A week or so had passed by since the incident with Jimmy.
I had spent a lot of the last week just listening to records in my room or studying. I don't think I had ever crammed that much knowledge into my head in such a short amount of time. With exams right around the corner, however, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
I often spotted Jimmy around the halls, hanging out with the goons. He avoided eye contact and so did I. The goons had pretty much left me alone too, except for a sticky can of cola being poured inside my school bag while I wasn't looking. It ruined some revision notes, but at least my face was intact.
Felix was cashing in my previous offer to wingman him, taking me to a club tonight. I was sort of reluctant to go, but I couldn't be a bad friend to Felix when he had done so much for me. I had spent a portion of the evening googling 'how to wingman'. Wikihow told me I had to keep their friend busy, so Felix could have some alone time with the guy. It didn't seem like rocket science, but considering I have minimal social experience, it would be quite the task.
Since it was the weekend and I was at Daxx's right now, I had both Angel and Mary here with me. It was lucky they didn't care for their studies, since I was pretty stuck for an outfit. They were currently rummaging through my closet, huffing about how all I owned were Daxx's old band tees.
"Remind me to buy you a decent shirt for Christmas." Mary grumbled, disregarding stacks of clothes.
"Give me a second- I have an idea." Angel clapped her hands together, darting out of my room.
I sat on the bed patiently, waiting for her return. When she did, she had one of Daxx's work shirts in her hand. I furrowed my eyebrow, looking at the large, white button down. It would be too big on me- Daxx was a big guy. A big twenty eight year old guy. Plus, I had white shirts of my own. I pointed this out and both of the girls rolled their eyes at me, pulling me off the bed.
Angel forced the baggy white button down onto me, buttoning it up. She left the top few buttons undone and rolled up the arm sleeves. She tucked one part of the shirt into the front of my skinny jeans and nodded with a smile. I looked in the mirror and I had to admit, it was quite a cool outfit.
The baggy shirt looked almost asymmetrical, since only half of the shirt was tucked in. The fact it was oversized wasn't bad since it wasn't drowning me in fabric like I had expected. Instead, it was hanging off me in the right places, emphasising my slim physique and sharp collar bones.
I sat back on the bed and cuffed the bottoms of my skinny jeans a bit, pulling on some white socks and platform Dr Martens. I put on a belt and nodded at my reflection. I thanked the girls and headed down to my car, sliding in. I sent a quick text to Felix to let him know I was on my way to pick him up, pulling out of the driveway.
It was quite late, but it was a Saturday night so the roads were still a little busy. I parked on campus, letting him know I was here. Felix had visited me the day after the Jimmy event, so he knew what happened. He had comforted me, although by then I had pulled myself together. I didn't tell him about the cliff part, for obvious reasons.
Speak of the devil, I could see him strutting his way towards the car, looking beyond excited. He flung the door open and gasped at my outfit, gesturing to me dramatically. He was pretending to stumble over his own words, fanning himself.
"Angel picked it." I shrugged, blushing a bit at his antics.
"Going into a gay club dressed like that..." Felix whistled, climbing into the car, "Let's just say you'll be asking 'Jimmy who?' by the end of the night."
That made me laugh a little, although my chest thudded slightly. I ignored the urge to wince, starting up the engine. I had offered to drive, since I wouldn't be drinking. Usually Felix's upbeat mood was contagious, but tonight I really wasn't feeling up to a night of dancing. I think he could tell, because he turned the music up and flipped through the songs until it settled on one of my favourites.
"Come on. Sing along!" Felix grinned, belting out the lyrics.
The roof was down and the cold air whipped through my hair as my favourite song played, sat next to my favourite person. I couldn't help the tiny grin that slipped onto my face. I cautiously hummed along to the song, making Felix grin and belt it out louder, slapping the dash along to the lyrics and head banging.
I burst out laughing at that. I shook my head and belted out the lyrics with him, making him cheer in delight. I found myself genuinely having fun; I wish we could just do this all night. The song changed to a less upbeat one and Felix slammed the next button, screaming 'fuck that'. I grinned, he was actually insane.
Other drivers were looking at us oddly, but I didn't care. I turned the music up louder, banging my head at a stoplight. I was screaming the lyrics, seat dancing while the car was stopped. Felix's eyes widened and he pointed towards the car next to us. I looked over, seeing the one person I really didn't want to see.
Jimmy Wellot was staring at me from his own car, eyes wide. The girl in the passenger seat was glaring at me and I laughed, blowing her a kiss. I continued to scream the lyrics, flipping them off as we pulled away from the stop light. Fuck them- tonight was about friendship and fun. I ignored the pang in my chest, once again.
"Are you okay?" Felix yelled over the music, scanning my face.
"More than!" I yelled back, sending him a stretched smile.
Why would I care if Jimmy Wellot wanted to pretend he was straight, lead girls on and ignore my existence? It wasn't my business and that's how I wanted it to be. Felix didn't look convinced. It didn't matter, since we were at the club now anyway.
At least I wouldn't bump into Jimmy Wellot in a gay club- that much is for sure.
Felix climbed out, slamming the car shut. We walked towards the club entrance, skipping the long queue. I felt quite cool, despite the people cussing us out for just being able to walk in. It's only because Felix knows the drummer from the band playing tonight.
