The doorbell rang and I jogged down the stairs at Daxx's, swinging the door open to see a buzzing Felix. He immediately started gushing about how he missed me and how excited he was for tonight. I had been feeling pretty nervous about it all week, overplaying horrible scenarios that could happen tonight. Right now, though, Felix's enthusiastic behaviour was too contagious to feel down.
"Are you gonna drink? Completely don't have to. If you do want to, though, I'll stay sober- keep you safe." Felix offered, following behind me.
I had never had the typical party-culture teenage experience. I hadn't been clubbing, or even to a party. I had never understood people pumping their body with toxins; people say they don't even taste good, so what's the point? I wanted to try it, though. It might help me relax and have fun. Plus, I don't want to not experience something just because I'm scared of it.
"If I drink, you have to drink with me." I bargained, grinning at Felix.
"Are you sure?" Felix asked seriously, searching my face for ay sign of hesitation.
I nodded at him with certainty and he grinned, cheering. Felix's aura just screamed confidence and he made himself comfortable in any situation. For instance, right now- he's never been here before, but an outsider would think it's his second home. He dropped his bag on the floor, going over to the stereo and plugging in his phone. He started blaring music, dancing around while he looked through my wardrobe.
Some people might find it intrusive, but Felix was exactly what I needed. He was so in your face that it forced me to open up, match his energy and put myself out of my comfort zone. So far it had been the most positive experience of my life.
"What are you wearing?" Felix asked, scanning my clothes.
"I was waiting for you to get here because I have no clue." I admitted, looking at the pile of clothes.
"Well, you're in luck because I brought a spare shirt. You can wear it!" He grinned, bounding over to his bag.
"It'll be too tight." I frowned, looking over Felix's smaller frame.
"Exactly." He grinned cheekily at me, throwing it over to me.
I was dubious, but I went to the bathroom anyway, pulling on some skinny jeans and the top. It was tight around my arms and chest. I felt uncomfortable, but I had to admit it looked pretty good on me. I buttoned it all the way up and ruffled my hair until it looked decent. I stepped out, feeling nervous, but Felix wolf whistled immediately.
"Will won't know what hit him." Felix teased, making me twirl, "Finally we get to see him without the baggy hoodie!"
I blushed and swatted him away, feeling a burst of confidence from the compliements. Felix whipped off his own t.shirt and replaced it with a button down. He stepped to look at himself in the mirror and then looked at me. He smiled and stepped closer, his hands going to my neck to undo the top few buttons of the shirt I was wearing. When he was done, he stepped back and nodded with a grin.
I looked in the mirror and I have to admit, I looked different. I didn't look hunched over and closed off, like usual- instead I looked confident. I put a belt on and slipped on some vans, nodding at myself in the mirror. I look good, which is quite hard for me to say after years of hating my appearance.
"Ready to go?" Felix asked.
"Yeah, let me just go grab Angel and Mary." I nodded, heading down the corridor.
I knocked on their door before entering, the whole room cluttered with clothes, makeup and smelling sweet like perfume. Mary and Angel were taking photos together in the mirror and when they noticed me, their jaw dropped.
"Is that my twin?" Angel gasped, looking me up and down.
"You look so good!" Mary gasped, rushing up to me, "Looking to impress tonight?"
"Stop it. We're ready to go, if you are?" I blushed.
"My own brother coming to a party! Who would have ever thought this day would come. I've asked you to come so many times and you've always said no. I can't wait to meet this new friend!" Angel raved, skipping past me down to my room.
From down the corridor I could hear Felix and Angel talking in high pitched voices, gushing about how good I looked. Mary chuckled and followed after them, teetering in her heels. I smiled to myself slightly. This was nice. I felt like I was finally in with Angel and Mary, spending time together.
We all piled into Daxx's car and he revved the engine, pulling off down the road. Connor had forced us to take pictures together before we left and he wouldn't stop tearing up at how old we had gotten. I was lucky to have so many caring parental figures in my life.
"So you're the infamous friend, Felix?" Daxx asked, looking at Felix in the mirror.
"The one and only. I promise to keep him safe and make sure he has fun, sir." Felix stated warmly, making Daxx's lips twitch into a smile.
