chapter 2
We both woke the next morning.
I could see in his face the lack of sleep. But then again he always seemed to be tired.
My Mama had washed Keith clothes for him so he didn't have to wear them dirty.
We both tried to tell her that he didn't care, but to my Mama ,it almost sounded like a sin to re wear dirty clothes.
So his clothes got washed.
I remember seeing him at the door. I had just said something about enjoying his company when I saw a crack in the "mask" of his usually emotionless face.
For a brief second, I saw Keith, not the black face he usually wore.
I could see there was a part of him that wanted to stay here, and never leave.
But then he gave me a smile
" see you later Lance"
"I'll be looking forward to it " I said.
I watched him walk down the front steps. I saw him glance at his phone screen,before shoving it back into his pocket. Then looking both ways, he crossed the road.
I smiled to myself.
A million thoughts of all the trouble we could get into this weekend ran through my head.
I was really looking forward to it.
But it never happened.
When Friday rolled around, I waited.
All day long.
But he never showed.
Saturday and Sunday where the some.
He didn't come.
I hadn't even heard from him at all.
I was on the bathroom Monday morning, just finishing up my morning routine, when I heard my phone beep.
I had gotten a text.
From Keith.
I glanced at it as I left for school. It said
"Sorry about this weekend Lance. I was spending some time with my Dad."
I remember stopping when I read it.
Keith never spent time with his Dad.
Pidge had said he was never really close with him. She said they didn't get along to well, especially after Keith's mom died, and he remarried soon after.
But him actually, willingly spending time with him, it confused me.
I hurried to school, and was hoping to see him there, waiting for me my the front entrance.
But he wasn't.
I looked for him all day. I searched our favorite study spot in the library, our lunch spot, all the class rooms.
In fact I'm pretty sure he missed school that day.
And the next .
Two whole school days he missed before I saw him again.
I was getting my history book out of my locker, when someone roughly grabbed my shoulder.
I turned to see who it was, and saw him.
Keith Kogane.
But he looked tired, more so than usual.
And there was a faded bruse under his left eye.
"Lance" he softly whispered into my ear," Lance can I come home with you after school today?"
I start to get worried.
"Why? Won't you get in trouble? It's a school day. I thought your Dad didn't want you sleeping over on a school day?"
He just looked away, bitting on his bottom lip.
I remember being so confused. Knowing it was probably visible on my face, now that I think of it.
All I could think of is " what's going on?"
He looked back at me again. His eyes seemed to be crying out for help.
Screaming for me to do something.
"Never mind " he said, stepping back. " I was just asking- and your right. It is a school day. Sorry I brought it up"
I looked at him questionablely.
"I gotta go Lance, I've got math next. " and then, he was gone.
I stood there next to my locker, for who knows how long. I didn't even heard Hunk telling me
" Dude you gonna be late for history class!"
At that,I snapped out of my thoughts, slammed my locker shut, and ran off with Hunk towards class.
Now that I know, I wish I had told him yes.
That he could come home with me. Regardless of the fact it was a school night.
I guess I partly blame myself.
But if he had come home with me ,things could have been worse.
They most likely would have been worse.
That day of school felt like am eternity.
Time couldn't move fast enough. Bit when school was out, I couldn't seem to find Keith anywhere.
It bothered me.
I was halfway home, when I saw him.
He was starring at me from acrosst the road.
Then our eyes met.
I blinked, and he was gone.
I saw his vague figure disappear around a corner.
And I ran.
Feet pounding against the sidewalk. Lungs burning with each breath.
My Heart afraid of losing sight of him again.
When I finally reached him after running for a while, I grabbed his shoulder.
As soon as my hand touched him, he violently flinched, whirling around to face me.
When he recognized who I was he looked horrified.
I wouldn't know till that fateful night.
"LANCE!?" he gasped.
He seemed disgusted,but mostly scared
"What the hell are you doing here!?"
Apon hearing his question, I finally looked around at our surrounds.
It hadn't occurred to me, until now where I actually was.
I was in the eats side of town. The part of town that my Mama had told me to
" never go by or even near it ,do you understand me miho? "
I felt a shiver run down my spine.
"Oh" I said in realization. " I- uh, was following you"
He raised his eyebrows in question.
"I wanted to know if you are ok. You seem- off " I paused briefly. Courisiry raising my next unguarded words.
"Do you live over here? Is that why we never hung out at your house?"
He glanced around us, he looked off.
He was clearly nervous, fidgeting at ever sound or move.
