chapter 3
It was all over the news the next morning.
People had reported late last night, around 2 to be precise, of gun shot sounds coming from a small house on the eastern part of or small Texas town.
When the police finally arrived at the scene 10 minutes later, the found the door to the house wide open.
And bodies.
Dead bodies.
There where two people found dead.
A middle aged man, who was face down on the kitchen floor, and a woman, who was brutally killed.
On the kitchen counter was a cardboard box, with a note stuck to the top.
The note was copied and in the news paper along with a brief sum up of events.
The note read...
" Please give this box to the police and local authorities.
It has all the information you've been looking for.
The woman's name was Laura, her maiden name was Laura Bentford. She saved my life.
Please give her a proper burial, she deserves one.
The man, well he can go to hell for all I care.
I had to do what had to be done, and honestly I didn't have any other choice.
You'll understand when you open the box"
In the box, was all of your town's criminal activists and members, along with there whereabouts and gang spots.
The most wanted criminals where among those listed.
And the police, after a quick inspection, came with the solid conclusion that the dead man in the kitchen was non other then the serial killer known as Zarkon.
A murder and a drug dealer, who had been avoiding the police for nearly 10 years.
The police found photos in the cardboard box of all the victims of Zarkon.
But what was most disturbing to me was whn they showed up at our house.
Mama Rosa was talking to the officers outside for a long time. When she finally came back inside, she was followed by a young officer.
"Hello " he said , extending a hand towards me.
"Hi" i said ,shaking his outstretched hand.
"You'r names Lance McClain I presume?"
I looked over to my mama, a questioning look, but she nodded her head, tears visible in her eyes.
"Yeah that's me " I answered.
" I'm Adam " he said," I have a few things I need to talk to you about."
We ended up sitting down at our table, Adam sitting acrosst from me.
He then slid a photograph towards me.
It was a picture of me.
And Keith.
I then recognized the setting of the photograph.
I was looking at Keith, a worried expression on my face, and Keith feverishly looked into the camera.
But on the picture, my person was circled in a bright red marker.
"Do you know what this is?"
I slowly nodded, a sick feeling slowly twisting in my stomach.
"You do realize how lucky you are Lance, don't you?" Adam asked, looking at me.
I nodded barley able to whisper "Yes, I do "
Adam, shifted in his chair, and leaned forward.
"Lance, who is that on the picture with you?"
He pointed towards the Figure of Keith.
"Thats Keith " I said, holding back tears.
He nodded in understanding, "And did you know this Keith?"
I gave him a disgusted look.
"Yes," I said bluntly " I do know him. He's my best friend. "
He looked me in the eyes.
"Lance your Friend was the son of the man who tried to kill you."
It then hit me.
Hit me like a fucking train.
That man was Keith's Dad.
I broke down crying. I sat there with my head in my hands.
The nights he stayed with me, he was escaping from the cruel reality.
He was escaping what he knew he'd find at home.
All those times he spent with me...
He didn't want to leave.
But he always did in the end.
The days he missed school.
All those days he missed. He was probably stuck inside, locked away this that monster.
That's probably why he was always hurt and bruised.
It made me sick to think of what he must have been through.
What happened to him all these years.
What that monster did to Keith.
My Keith.
"He-" I choked out" He lost everything- for me-" I shakily wiped the tears from my face, and then looked at Adam.
" Even if it wasn't good, he still lost everything. "
Oh how I hoped he hadn't.
Adam and the other officers looked for him. They searched high and low.
But they quit after the first year.
I'm now 21.
It's been 3 years since he disappeared.
Since that fateful night.
That violet night.
And here I am. Writing it all down.
I hope this helps me Pidge. Oh how I hope this helps.
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