced us quickly, helping me off the floor, "Oh and this is Andy's... unlabelled more than a friend?"
"Kids these days." The woman laughed boisterously, with a warm welcoming smile, "I love it. It's lovely to meet you Andy and 'Andy's unlabelled more than a friend'. Felix has told me so much about you, Andy. It's so lovely to know he's made such amazing friends here. Congratulations on your scholarships by the way- your family must be very proud."
An awkward silence settled over us and Felix face palmed, groaning. I thanked her, a blush on my cheeks. She clearly sensed that she'd said something wrong and apologised profusely, making me feel bad. It wasn't her fault.
"He hadn't told Jimmy yet, Mum." Felix groaned, "Anyway, I'm gonna show my mum to my room and then I'll meet you at Saint's room."
With that, Felix was gone. This wasn't how I expected to have this conversation, but I guess now was better than ever. It's not like I had much choice anymore, anyway. I turned to look at Jimmy with an apologetic smile, but to my surprise he held the same look.
"Did Coach email you too?" He asked, making my eyebrows shoot up.
"You got a scholarship too?" I grinned, excited for him.
"Yeah. I've never heard of the University, but apparently it's a really good one. They scouted me at that match after camp. I only got in because they saw how much I improved in my mock exams. I was waiting to tell you, so I could take you to dinner to say thank you for helping me study; I wouldn't have gotten in on my football skill alone."
I jumped on him, giving him a big hug. That was a huge relief. I was really worried about what he was going to in September, when I was going to leave. Of course Daxx and Connor would have let him stay, but this was great news.
"Wait a minute, I got scouted at that match after camp too. What's the University called?" I asked, my heart thudding.
"Bretknoll University..."
My eyes widened in surprise. We had been scouted by the same University football scout.
"That's... Same... I got the same one!" I finally spat out, Jimmy's own eyes widening.
He cheered, picking me up and spinning me around with glee. He seemed really happy, so that was a good sign at least. I had to admit, I was secretly over the moon too. One of my main hesitations about putting a label on what I had with Jimmy was the fact I was moving away, but now we're going to the same place.
"Wait, Felix's mum said you got two. Are you definitely going to Bretknoll?" He suddenly stopped spinning me, holding my cheeks.
"The other scholarship was for this Uni. Oli convinced me that I didn't want to go here. So, yeah."
He lifted me up again in celebration, holding me close. I hugged him back, grinning. We whooped in delight, both ecstatic at this revelation. He stopped spinning me, smashing his lips against mine. I got practically taste how happy he was; he was pouring all of his emotions into our kiss. The kiss kept getting interrupted by each others smiles and we broke away, both still grinning.
"Andy, I don't want to be your 'unlabelled more than a friend'. I don't want that." He suddenly declared, making my smile drop.
"Oh. That's okay. We can just be friends- I'm here for you either way." I reassured him, my heart aching like hell.
"Don't be an idiot. I want you to be my boyfriend. I want to label it. You've been there for me over the last week- every time I wanted to... you were there. I've known I wanted you for years and the more I get to know you, the more I want you forever." He sighed with a smile, kissing my lips once again softly, "So, will you? Will you be my boyfriend, Andy?"
I nodded, grinning wide. He smashed his lips against mine once again, spinning me around in glee. I giggled, holding onto him for dear life; I didn't exactly trust him not to drop me. I wiped away a few emotional tears, making his eyes soften. He kissed them away, wrapping me in one more tight hug.
Out of nowhere, a round of clapping started. I scrunched my eyebrows, confused, as I spun around to see what it was. All of my friends were peeking out of Saint's dorm room, having just watched everything that went down. I sent them a playful glare, wagging my finger. They were so nosey.
"Oliver's really looking forward to third wheeling all summer." Saint teased, nudging his waist.
"Saint, you owe me twenty." Mike whispered, making my jaw drop.
"You bet on who I would end up dating?" I shook my head incredulously.
"Not exactly. We bet on whether Jimmy would ask you or if you'd ask Jimmy. Everyone knew you'd end up together. It was a dead cert." Saint explained, fishing in his wallet, "I thought you'd end up asking, if I'm honest. Mike backed Jimmy."
"I'm glad everything worked itself out, though. For a second I thought we were going to witness an argument, not a celebration." Mia sighed in relief, high-fiving Felix, "Team Jimmy won. Everyone needs to come collect your friendship bracelets now! I made them last night, while Saint cried over how he hadn't packed his room up yet."
I offered her my wrist and she tied a dainty handmade bracelet, making my eyes water again. This was so sweet. I thanked her profusely and she gave me a big hug, whispering that she was really happy for me and that she'd miss me over summer, all jokes aside. Every bracelet had a small metal pendant, with all of our initials on them. I noticed that there was a 'J'.
"You made one for Jimmy?" I cooed, giving her another hug.
"Of course. He's one of us now. I don't play drinking games with just any old guy." Mia grinned, tying a bracelet around Jimmy's wrist.
He thanked Mia and despite trying not to show it too much, I could tell that Mia's small gesture had made him really emotional. I knew he craved to fit in and be loved just as much as I used to, so being accepted into a group was everything for him. Saint and and Oli started arguing over who got the yellow friendship bracelet, ending in them play fighting for it.
"God your friends are strange." Jimmy mumbled into my ear, kissing my neck softly.
"They are. That's why we all work so well together." I grinned, looking at each one of my friends individually, "Kicking and screaming?"
"Kicking and screaming!" They all cheered in unison, making the warmth I felt inside me grow.
It spread to every inch of my body, filling every crevice with this warm feeling that was becoming more and more familiar to me, the more time I spent with Jimmy and my friends. Jimmy's arms were wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on top of my head while we watched our friends tying to pack up Saint's room, around the wrestling match happening in the middle of it. They were laughing and joking, making me grin.
Even though they were leaving, I felt really optimistic about the future. I knew we would all be life long friends because the bond I felt with them was unlike anything else I had ever had. I knew they would come visit me (and Jimmy) at University and in the long run, it didn't matter whether we were together or apart.
A bond like this couldn't be broken by distance or time.
The End.
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