He snapped his attention back at me.
"Yes I live around here. And Lance " he said looking into my eyes, " Dont take this wrong, you'll understand one day."
I gave him a puzzled look.
" I can't be near you anymore. I- I ditnwant anything to do with you Lance."
I honestly wasn't expecting that. I felt like something inside me died at those words.
"What!?" I cried out.
He feverishly glanced around again, pain and anger clearly visible on his face. He turned back to me.
"I hate you! Hate you Lance!" He yelled " I always have! Your so annoying. All the time. You never ever shut up!! DAM IT LANCE!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YIU AGAIN !! "
I remember gasping, covering my mouth with both of my trembling hands.
He looked at me on the eyes, and I could see tears welling up against his pricing Violet eyes.
"I hate you "
His words failed him after that. He turned away and walked up to the house infront of us.
He stormed up the steps, sending back one glance in my direction.
His expression broke my heart.
Then he stepped inside and slammed the door shut.
I slowly started to move, walking home.
I finally stopped, legs shaking.
I couldn't even see clearly anymore.
Next thing I knew, I was crying.
If I had only known . Then maybe maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much.
And yet, it still does.
I was so upset tye next few days. I tried calling him.
Texting him.
But he never answered.
Mama said that " stuff like this happens alot in life mijo,but sometimes- its usually boring the best. "
I didn't see him for another 2 weeks. An even then, I wished it had been under better circumstances.
It was around 2 in the morning in a Saturday. I was still sleeping.
Couse I need my beauty sleep.
Till I woke to. Sounds something tapping at my bedroom window.
I grumble as I staggered out of my warm bed. I hazily made my way towards the glass pain.
I looked out of it.
When SLAP! a hand appeared, scaring the life out of me.
I stumbled backwards, a muffled cry escaping my lips.
I was now fully awake, and I cautiously made my way back to the window.
I saw a face appear behind the hand.
It was Keith.
He was covered in the shadow of the tree that was outside my window.
The dark violet of the night sky framing him from behind.
I looked at him questionablely, as I hurried to unlock the window.
I slid it open and he fell inside.
He stayed there for a few minutes, before slowly getting to his feet.
"What the Cheese man!?" I whisper yelled at him.
Then he looked at me.
I think I gasped, but u can't remember. But I do remember how my stomach turned.
He looked apocalyptic. Dark blood ran down the side of his forehead, and it shined in his hair.
He was covered in large cuts and bruses. They littered his arms and face, more probably hidden beneath his clothes.
But worst of all was the deep wound on his face. It was a horrid gash acrosst his left cheek, and I swear I remembered the white of done.
And he reaked of blood and alcohol.
"Keith!?" I cried out, trying not to wake the whole house.
He shakily motioned for me to be quiet, brining up a finger infront of his chapped lips.
I gave a noise of confusion.
What? He- what happened. My mind was racing with a million questions.
He looked at me before speaking
" Lance " he said , half whispering " it's not as bad as it looks"
"Not as bad!?"
He gave a forced smile. " ok maybe it is. Bit I couldn't just let it slide anymore. I couldn't let anyone else get hurt."
I was scared. His words gave me a sickening chill.
"What?" I finally managed to get out.
"Lance, it had to end. " he said, voice cracking up. He was on the verge of tears. " I was sick of it. So sick of it. All the time.
Always the same bloody thing."
He stopped, giving a horse cough. He looked me in the eyes, and regaining his breath he continued.
" I never ment- what I said thatbday . I only said it cuz I knew he was watching us .
But it didn't work.
I failed.
You- he was going to- " he lost his words as he broke down histarrically crying.
I looked at him in petrified terror, when my eyes caught the sight of the dark blotch in the middle of his shirt.
"Did someone shoot you!?" I cried out.
His crying stopped abruptly, and his breath was heavy now. He looked at me. His pale eyes full of fear and sadness.
"I love you Lance " he whispered " Please forgive me"
And in the blink of an eye he was up and out of the window.
"KEITH!!!" I screamed, leaning out of the window.
I saw him look up at me, then he turned and disappeared into the dark night.
I scrambled out of my room, feet hitting the wood of the stairs as I raced down towards the front door.
I threw it open, and ran out to the sidewalk, the cold air hitting me like a train.
But he was nowhere to be seen.
Just like the fleeting night.
As I stood there in the cold,tears streaming down my face,the only thing I could hear was the beating of my own heart,and the faint sounds of sirens in the distance
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