By the time we returned to our little camping spot, the boys had pretty much finished putting up all the tents for us. The sun had began to set, so it was a relief they had managed to sort it out already. I shuddered at the thought of having to spend all night without shelter. Even though it was summer, it was quite nippy at night still.
Felix and I ended up cooking dinner, since I felt bad they had done all the work with the tents while we chilled. It was relatively easy and everyone complimented the food, happily munching away in front of the camp fire. Once food was finished, out came the alcohol. Oli and I refused, staying sat on the log while the others fetched the alcohol. I could feel his gaze on the side of my face and I blushed slightly, keeping my eyes trained on the campfire.
"Are you cold?" Oli asked softly, noticing the way my arms were wrapped around myself- knees pulled up into my chest.
"Kind of, but my hoodies in the tent and I'm too lazy to go get it." I joked sheepishly, still too nervous to make eye contact with him.
A clump of black fabric landed in my lap all of a sudden. Oli's hoodie. I looked at him, surprised. He simply sent me a smile, shaking his head at my expression with a smile playing on his lips in a mischievous way.
"Don't think too much into it, it's just a hoodie." He laughed, "I got your signal loud and clear, don't worry. That ship has sailed."
"Won't you get cold?" I asked, playing with the fabric.
"It's summer. I personally think it's boiling hot out, but I could see you shivering."
"Well, thanks." I smiled, pulling it on over my head.
It was really thick and smelt faintly of smoke- probably from the campfire. I settled back into my foldable camp chair and thanked him again, settling into a comfortable silence. We could hear the gangs voices approaching, returning from their trip to the car.
"Oliver! Andy! My dear friends! I believe it is time for a swim!" Saint's cheery and tipsy voice finally reached us.
"Let's skinny dip!" Felix whooped, pulling off his shirt eagerly.
Mike stopped him before he pulled down his boxers, thankfully.
"Is it really safe for them to be swimming when they've had a drink?" I frowned, watching Mia leap onto Saint's back.
"We're sober, so we'll just have to keep an eye on them, I guess." Oli shrugged, pulling his own top off.
My cheeks turned red and my eyes swerved to the left so quickly I think I strained something. I looked past him, trying to compose myself. Was I going to have to strip down too? I didn't want to have to explain all the scars and marks all over my body. I bit my lip and I felt my heart beat quicken, thudding hard against my ribcage.
My oncoming panic attack was interrupted when Felix flopped into my lap dramatically, making the flimsy camp chair rock backwards. We clattered to the floor, Felix on top of me giggling. I groaned, trying to push him off me.
"Just wear a shirt. It's dark out anyway, you'll be fine. I'll wear one with you." Felix whispered in my ear, before rolling off of me.
I sent him an appreciative smile and he pulled his shirt back on, feigning that it was too cold not to. By the time I pulled myself off the floor, Saint and Mia were already crashing into the water. Oli followed swiftly, gracefully diving in.
I had barely pulled off my shorts before Felix took my hand, pulling me into the water with him. We jumped in together, holding hands. I gasped the second water hit me, fully submerged. It was absolutely freezing. My whole body went into shock, my heart banging. I kicked my feet wildly, surfacing and gasping for air.
"It's fucking freezing!" I cried out, shaking water droplets from my hair.
Everyone laughed at my expression, Felix splashing more water in my face. I glared at him playfully, splashing back. He squeaked and hid behind Mike, who crouched down so that Felix could climb onto his shoulders.
"Let's play chicken!" Mia gasped, swimming over to where Saint was.
She climbed up onto his shoulders, Saint shakily making his way over to where Mike was stood. Mia grabbed hold of Felix shoulders, trying to push him backwards. Felix stuck his tongue out, laughing away, and grabbed her shoulders, both of them grappling for an advantage.
"Guess we're the fifth and sixth wheel in this situation?" Oli joked, swimming closer.
"Oliver, Andy! Come join us!" Mia invited, watching Felix flail around in the water after she managed to push him off Mike's shoulders, "You can have round two!"
"I'm good, thanks." I cringed, not wanting to challenge Mia after Felix's strikingly quick demise.
Oli and I stood cheering while they went for round two. I found my body adjusting to the freezing cold temperatures and despite my toes being completely numb, I found myself enjoying the silly chicken battle. After a few rounds, Mia was declared champion and she decided she wanted to switch it up.
"Felix, you get on my shoulders. Saint, get on Mike's. I wanna prove I can take you on." Mia teased, making Saint's brow quip.
"I helped you win and now you do this? Traitor." He shook his head dramatically, pushing her legs off his shoulders.
