I wasn't woken up by the pleasant feel of the sun on my face, but instead by screaming coming from downstairs. I bolted upright, wondering what the hell it was. It didn't sound like somebody was in trouble, but I couldn't wrap my head around who could be arguing downstairs. I had certainly never heard Connor and Daxx argue. Plus, Mary and Angel still weren't back yet, so it couldn't be them either.
I felt the body underneath me stir and my lips made an 'o' shape as I realised who it could be. I climbed out of bed, trying not to wake up Jimmy; he could probably do with the sleep. I scrambled to pull on a shirt and gym shorts, not wanting to barge in on a serious conversation half naked. I quietly closed the door behind me, jogging down the stairs.
I was met with the sight of a red-faced couple and a police officer in my hallway- Daxx and Connor were trying their best to reason and calm them down. The man was having none of it, screaming in Daxx's face that he was 'breaking the law' by keeping Jimmy here and that he was 'sick and twisted'. I grit my teeth, feeling defensive towards my family. I knew Daxx was an adult and could deal with this professionally, but I still felt like curb stomping the guy.
"Bring our son down right now. We know he's here. Several of his friends let us know that he would run off here. It's sick the kind of ideas you've planted in his head: normalised. You should have your therapy license revoked." The guy spat, ignoring the police officer trying to get him to take a step back.
"It's sick the kind of ideas you've planted in his head: demonised. You should have your parenting rights revoked." Daxx hissed, making my eyebrows shoot up, "Remember, I'm the one who actually listens to how he feels- not you. I know about everything you've done- everything you've said. So, I would back the fuck up."
I had never seen him act like that. It was actually quite threatening. Jimmy's dad went an even deeper shade of red- which I couldn't believe could even happen without him passing out- and took another step forwards. I gasped, thinking he was about to swing for Daxx, but his attention was diverted to me, instead.
"You. I've heard a fucking lot about you this morning." He screamed, marching in my direction, "All of his friends told me about you. Preying on him when he was seven? You're sick. This is all your fault. I'll fucking kill you."
His snarls sent shivers down my spine, making my lip quiver slightly. I hid how I felt- scared to show fear. I was frozen where I was as he rushed towards me, shoving me up against the staircase by the scruff of my collar. I tried to scramble away, but he pushed me further into the glass stairs. He was so close that I couldn't make out if the drumming in my ears was my heartbeat, or his. It only took a split second for the police officer to be right behind him, trying to pull him off of me.
"Get the fuck off of him." Jimmy's voice snapped from the top of the staircase.
All of our eyes flitted up, seeing the absolute rage on his face. His face was stoney and it scared me slightly, seeing how much anger he had towards his father right now. The police officer used this opportunity to drag Jimmy's dad off of me- Jimmy helping me up and checking my neck. He took my hand, squeezing it to let me know it was okay. I wonder how he's so calm? Surely it should be me squeezing his hand? I did it back, just for good measure.
"Let go of his fucking hand!" His dad screamed, "I didn't want to believe your friends, but I can see they're right. You're a queer."
"They're not my friends!" Jimmy shouted back, exasperated, "You think my friends would wreck your house like that? Put the damn windows through? I want nothing to do with them."
"So you admit it?" His mum suddenly chimed in, all of us turning to her now.
"Admit what? That I'm gay? Or that I'm a faggot?" Jimmy spat, making me flinch.
My heart was aching for him right now; this conversation was heart breaking. I was so glad he had Daxx, Connor and I here for him right now. I couldn't imagine what his father would have done if they were alone.
"It's the same thing." His dad scoffed, shaking his head.
"Then I guess I'm a faggot." Jimmy shrugged, "By the way, don't you dare blame any of the lovely people in this household. They've been more help to me in the last twenty-four hours than my own father and mother have been in the last eighteen fucking years of my sorry life! It was me who kissed Andy when we were seven- not the other way round. I'm gay. Always have been, always will be. Nothing you say or do will change that, so I suggest you just leave. Stop embarrassing yourself."
I wrapped an arm around Jimmy, letting him lean on me for support. He was shaking pretty visibly and I didn't want him collapsing. Tears were threatening to spill, but I knew he refused to let that man make him cry. He welcomed it, letting me help support him and squeezing my hand softly.
"I hope you feel ashamed of yourself. Look, you've made your mother cry!" His dad bellowed, gesturing to Jimmy's mum who was sobbing in the corner.
"Don't act like you don't hold the top score for making her cry, you prick. We all know those bruises weren't accidents." Jimmy spat, "I hope she finalises that divorce soon and takes your whole fucking livelihood."
"You little shit!" His dad roared, rushing forward again to try and make a swipe at us.