"I have to admit it's odd seeing you go off to a party with the girls, Andy. Are you sure you wanna get a cab home? I don't mind picking you up." Daxx worried.
"If Connor were here right now, he'd tell you to calm down Mama Daxx." Mary teased.
Everyone laughed and Daxx admitted she was right and told us to stay safe. We pulled up to the party and it was already in full swing, music blaring and teens scattered across the lawn. Daxx waved us goodbye and told us to call him if we changed our mind, driving off into the night.
"Is it okay that we're here? Since we don't know the guy?" I asked nervously, looking at the unfamiliar house.
"Will wants you here." Felix teased, making Mary and Angels eyes widen, "The girls can be my plus ones. Now let's go drink!"
"Who's Will?" Angel demanded to know, making me blush.
Right on queue, Will stepped out of the house. Time seemed to slow like some dramatic movie scene as he jogged across the lawn. His hair bounced with his jog and the moonlight made his muscles glisten from beneath his top. I think I went into a trance for a second because everyone was looking at me.
"Hi, Will." I squeaked out, trying to ignore the burning red in my cheeks.
"Hi, Andy." He smiled back, his eyes glistening.
The girls were looking between us in shock. Felix looked like he was about to explode with how excited he was. I shook my head at them and smiled back up at Will. He looked insanely good tonight.
"You look amazing." He complimented me, "Do you wanna go get a drink?"
I nodded and as a group, we headed towards the front door. With every step we took, the music grew louder and louder. My heart beat sped up until it was pounding in time with the fast-paced music coming through the speakers. I felt a weird mix of nervousness and excitement building up in me, especially when Will reached out and took my hand. He smiled cheekily at me and pulled me through the crowds of dancing people into the kitchen.
"I make a mean cocktail! Who wants a 'Sex on the Beach'?" Felix announced, being met with a cheer.
"I'm glad you agreed to come." Will said into my ear, trying to be heard over the music without yelling.
"Me too." I blushed, looking up at him.
"You looked cute in my jumper, running across the green." He joked, standing really close.
"It's really comfortable, do you want it back?" I asked, praying he'd say no.
"You keep it. I like seeing you in it." He flirted.
He was stood so close I could feel his warm breath fanning over my face once again and I really wanted to just lean up and kiss him. At the same time, I didn't want to make the first move. To distract myself from the sex God I grabbed the drink from Felix and took a sip. I smiled pleasantly, it tasted sweet; not at all like what I thought alcohol would taste like. I guess there must not be a lot of alcohol in it. I finished my drink pretty quickly and Felix warned me to slow down. I poked him teasingly.
"Do you wanna dance?" Will asked, to which I nodded.
He took my hand once again and I followed behind him as he led me to the front room. The alcohol must have gone straight to my head, because I was feeling giggly and loose. Normally I would cringe at the thought of dancing in public, but I just let go and danced with Will, his arms wrapped around my waist.
We were dancing awfully close and I let my hands wander to play with his hair. It was soft. We made eye contact and my breath hitched in my throat again, making him smile. He was seriously attractive. He lowered his head, his lips hovering over mine. We were so close to kissing and I realised he was asking for permission before he kissed me.
I didn't pull away. His lips came down on mine and I melted, wrapping my arms around his neck as our lips moved in unison. I was on my tippy toes, clinging to him as we made out. He pulled me closer by my hips and bit my lip, making me moan softly. I pulled away and blushed red as he smiled goofily at me, his hair a mess from my fingers playing with it. Wow. What a kiss.
That's when out the corner of my eye, I spotted something. Jimmy Wellot was here.
Since the first tutoring session, we had been meeting for an hour everyday after school and it was seriously getting on my nerves. He had stopped asking questions since I called him out on it, but he was infuriatingly dumb. He just didn't understand anything, so I had to explain it a million times. He enjoyed getting on my nerves.
His face looked like a storm and whatever girl he was was with couldn't get his attention off of me. My stomach dropped. Was he going to beat me up for being openly homosexual? I stepped away from Will, my eyes watching Jimmy in case he decided to approach me. Will was trying to get my attention, but I left him, pushing my way through the crowd to the kitchen. I was looking for Felix.
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