I pulled myself out of bed, detangling myself from a sleepy Jimmy's arms, and slipped out of the room. I felt absolutely shattered and I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into the warm bed- nap for a few more hours on Jimmy's chest. However, this was one shift at work that I couldn't miss.
I took a quick shower, pulling on my work uniform, and jogged downstairs. Connor and Daxx were already up, sipping tea at the kitchen counter. They offered me some, but I was pretty keen to get going, so I refused. I climbed into my car, heading off on the route that I had taken pretty much every Sunday for the last two years.
I felt strangely emotional, on my way to my last shift. I was pretty happy I had decided to get a part time job all that time ago. I mean, if I had never worked there, then I would never have met Felix. That thought scared me, but I decided to take it as a positive thing that it had happened, instead of dwelling on the 'what if'. I pulled into the car park, spotting Felix unlocking the store front doors.
I headed over, giving him a massive hug. Usually the place was pretty quiet on a Sunday, so we didn't really have to worry about customers. That meant we got a lot of downtime to spend together today, which I was grateful for. Felix attempted to lift me off the floor, realising pretty quickly that it was an impossible feat when I was bigger than him.
"You must have grown." He grumbled, pushing open the store door and collecting his keys.
"Only emotionally, Felix." I mockingly sobbed, pretending to wipe a tear.
"Oh, don't. This is actually a really sad day." Felix pouted, flipping on the lights and going about his duties while we spoke.
"The feeling's mutual. Why can't you just stay with me? I'm sure Daxx would let me adopt you." I joked, patting his head.
"My mum misses me, so I have to go back I'm afraid. Speaking of adopting, how's Jimmy?"
"He's better. It's only been a few days since all of that went down, but he's been handling it pretty well so far. Better than I would in that situation, anyway. We've just spent a lot of time talking, getting to know each other-"
"Making out?" Felix interrupted with a cheeky smile.
"That too." I blushed.
"So much for 'just friends', that lasted a month max." Felix laughed, "I'm pretty sure if you didn't have exams over that month, you would have gotten together before then. What happened?"
"Honestly, I just can't keep my hands off of him." I groaned, "I don't think it's a bad thing anymore, though. He's out of the closet and trying really hard to move on. We just have a lot in common- I love talking to him and he's really hot, which doesn't hurt."
"Mia will be over the moon." Felix chuckled, "I'm really happy for you, though. You guys seem really good together. I was rooting for him from the beginning."
"Good to know." I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips, "We're not officially together yet, but we're acting like a couple. With everything going on, neither of us are in a rush to put a label on it and it's kind of nice. We're just enjoying whatever we are right now. What about you and Mike? I bet you'll miss him."
"That's good." Felix nodded, "Mike actually said he'd like me to come meet his parents over summer..."
"What! That's a big deal!" I gasped, really happy Felix had met somebody like Mike.
"I know- it's getting pretty serious. We haven't been dating for that long, but it just feels right." Felix gushed, coming over for a quick hug.
As we were gushing over Felix's big news, my phone pinged with a notification. I reached into my bag, checking it just in case it was Jimmy. What I saw made my jaw drop open. I silently handed the phone to Felix, who's eyes went wide reading it.
"You were offered two scholarships?" Felix gasped, frantically reading the email from Coach.
"It's not one hundred percent yet, but basically."
"He literally said it's pretty much a done deal." Felix shook his head, "Stop undermining your own achievements! This is great. All that effort you went through- putting yourself through hell- was worth it... Wait, you applied to Uni here?"
"Yeah, I was meaning to tell you. It's just an insurance application." I bit my lip, feeling nervous, "I was just reluctant to move away."
"Because of me?" Felix frowned, his eyes soft.
"Sort of. I just thought that what we have is really special and I would be lonely all over again if I left. Don't worry, though. I spoke to Oli about it and he got through to me- he told me I shouldn't think like that."
"Andy Pandy, you're so sweet. I love what we have and I know we're going to be best friends for the rest of our lives, no matter where you go. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
Tears brimmed in both our eyes at that, the sentiment behind the joke quite touching. He wrapped me in a hug, both of us squeezing the life out of each other. I was really going to miss this idiot. I told him as much and he laughed, pushing my shoulder jokingly.
"You had to ruin the moment." He rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips.
"It's what I do best." I shrugged, wiping a stray tear.
"So I presume you're going to take the other scholarship? Where is it?" Felix asked, putting some burgers on the grill.
"It's actually at the University I was really interested in. It's right on the beach, in the city. Their maths department is great and it's high ranking, too- it has a good reputation. Honestly, I'm really surprised I got in on a scholarship."
"That's amazing!" Felix cheered, grabbing two drinks from the cooler, "Let's cheers to that."
"Cheers with cola?" I laughed, shaking my head.