The police officer held him back, forcing him out of the door for our own safety. I pulled Jimmy into a hug, holding him tight to me as he began to sob. I couldn't handle his weight, so we crumpled to the floor, but I didn't let go of him once. I held him as tight as I could, trying to let him know I was still here for him. He wrapped around me- crying into the top of my head.
Connor escorted Jimmy's mum out of our hallway and through the front door, following not long behind her husband. Daxx nodded at me, letting me know he understood we needed a moment alone, and headed off into the kitchen. We stayed in that position until Jimmy's tears dried and he felt ready to get up off the floor.
We made our way into the kitchen, taking a seat together at the counter. Daxx was busy on the phone, making calls to various people about what just happened. Connor was presumably still outside- talking to the police officer probably. I gave Jimmy another hug, whispering that it would be okay in his ear. He gave me a weak smile in response, still a bit shaky.
"Thank you, for being there and everything. I'm sorry he hurt you." Jimmy frowned, touching my neck.
"It's fine, honestly. He hurt my shirt more than he hurt me." I attempted a joke, making Jimmy smile, "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm really proud of you for standing up for yourself, though. You were really brave- I was shitting myself."
"Me too." Jimmy chuckled, "I thought he was going to play football with my head at one point."
Connor made his way into the kitchen, shuffling along in his slippers. He immediately came up to us, wrapping us in a big bear hug. I choked, his thick dressing gown fur getting in my mouth. I pulled away, picking the fluff from my tongue with a grimace. Connor refused to let go of Jimmy, however- just holding onto him tighter.
"Honey, you can stay as long as you need." Connor cooed, "That man was despicable. Is your mother alright?"
"She lives at her friends place- she'll be fine." Jimmy shrugged, "Thank you for being so kind, but I don't want to push it."
"Hush, it's all sorted with work. You're good to stay here." Daxx informed him, setting down his mobile.
"Well, I don't know about you, but homophobia this early in the morning makes me hungry. Who's for breakfast?" Connor joked, making a smile crack onto Jimmy's face.
We all agreed food would be great right now and Connor set to work in the kitchen, whipping something up. Daxx's mobile chimed and his face lit up in surprise, looking at whatever he had received. He showed Connor, who rolled his eyes.
"The neighbourhood committee just posted pictures of the house on the community page. They're all so nosy, I swear to god." Connor quipped.
"I'll go collect your car after breakfast, Andy. I don't trust it anywhere near that guy." Daxx informed me, so I thanked him.
Connor brought over a plate piled high with toast and a pot of tea, letting us help ourselves. I noticed that Jimmy had worked up quite the appetite and I was glad he was still eating. I was worried he'd crumble and go back to hiding, but he was making a real effort to keep moving. I was really proud of him, but I also think he needs time to heal and grieve after what just happened.
Once breakfast was finished, we headed upstairs and crawled back into bed. The curtains were still drawn and the bed was exactly how we left it. We climbed back in, getting back into our position from this morning. It was almost as if it had never happened; we had just pressed reset to an hour ago. Except, there was no going back.
Jimmy's father's words had already done their damage.
"Do you honestly think it'll be okay?" Jimmy whispered, looking deep into my eyes.
"I pinky promise. I'm here for you, remember." I stuck out my little finger, allowing him to wrap his around it and kiss them.
"It's just hard to see them both hate me so openly. Don't get me wrong, he hated me before, but it was always discreet."
"Nobody said it wouldn't be hard and you don't have to act like it doesn't phase you. It's okay to be upset."
He nodded silently and buried his face in my hair, clearly reflecting on what just happened. I let him have his time, just holding him to let him know that I'm here for him. Not long had passed when he suddenly pulled his face out of my hair, resting his hand on my cheek to tilt my face towards him.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, making my heart pound as I nodded.
The kiss reminded me of the one from yesterday. It wasn't rough like that one, but the emotions were still there. It felt raw and exposed. It felt like he was vulnerable- sharing all of the feelings running through him right now through the kiss. The actual kiss itself was soft, his lips careful and delicate.
He pulled away before it got too deep, kissing my forehead softly. He then trailed kisses down my face, ending at my neck. I thought he was going to leave a love bite, like before, but he continued to place soft kisses instead. I was confused, but enjoying the feeling.
"I'm so sorry he did that, Andy." Jimmy's voice suddenly cracked, his eyes filling up with tears again.
My heart melted and I wrapped him in a hug again, holding him close and reassuring him that it didn't hurt and it wasn't his fault. He let me hold him- crying into my chest again. I was so glad he wasn't alone right now. I know that if I was in his situation, I wouldn't have been able to go through that without somebody to turn to. It made me feel a little nervous thinking about how he could have been alone if it hadn't rained; I would probably still be at the campsite right now and Jimmy would be facing his parents alone.
I guess everything happens for a reason.
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