We headed inside and the band weren't on stage yet, a dj spinning decks for now instead. I followed Felix to the bar and he immediately ordered two shots. I looked around, surprised the club was so busy. I didn't know there were this many gay people in our town.
"I'm not drinking!" I reminded Felix, shouting over the noise.
"Oh hun, these are both for me." Felix laughed, downing both shots in a row, "I need the courage."
I barked a laugh at that. I was looking around again when I spotted Felix's love interest. I gasped, patting his shoulder and subtly pointing him out. Felix immediately went bright red, gushing over how good he looked. It made me smile.
"Do you want to go talk to Mike?" I asked, presuming he would since that was the whole reason we were here.
"I'm not drunk enough yet, let's go dance. Maybe he'll see my sensual moves from across the dance floor and fall in love with me." Felix laughed, dragging me into the direction of the dance floor.
I shook my head at him, swaying to the beat. I felt awkward dancing. Everyone else seemed really good at it, flowing with the music. Last time I had been tipsy, so I had the confidence to just let go.
"Just pretend we're in the car again. Nobody cares!" Felix yelled, throwing his hands up and just shaking his booty.
I nodded, slowly gaining confidence in myself to just let loose. We were dancing properly, soon enough. I was jumping up and down to the music- sweaty- Felix was doing some bum wiggling, dramatically doing cat eye moves and disco arms. I couldn't stop laughing at his cheesy dance moves.
The band came out on stage and we headed to the front of the crowd, Felix waving at the drummer and mouthing 'hi'. I noticed Mike had also made his way to the stage with his friend, only a few people down from where we were stood.
The band kicked off and I lost focus on the plan, looking up at them. They were really good. I found myself nodding along, grinning. The lyrics were really sweet- a lot of them about a relationship. I didn't know them, so I couldn't sing along, but I could appreciate them.
"Oliver's looking at you!" Felix yelled in my ear, so I could hear, "Oliver's my drummer friend!"
I looked over and saw he was right. Oliver was looking right at me. I blushed, looking anywhere other than at the attractive drummer. I must admit, I still had Jimmy on my mind. I probably shouldn't get involved with this guy or have a rebound fling. Unfortunately for all of us, what I probably shouldn't do tends to be the thing that I do.
I noticed some of the people who had been stood near us had gone to the bar, so I put on my wingman hat and pulled Felix over to Mike and his friend. At first we just continued watching the band, trying to seem casual. I noticed the friend had a cocktail.
"What cocktail is that? Is it good?" I yelled over the music, eyeing the blue and green drink.
"It's a blue lagoon! It's my favourite." The guy yelled back, sending me a smile, "Do you come here often?"
"Actually, it's my first time at a club. We came to see the band- my friend Felix knows the drummer, Oliver."
"Oh, that's such a coincidence! Mike and I are here because we know Oliver!" The guy laughed, "My name's Saint."
"That's a cool name! I'm Andy." I smiled back, Felix waving meekly.
Who would have thought that I would ever be the one socialising while Felix hangs behind me. If you told me that a few months back, I would have laughed in your face. I really wanted to help Felix out right now, though- after everything he's done for me it's the least I can do.
"Do you go to the uni here?" Mike asked, making Felix blush a deep red colour.
"Yeah. I take English Lit." Felix stuttered over his words, which made him difficult to hear over the music.
"Do you wanna go to the bar quickly? I'm terrible with names and I wanna try that cocktail." I lied through my teeth- I knew the cocktail name.
"Sure." Saint followed me to the bar, leaving Mike and Felix together.
He ordered me a drink at the bar and I paid, collecting my drink. Well, I wasn't going to drink tonight because I was driving, but sacrifices had to be made. I hope Felix makes the most of his opportunity that I had so cleverly orchestrated.
Saint leant against the bar, watching the band play from back here. I leant next to him, watching Felix and Mike talk. Felix still looked pretty shy, but at least they were talking and not just watching the band together silently.
"I've never been to a gay club. I might start coming if the drinks are this good, though." Saint joked, swishing the remains of his cocktail.
"I'm not much of a drinking fan, but I've realised it's really fun to dance around." I chirped.
"Mike and Felix seem to be getting along." Saint pointed out.
"Is Mike gay?" I asked outright, so that Felix's feelings didn't get hurt.
"Yeah. I'm not though, hence the never been to a gay club thing. What about you and Felix?"
"Felix is gayer than gay and I swing anyway I feel like." I joked, taking a sip of my drink.
My eyes widened. This was so much better than the terrible beer at the party. It was even better than Felix's sex on the beach cocktail; This guy had good taste in liquor. Despite knowing things were different in uni, I was surprised that Saint was cool with being here as a straight guy. It was quite cool of him.
"What do you think of the band?" He asked, gesturing to the jumping guys on stage.
"I quite like them. I'm more of a metal fan, but I can do indie too."
"Me too." Saint grinned, "What bands do you like?"
I listed off some bands and Saint listed some he liked. We had quite a few in common. I found out he was also studying medicine, like Mike, and knew Oliver through living on the same dorm floor. I couldn't stop smiling to myself as we chatted- I felt as if I had just made another friend.
"Are Felix and Mike making out right now?"
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