I went along with it anyway, clinking our glass bottles dramatically and taking a sip.
"Aren't you going to let Jimmy know? Text him!" Felix prompted, excited for me.
"I'm not sure..." I frowned, "I don't want to upset him by reminding him that I'm leaving at the end of the summer. He doesn't really know what he's doing, so telling him might freak him out. I'll leave it a bit, but I'll tell him when he feels a bit better."
"That's a tough situation. It's sweet of you to put him first, but if you need somebody I'm here for you. It's okay if you get overwhelmed."
"Thanks, Felix." I smiled softly, giving him a side hug.
"Anyway, are you going to prom? I guess not?" Felix asked.
"Definitely not. I think it would end up the same as 'Carrie' did." I shuddered, thinking about how they wrecked his house, "We're going to graduation, though. I was asked to give a speech- top of my year and everything."
"We all knew you would be." Felix chuckled, "You're the only person I know who likes maths. Even Mike isn't that nerdy."
"You're so dramatic, it's honestly not that bad."
The door chimed- interrupting our conversation- and we both looked up, ready to serve whatever customer had come in looking for fried food at 9am on a Sunday. My heart stopped when I realised it was one of the goons from the football team. I took a step back, afraid of what he might do. Felix noticed and rushed to my side, putting a hand on my back to comfort me. He set his glare on the goon, who was busy scowling right at me. They hated me before, but since I had 'converted' one of their own, they downright despised me.
"You can fuck right back outside. We're not serving you, so get out. This is my last shift, so go ahead and report me. It doesn't matter. Fuck you and your friends- I hope you all have deeply unsatisfying and troublingly unhappy lives." Felix spat, shocking me.
I had never seen him be so directly aggressive. The goon was obviously surprised at the ferocity coming out of this skinny ginger kids mouth too, since he simply walked back outside. He was cursing us under our breath, but he didn't have the balls to do anything more direct than that. I breathed out in relief, thanking Felix for sticking up for me and handling it so quickly.
"What a throwback to the day we met." Felix laughed, brushing off the previous situation, "I swear he was one of the assholes that came in that day too."
"I can't believe I opened up to a stranger so fast." I scrunched up my nose, "Talk about desperate."
"Well I'm glad you were, it made us close instantly." Felix beamed.
I started chopping some onions, getting ready to sweat them on the grill, while Felix handled the meat. We had made a sort of routine over our shifts together in the last few months. It was strange to know that this would be the last time we were going about sharing our duties.
"So what are we doing when I visit, then?" Felix grinned, "Let's not dwell on the goodbye. Let's look forward to the 'hello' when we see each other again."
"Well, it looks like I'm spending my whole summer with Oli and Jimmy, so I'll be over the moon when you come. The testosterone between them is through the roof."
"Hey, I have testosterone too." Felix pouted, making me laugh.
"Barely. Anyway, you know what I mean. It's some kind of macho macho, caveman competition. I don't know why they butt heads so much, it's not like Oli even likes me anymore."
"He sees you as a little brother. Nobody's good enough for his little bro." Felix cooed, ruffling my hair teasingly.
"Bit dodgy, all things considering. You should have seen him at the club. While you were busy necking on with Mike, he was trying to get Saint to leave the entire night. I'm glad we chatted at camp- everything's a lot less awkward now."
"As long as you promise not to replace me over summer. His ranking has to stay number three, otherwise Saint will be disappointed and I can't handle Saint when he's upset. It's unnatural for that happy kid to mope."
"I can't imagine Saint upset. When he got angry at those idiots in the diner, it was so strange. Seeing you get angry is weird, but Saint's just not built to be hostile."
The door chimed and a customer walked in, so I walked up to the counter with a customer service smile slapped on my face. Luckily, their order was to go so we quickly whipped it up and waved the customer goodbye. On with our conversation.
"We definitely shouldn't go camping when you visit. That sucked." I joked, making Felix cringe.
"It was really fun, up until it wasn't. Mike and I had to take such a long hot shower and-"
"I don't want to know!" I shuddered, cutting his sentence off.
"You're just jealous." Felix teased, "Just because Jimmy didn't shower with you at camp."
"I did not want that with Jimmy." I blushed, swatting him.
"If you lose it this summer, you have to tell me straight away. Like, straight after. Or before. Or during. Just tell me- I can give you advice if you need it." Felix gushed, taking my hands.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I doubt that'll happen." I blushed further, my cheeks burning red.
"Judging by Jimmy's reaction to you at camp, you best believe it buster."
"Ew, don't call me buster. Also, stop talking about that, before I regret telling you."
"Don't front with me, Andy. You're secretly hoping it'll happen."
"Felix, we're at work!" I gasped, covering my face to hide the red.
"You're not denying it." He sang, wiggling his eyebrows, "Like I said. If you ever need advice, you can come to me."
"Will do."
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