She flopped into the water with an 'eek' on the way down and we all giggled, watching her emerge shivering with a glare directed towards Saint. He mouthed 'oh it's on' and with a little struggle, managed to get up on Mike's shoulders.
"Now this should be good." Oli chuckled, nudging my arm with his elbow.
"It's quite comical, the height difference between them." I laughed too, noticing that even while on Felix's shoulders, their combined height was incredibly disproportionate to Mike and Saint's combined heights.
"Who do you think will win?" Oli asked curiously, shaking his head at Saint as he wobbled unsteadily.
"Well I've got to back my boy Felix, according to the hierarchy you guys created." I joked, making Felix and Mia whoop confidently.
"Guess I'm backing Saint and Mike then." Oli shrugged, earning an even louder whoop from the boys, "Three... Two... One... Do your worst!"
Saint lunged first, which was a big mistake since Mia simply leaned to the side, making him miss completely. Mike stumbled and they both fell face-forward into the icy cold water. Felix and Mia let out screams of delight and I joined them, high-fiving them both.
"You chose wrong." I teased Oli, smirking slightly.
"You defuses couldn't even last five seconds?" Oli hit Saint over the head softly as he emerged.
"I'm convinced Mike toppled us on purpose- to help Felix. I want a rematch." Saint pouted.
"Don't slander my name like that." Mike shook his head, "Screw your team."
"I'll help you." Oli chuckled, letting Saint climb up on his shoulders.
Mike joined my side, cheering on Felix and Mia. This time Saint wasn't so rash to attack- instead, he waited for Mia to attack first. I think this was a spanner to her plan because she didn't attack either. We just stood there watching, both of them waiting to attack the other person. I could see Felix getting impatient and I bit my lip, laughing as he suddenly took a step forward.
Mia lost her balance and leaned forward, grabbing onto Saint to catch herself. As a result, they both went crashing down at the same time. Mike and I burst out laughing and Felix went red, apologising profusely to Mia. She shook her head at him, laughing along. Saint tackled her into the water in a hug and Oli swam over to us.
"Personally, I'm fucking freezing now. Time to get out yet?" Oli asked pleadingly, being met with agreement from the whole group.
We all clambered out of the water, the cold air really nipping at us now that we were no longer submerged. Felix darted into his and Mike's shared tent- probably to get out the wet clothes he was in asap. I felt bad he had worn his t.shirt into the lake because of me, but I was also very grateful I wasn't the only one doing it.
"You can use the tent first, if you like. I'll wait." Oli offered, making me blush slightly. He was such a gentleman.
"Oh thanks!" I grinned, not hesitating to dash into the tent.
It was kind of hard to change in the low-ceiling tent, especially since it was dark and hard to see anything. I pulled on some jogging bottoms with a baggy shirt and a hoodie, with some fluffy socks. I slipped my shoes back on, leaving the tent. Oli nodded at me, taking his turn in the tent. I thanked him once again, heading to the fire.
"Can you believe we've only got another week or so of seeing each other every day?" Felix pouted, seeming quite down.
"You promise to visit Oli and I." I wagged a finger at him, trying to mask my sadness.
"Oh please, Oliver just wants you all to himself this summer. Summer of loveee." Felix teased, pulling me down into the camp chair next to him.
"Are we talking about our dear Andy's love life?" Mia chirped, dropping into a chair, "It's my favourite topic."
That much was true. Since we had met at the game, Mia was always texting me for updates. She and Felix were self-proclaimed 'Team Jimmy'- especially since the party. They were both impressed that he's stuck by his word thus far, and that he hasn't gone back into the closet in order to be safe. Coming out is harder than people who haven't done it can ever imagine- especially when you know you'll lose everyone you love, so he's done really well.
"We absolutely are. I can't believe we're giving Oliver an opportunity like this- sharing a tent with Andy. We all know what happened when Andy was left alone with Jimmy; he just can't keep the boys off him." Felix teased, making me blush.
"Speaking of Jimmy, do you think he's told his parents yet? Or just people at school?" Mia sounded so eager, making me laugh slightly. She was so invested in my relationship with Jimmy.
"If he has, he hasn't mentioned it. I've been trying to give him some space, while still being there for him. We've mostly just been revising for exams up until now, so I guess I'll see how he is now they're over." I shrugged, "Nothing's going to happen between us though."
"You want it to, though." Mia teased, poking me with a grin.
"Keep telling yourself that, Andy." Felix scoffed, "How many times have you cuddled? How many times have you made out?"
"Alright, no need to rub it in my face." Oli joked, appearing out of nowhere. Obviously, I blushed. I seemed to do that a hell of a lot recently.
"Game of hide and seek, anyone?" Saint appeared out of nowhere, out of breath and holding maps.
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