Jimmy followed behind me as I headed to the kitchen. My stomach was still flipping, nervous about what people would think. I know Felix wouldn't believe we had agreed to just be friends. I also felt bad for leaving Oli alone for so long.
As I entered the kitchen, I didn't spot my friends. The whole room was covered in cans and bottles of alcohol, people crowding around every surface. I'm pretty sure every college student in the city was in my house right now.
"Andy?" A voice yelled from the dining table, making me breath a sign of relief.
I walked over there, seeing the whole group sitting and playing some kind of drinking game. They all raised their eyebrows, seeing me walk over while holding hands with Jimmy. Obviously not all of them knew who he was, so there was a mixed bag of reactions. Mia, Mike and Saint all looked amused, figuring I had been hooking up with a guy this whole time. Felix looked shocked and Oli looked hurt. I avoided looking at him.
"And here Oliver was worrying about you." Saint barked a laugh, teasing me, "Little did he know, you were upstairs with a guyyy."
"Hi, I'm Jimmy." Jimmy introduced himself to the group, giving a little wave.
"We're just friends, Saint." I warned.
"Okay, but he needs to know that I'm keeping my space as best friend number two. Guess he has to be number six." Saint shrugged, patting a seat for me to sit down at.
I laughed, sitting down with them. Jimmy took a seat next to me, shooting me a curious look.
"Everyone's ranked as my friend in the order that I met them." I explained, "Obviously Felix is number one, then it's Saint since we chatted at the bar. It would be Mike next, but we didn't speak- he was too busy sucking Felix's face. Then I met Oli, finally spoke to Mike and then Mia."
"I knew you before all of these people, though." Jimmy pointed out, a smile playing on his lips, "Shouldn't I be your number one?"
"You're lucky you even rank." Felix shook his head, poking Jimmy, "Watch yourself. I may be rooting for you, but not right now. You have to prove yourself as good enough for my Andy Pandy."
"Sorry, he's drunk." Mike apologised to Jimmy, holding Felix upright.
"I thought you were trying to get over him." Oli deadpanned, his emotions guarded, "This doesn't look like getting over him."
I blushed, my heart banging. Did he really just announce that to the group? I felt rather embarrassed and awkward, not really sure what to say. The whole group went quiet, looking between Jimmy, Oli and I. Well, this sucked. I had both Jimmy and Oli glaring at each other and I gulped.
"Oli, can I talk to you a second?" I asked, standing up and leading him away, "What the fuck was that?"
"I should be asking you that! I thought you said that Jimmy was a dick and treated you like shit? You can't let yourself be messed around by him." Oli huffed, his face slightly red with anger.
"We've decided to just be friends- he needs a friend. Coming out is hard." I defended Jimmy, also getting a little mad, "I told you I wasn't interested in you and that I needed time. You need to respect that, Oli!"
Oli sighed, running his hand over his face. I stayed stood with my arms crossed- I wasn't going to let this slide. That was just downright rude, to expose our personal conversations in front of the whole damn group.
"I'm sorry, Andy. I shouldn't have done that in front of everyone. I mean what I said though."
"It's fine, I know you're just worried about me. Just talk to me in private about it next time."
"Sure. Sorry."
I nodded and we went back to the table. They had all clearly been listening, but they played it off as if they hadn't. We returned to our seats and they all pretended to look shocked we were back, greeting us with cheers.
"Wanna play a drinking game?" Mia proposed, breaking the semi-awkward atmosphere.
"Never have I ever?" Saint proposed, everyone nodding, "I'll go first. Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar. You have to drink if you've done it."
To my surprise, both Jimmy and Oli picked up a shot- downing it. I sent them both a confused look, urging them to tell the story. Jimmy shook his head, pressing a single finger to his lips. Oli, on the other hand, barked a laugh.
"My whole band got kicked out of a bar, due to breaking the rules while on stage. They said no crowdsurfing. I didn't listen." Oli explained briefly, "Never have I ever given somebody a black eye."
Jimmy drank again. I bit my lip; he had done a lot.
"Never have I ever snuck out." Mia shrugged.
"Jimmy's going to have to get his stomach pumped by the end of this." Felix laughed, sliding another shot to Jimmy, "Never have I ever made out with a guy at football camp and slept in the same bed afterwards."
