I finished my last exam, triumphantly throwing my pen down on the paper. My hand was cramping from writing for the last three hours, but it was done and that's all that matters. I looked around the room, noticing that people were still writing. I still had a while until the exam finished, but I was satisfied with my essays.
I spotted Jimmy across the room, hastily scribbling down answers. I wonder how he's doing. We had been doing a lot of revision together in the last month- the run up to our exams and exam season had been taking its toll. Explaining things to people helps me memorise things and Jimmy needed all the help he could get, so it was a perfect combo really. We hadn't spoken a lot, but I could tell he was processing things still.
He hadn't been showing up at my balcony at night, but I had been spending a lot of time at Mums while revising, only really seeing him in the library. I could tell he was nervous about walking around school, but the goons never visited the library. I had been nothing but focused, despite what Jimmy was going through.
I just couldn't believe school would be over the second I leave this exam room.
I was buzzing with excitement, knowing that the whole squad would be waiting for me. They had finished their exams yesterday, but had waited so that they could celebrate with me. I had all my camping gear packed into the back of my car, ready to shoot off straight away.
Jimmy had been treated very differently by people. He wasn't pushed around as much, since he was a bigger guy than me, but people were avoiding him at all costs. Every time he walked down a corridor, a chorus of whispers followed him. I had received a lot more attention too. People think we're romantically involved, since we were at breakfast together when everyone found out.
However, we were pretty lucky that this had all happened over exam period. People are generally too busy- or not even in school- to worry about who's gay and who's dating who. I spent all my days holed up in the library or in an exam, so there wasn't a lot of study body contact. It was still obviously really hard on Jimmy, though.
Despite it going pretty smoothly for the most part, I did constantly have a nagging thought at the back of my head that this period wouldn't last much longer: the calm before the storm. As soon as exams were over, Jimmy would be the prime target of a group of beef heads with too much summer holiday down time.
Jimmy was already a bit of a mess. He often just started crying, needing a hug.
He had been going to a lot more therapy sessions with Daxx, who I think was beginning to suspect something more had gone on between Jimmy and I than I had let on. I was hesitant about leaving him here while I went camping, but he said he really didn't want to come. Maybe he needed some space. We hadn't spoken about what he had seen out on the balcony that night, but that was partly due to me avoiding it. I had given him some lame excuses to avoid talking about it, which had worked so far, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be satisfactory for much longer.
I noticed the examiner standing up painfully slowly and I bounced my leg, excited to run out of here and never look back. He announced that the exam was finished and began to collect in our papers. Once dismissed, I literally ran through the gym doors, leaving the exam hall. I bounded down the corridors- pep in my step. I broke into a run, my chest feeling light as my eyes zeroed in on the main exit. I threw up my hands, feeling free finally. I threw up my middle finger at a goon and dashed out the main doors.
I stopped and stood at the top of the school steps. I took a second to breath, to take it in. I had actually done it. I had survived high school. There were so many times that I thought I wasn't going to make it, but here I was, about to walk down these stairs for the last time. I looked up and saw my group of friends all sat around my car. Sleeping bags and backpacks filled to the brim were all piled up around my car, everyone other than Oli holding a beer. I had only ever seen Oli drink during the drinking game.
I smiled. Not only had I made it through school, but I had made an amazing group of friends finally. I wasn't alone anymore. I had people to turn to. People to hang out with. I hadn't felt this happy in a very long time. Such a long time, in fact, that I couldn't recall ever feeling this happy.
I skipped down the steps, jumping into Felix's arms. We jumped up and down together, celebrating me surviving that hell hole. We all started chanting 'kicking and screaming' together as they finished loading up the car, making me grin. Oli gave me a side hug, congratulating me. I threw him the keys and he unlocked the car, everyone else piling into the back.
It wasn't long before were on the road, the roof down as we drove. Felix was sat on the floor of the car, since we didn't have nearly enough room for everyone. The original plan was for him to sit on Mike's lap, but we soon realised that was too obvious in broad daylight.
I had my playlist hooked up, all of us belting out the lyrics to the songs. The wind was whipping through my hair and my chest had never felt so light. The sun was glorious, the music was good and the friends were amazing.
"This trip is going to be incredible." I decided, a smile on my lips as everyone whooped.
"Let's just hope these idiots know how to put a tent up." Mia joked.
"Somebody's going to have to swap with me soon; my ass is numb!" Felix yelled from his squished position on the floor.
I barked a laugh, pulling my seat forward as far as it could go to give him some more space. I watched the bushes move by, admiring the views. Luckily, the drive wasn't too far, so Felix didn't have to suffer for much longer. It was only another half an hour drive before we were pulling up to the lakeside camp.
