Chap 6
¡Warning! It's got some potty words
Wendy's pov (bet y'all weren't expecting that >:3)
I saw I seat in front of Kenny who had passed out already..and Kyle with his head on Stan's shoulder... mother-fucking bitch Jew
(I really hate Wendy rn lol)
"So babe you wanna sit in the back??" I point to the seat
"Sure, honey"
Stan had always been a good kid and a good boyfriend. I don't know why but, its just I little fun watching him"suffer". He's just a good boy, I want a bad boy, but tbh Craig was already taken so whatever. And no one else was really a "qualified", until I realized that Heidi bitch officially broke up with Cartman.
Cartman pov (get ready to feel bad for the worst character in the show)
See I usually wouldn't be with someone like Wendy, but she kinda turned my life around. I know that's cheesy as hell but she did. Heidi didn't complete me, she took forever, she was vegetarian, she pulled a gun on me, and lastly she was too nice.
I know Wendy don't actually "like" me but it's enough.
Cause no actually one loves me
Everyone hates me cause of my reputation
Hell even my mom doesn't care anymore
She's a whore
But... sometimes I feel like I brought this on myself
I'll lie awake at night and my mind will be racing, about my future and my lonlyness will get the best of me
*Sigh* I almost jumped out of my window one night....I feel like crying
"Babe..... are you alright?" Her voice with... concern? in.. it?..
(It's hard to write something depressing when your listening to a song called 'a pimp named slickback' XD)
Oh shit
"Ok sweety ;3" her soft voice can't back, suddenly I felt better
(Jesus I'm so proud of this chapter)
Oml 304 words wow
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