I blushed deeply, sending a sharp glare to Felix. Both Jimmy and I took a shot, avoiding looking into each others eyes. The whole group gasped, giggling. We had so many questions thrown at us, asking what the hell happened. I shrugged. How do you explain that further? It's pretty self explanatory.
"Never have I ever been arrested." Mike offered, making Mia and Jimmy grab a drink.
"Mia, what the hell did you do?" I gasped, giggling.
"I tried to buy alcohol when I was sixteen. The guy was super anal about having the police reprimand me. I wasn't taken to the station or anything, but they drove me home and told my parents." She pouted, taking her shot.
"Guys, I'm going to have to tap out if this continues." Jimmy hiccuped, swaying slightly in his chair, "There's a reason I never play this game."
"Andy Pandy's turn!" Felix sang, ignoring Jimmy's plea.
"Uh, never have I ever had sex." I shrugged, blushing slightly.
I noticed the whole table drank, except for Jimmy and I. That shocked me. I thought he would have had sex with a girl, for sure. It hadn't even occurred to me that he wouldn't drink when I said that.
"Never have I ever cheated." Jimmy shrugged, all of us watching as Oli took a drink.
That made a sly smile slip onto Jimmy's face, making me elbow him. They needed to stop with their macho man competition. It did shock me, though, that Oli had cheated on somebody. He was avoiding everyone's eyes as he downed the shot.
"Never have I kissed a guy!" Saint grinned, as the game reset to the beginning.
We all groaned, literally everyone at the table taking a shot- other than Saint of course. He was giggling diabolically, proud of himself for that one.
"Wait, now I feel left out!" Saint pouted, "I'm the only one?"
"Pucker up." I teased, sending him an air kiss.
"Mia, can I?" He asked, eyes wide, pleadingly.
"I was joking, Saint!" I spluttered a laugh, shaking my head, "What's wrong with you?"
"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Mia announced.
"Andy's into girls, but he hasn't kissed one. That's my wingman job, next." Felix grinned, sending me a wink.
"You're into girls?" Jimmy frowned, looking at me with wide eyes.
"One day I'll steal a football player's girlfriend. Imagine how confused they'd be." My drunken mind decided that was hilarious, causing me to giggle.
I noticed Mike, Oli, Saint and Jimmy took a shot. Felix, Mia and I high-fived over the table, Felix rambling about girl cooties. I laughed at that, rolling my eyes at Felix's childish fun. We decided to end the game there, all of us buzzing from the numerous shots. Plus, the vodka bottle was empty now. Weirdly, Jimmy seemed the most sober out of all of us, despite taking the most shots.
"I have a high alcohol tolerance." Jimmy shrugged when I pointed it out.
"You must have drank for England at that party, then. Andy said you were so so drunk in that bathroom." Felix giggled drunkenly, making my eyes widen.
"You tell Felix everything about me, huh?" Jimmy grinned, his eyes staring into mine.
"You're confusing." I blurted out, covering my mouth afterwards. Stupid drunk brain.
"Figure me out, then." Jimmy whispered back huskily, making me blush.
I felt my mouth go dry and my brain reminded me how good it felt to be underneath him, making out on the bed- his hips moving into mine. My brain was right; it was very very good. I bit my lip, pushing those memories down- despite already feeling flustered. Just friends. Just friends. Just friends.
Glancing around, I noticed the party had grown sparse. It was almost sunrise, so most people had left the party and headed home, much to my relief. With my head spinning, I felt like just climbing into bed. With Jimmy. Not with Jimmy. Just friends. With Jimmy. God damn it, brain.
"I'll kick the rest of the people out." Jimmy offered, "I'm an expert at this point."
"I knew I vaguely recognised your house!" Felix gasped, "I went to your party a few months back, the night before I met Andy Pandy!"
I rolled my eyes, smiling. Had it really taken Felix this long to realise?
"Oh, Mia and I have been to a few of those parties too, man. You're like a legend at our Uni." Saint nodded, a goofy grin on his face, "You haven't had one in forever, though."
"I haven't felt like it." Jimmy shrugged simply, his eyes meeting mine softly.