The view was breathtaking- the blue water glistened in the sunlight. With luscious green trees bordering the entire perimeter, the lake looked like a portal to paradise. Oli rolled to a stop, pulling up the handbrake, and everyone flung the doors open. Felix practically squeaked with joy, being able to stretch his legs finally.
"Bagsy not sitting on the floor on the way back." Felix groaned, walking like a baby deer, "I have pins and needles from hell."
"You're the smallest, though!" Saint laughed.
"No I'm not! Mia's here!" Felix whined, pouting at Mike, "Back me here, babe."
Mike simply shrugged, sending him an apologetic smile. Felix was short, stick thin and compared to all the tall or sporty guys here, he was by far the smallest. Even Mia's curvy frame towered over him- she was a good few inches taller than him.
"Suck on it, shorty!" Mia chuckled, swinging a backpack over her shoulder.
We all followed suit, unloading the back of the car and setting everything onto the lakeside grass. Looking at the tent, I cringed at the idea of how long it would take for them to set it up. These (lovable) morons following instructions was going to end in tears and a night sleeping on the grass- I guarantee you.
"While Mike builds the tent and Saint and Oli get in the way, we're gonna explore the area a bit." Mia announced.
"Way to split the group into tops and bottoms, Mia." Saint rolled his eyes, "Also, I can build a tent. I'm not incompetent."
As he said that, he stumbled slightly over a small duffle bag, almost falling on his ass. A blush spread across his cheeks, matching my own. Saint really had no filter. I expected this short stay to include a lot of teasing directed towards Oli and I.
"Careful, Saint. I swing both ways and I won't hesitate to steal your girl." I joked, making him playfully glare.
We left them to their antics, setting off on a walk along the lake side. The sun was shining down on us, making my skin feel warm. We had certainly chosen a good time to go camping- the weather looked glorious out.
"We're not actually walking around right? This heat is sweltering." Felix groaned, shrugging off his jacket.
"Obviously. I just wanted time to talk to you guys." Mia smiled, taking a seat on the grass under the shade of a tree.
Felix flopped down on the floor next to her, patting the ground for me to join. I sat down, sitting cross legged, looking out at the lake still. It was really captivating- the way the water was glistening was beautiful. Without realising, I had zoned out staring out across the water. I felt like jumping in head first.
"Are we going swimming sometime?" I asked, looking at Felix and Mia who had been chattering away.
"Swimming in a lake freaks me out after that one John Green book." Felix shivered.
"John Green? Do you mean 'All The Bright Places'?" Mia barked a laugh, "That was written by Jennifer Niven."
"Oh excuse me for not knowing my YA authors." Felix rolled his eyes.
"Felix, you study English Lit... We'll go swimming, Andy. If Mike goes, Felix will; he's his skinnier, shorter shadow." Mia teased, making me laugh.
Felix huffed, his cheeks tinging red. We settled into comfortable silence, just admiring the view. At least, I was admiring the lake. I'm pretty sure they were admiring the shirtless men across the lake. They were fumbling around with very long poles, trying to thread them through the fabric part of the tent. It looked rather lopsided and its structure was certainly questionable.
"Are we really going to sleep in those things?" Mia frowned, "I love them, but that looks shit."
"Mike and I's tent looks good." Felix beamed, gesturing to the only tent that actually looked like a tent.
"If I were you, I'd ask him to move it a few feet to the left- any closer and it'll feel like a foursome." Mia joked, making me blush on behalf of Felix, "Oliver mentioned you guys had been receiving a few noise complaints in the dorms."
Felix said nothing, but slipped out his phone, shooting off a text. That made me howl with laughter, my sides aching. Were they really going to get it on with such thin tent walls? Good thing I brought earphones.
"Are you okay with sharing with Oliver, Andy? If not, I can swap with him." Felix offered, truly genuine in his willingness.
"That's nice of you, but Oli and I are fine. I doubt it'll be even a little bit awkward." I shrugged, looking over at him tripping over guide ropes.
"Famous last words," Felix shrugged, "and I don't mean the MCR song."
"Very funny." I rolled my eyes, a smile playing on my lips at his corny joke.
"I checked out local pizza places before we came. I guarantee you they'll somehow make all of the food utterly inedible." Mia rolled her eyes.
"We could help, you know." I pointed out, making both her and Felix laugh.
"And miss out on this premium, free entertainment? I think not. Plus, we've flipped enough burgers at our part-time job. This is the first time I've ever seen Oliver lift a finger." Felix grinned.
"They do look like they're having fun with it." I smiled slightly, seeing Mike get frustrated with Oli and Saint goofing around.
"I'm glad Saint practically forced this camping trip on us- it'll be a lot of fun." Felix cooed, hugging us to either side of him, "I've always wanted a squad!"
"Me too." Mia smiled, ruffling my hair.
"Me three." I smiled softly.
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