"He's too busy doing other things at night." Felix teased, referring to our late night conversations.
"Don't expose me." Jimmy chuckled, walking away to send people on their way.
The music was cut and the whole house felt suddenly silent. I could hear Jimmy laughing and joking with people, telling them the party was over and he hoped they had fun. He was strangely a really good people person.
"So you guys... Friends?" Felix whispered to me, sliding into Jimmy's empty seat.
"Friends." I nodded, the hot and bothered feeling in my stomach reminding me that I'm lying, "I'm being a friend to him while he comes out- supporting him."
"Nice of you, but be careful Andy Pandy. You're my bestie, I hate seeing you hurt."
We hugged, Felix refusing to let me go. Mike had to drag him off, saying he was going to take him to sleep in Daxx and Connor's room. As they walked away, everyone whooped and teased them, making Mike blush. I knew Mike wouldn't do anything like that, not when Felix is that drunk.
"Feel free to sleep in any of the guest rooms." I told the others, sliding out of my chair to go find Jimmy.
I found him closing the front door, locking it for me. He saw me approaching and sent me a small smile, telling me that everyone was gone. I stood awkwardly, moving from foot to foot. Did he still want to stay the night? He had said he did earlier, but his house was really close by if he didn't.
"Is it still okay if I stay?" He voiced my concerns, making me nod with a smile.
We headed up the stairs together, entering my room.
"It feels strange actually using the door, rather than the balcony." He joked lightly.
"Less of a workout." I shrugged, closing the door behind us.
We both went quiet once the door closed, looking at each other. The tension in the air was undeniably sexual and I cursed my own body for being so attracted to him. He just really looked good right now. Too good. God what I would do to-...
"Is it okay if I sleep in my boxers?" He asked, moving to take off his shirt- interrupting my thoughts.
"Sure." I squeaked, blushing red.
He didn't break eye contact as he unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off. His muscles flexed as he moved and my eyes ran over them, transfixed by the way he moved. His hands moved to the buttons of his jeans and my mouth went dry.
I pulled off my shirt, getting ready for bed too. His eyes swept over me hungrily and I bit my lip, liking the way his eyes ate me up. He pulled off his jeans and I did the same. I felt incredibly exposed in just my boxers, which left me wishing that I had worn a less tight pair today. I made the first move, scrambling into the bed. I felt too self conscious to stay stood there.
I stayed at the other end of the bed from him, trying to get comfortable. He wasn't having any of that, though. He pulled me into his chest, into the same position we were in earlier. His arms wrapped around me, trapping me to his chest and I snuggled into it, getting comfortable. He smelt so good, despite the hint of alcohol to him.
"You were arrested?" I asked, the game earlier playing on my mind. He had drank so many times.
"Yeah. Only once, because of a party. Underage drinking at the time- it was a few years back." He explained, which made sense to me, "Same reason for why I got kicked out of a bar."
"And you've never had sex?" I drunkenly blurted, making Jimmy chuckle.
"I thought I told you that, when we were making out at camp and I got a bit... excited." He mumbled, blushing a bit.
"No, you said I was the only guy you'd done anything with. I thought you'd slept with a girl."
"I've never done anything more than make out with a girl. I couldn't bring myself to do it." Jimmy blushed harder, "I could never get it up."
I giggled hard at that, burying my face into his chest. He groaned, embarrassed about it. In all fairness, he was gay so it made sense he couldn't get it up for a girl. It was still pretty funny, though- they must think he's got problems down there. I, for one, knew he definitely didn't have issues getting it up.
"I'm sorry, what?" Jimmy creased with laughter, making me realise I had just told him the last part in my drunken state.
"I'm sorry!" I squeaked, turning even more red.
"It's fine... It's true." Jimmy teased, squeezing me to him tighter.
I yelped at what I felt, scrambling away. Jimmy laughed harder, a cheeky grin on his face. He pulled me back to him by my hand and I got comfortable again, ignoring what I felt. It was natural, I guess. That didn't make my blush go away, however.
"Goodnight, Andy." Jimmy whispered, his breath fanning over my ear and cheek, making me sigh.
"Night, Jimmy." I mumbled into his chest, feeling my eyes droop closed.
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