|•Prologue: Yuki Hirayama•|
The characters theme song is above. ^
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that's in this story besides my OC's. Therefore I don't own Death Note and it's plot. So no suing here~!! ^_^ I wish I could keep L though...you know, the real one. Not the one that's in my bookmark, all over my schoolwork, my books and-a bunch of other stuff.
Thursday Nov. 23, 2006
"A family-owned bakery just got robbed by a group of men. As of now, the family are only mildly wounded-"
"A 10-year old girl has been kidnapped for five days, the person who kidnapped her sent a ransom for $10,000-"
"The search for the Choko Yakuza group continues as more women disappear from the Kanto region-"
It's always the same.
A teenaged girl, a woman in Japan's standards, pondered this as she casually sat in the chair of the almost empty room. The room was a bleak gray, walls dull and lights so bright one would become blind if they look up at the ceiling long enough. She stared blankly at the small T.V. that was in the left upper corner provided ever so graciously for other visitors, her still grasping the remote in her right hand, now useless now that the television has now been turned off. Her left arm was resting against the gray table in front of her. With another empty chair facing her on the other side of the table.
Every day it's the same thing.
And over.
And over again.
Like a never ending wheel. It's such a bore. Why can't humans do something different for once? At least with her, she can make things more exciting. She internally smirked at the mere thought, ideas going off in her mind that made blood rush through her body from mere excitement.
Suddenly the door to the room opened, an old man that seemed in his early fifty's came in. The light caught in the lens of his glasses as he stared at the girl with his medium brown eyes as she stared back with an open amused smirk that others would call mocking, a few stray dark brown bangs coming over her twinkling eyes. The old man's forever frown seemed to deepen as he sighed and put a hand to slick back his already neat gel-filled hair.
"Hirayama, this is the fifth time this month." He began.
Hirayama put her hand under her chin as her elbow continued to rest on the table with her other arm laying across the table, fully relaxed. As if this was an everyday occurrence that one would end up in a police station within an interrogation room.
The man seemed frustrated as he held his nose with his forefinger and thumb, eyes clenching. He then sat in the chair in front of her and leaned against the table with his arms crossed.
"Hirayama-San, you must learn to control yourself with your," he paused. Appearing to find the correct word. "...tendencies." He let out finally as he stared seriously but tiredly into her eyes. Eyes so mysterious and out of this world, exotic purple eyes that shouldn't be at all natural but genetics says it is.
"Aw, Mr. Chief." Hirayama said teasingly, saying the 'Mr.' in English. "Now why would I do that?" Her smirk was clearly taunting to the old man now.
The old man, the Chief, sighed deeply again.
"Hirayama-San, we've discussed before that you must call me Yagami-San." He replied tiredly. "And you must stop stealing things from stores. You're lucky that you haven't been sent to jail yet as it is."
"That's cause I got an awesome Doc." Hirayama replied cheekily. "And why? If I want something I have the right to take it." She said with a final tone. Why can't she get stuff that she wants? She doesn't have to pay, she bets that she would create better quality for the stuff she takes anyway. So why pay? Why pay for something that's not even worth paying. After all, taking a $300 watch isn't worth the bother. She wants to go to college after all. Though, she doubts they can teach her anything. This world is filled with brainless idiots that are just too easy to sway with charms and words.
Yagami was silent. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.
"You may leave the station now Hirayama-San. But don't think I won't call your psychiatrist again."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She replied dismissively as she quickly got up to leave the interrogation room, picking up her school bag which was on the floor by the door.
"And Hirayama." Yagami called out.
Hirayama paused at the door with her pale hand on the handle.
"Please, be careful and stay out of trouble."
The girl said nothing as she silently left the room; long mocha hair swaying, with the door shutting behind her as Yagami rubbed his temples. Thinking to himself how he deals with a girl like Hirayama Yuki.
Soichiro Yagami remained in the his seat within the gray interrogation room for a few minutes after Miss Hirayama left. Contemplating on how to properly handle her. There's not that many criminals-patients he reminded himself- that have such a unique condition with mental health that they can be excused, more so at how Hirayama's situation particularly is. Yagami doesn't properly understand her nor why she does the things she does, all he does is to remind himself that he must handle her with care and respect. Though, with her personality and attitude towards the law and everyone around her, surely his patience will fly out the window.
For the nth time that day, he sighed.
Perhaps he should think more deeply if he wants his son to interact with her or not. Light's patience can't be as large as his for the girl.
A ringtone rang loudly in the room. Pulling Yagami out of his troubling thoughts. He took out his phone and answered.
"Hello, Yagami-San. I understand that you wanted to speak to me about Yuki-San?" A woman's voice answered.
'Ah, the psychiatrist.'
"Yes I did. Thank you for answering Yammamoto-San. I just wanted to inform you that she got into trouble again."
"Another for theft I assume?" Yammamoto questioned, tone exasperated as well professional.
"Yes." Yagami sighed.
"I see... Don't worry Yagami-San, I will talk to her when it's her next visit." Yammamoto reassured.
"Yes, thank you. And Yammamoto-San, may I ask a question?"
He might as well ask for another's opinion on the matter. And whose opinion will be better then the girls own psychiatrist?
"Yes you may. I imagine it's about Yuki correct?"
"Yes. Yes it is. I wanted to know, if friends would be good for her."
"Yes. Is she capable of having friends without hurting them or something of the like. I feel like actually socializing with another on a deeper level of understanding can perhaps help Hirayama-San on how to act and improve her to live in society."
Yammamoto pondered this question as silence ensued.
He has thought long and hard about this, one with such a disorder would surely have a cure of some sort no? He's no doctor, but he definitely knows that life is hard and difficult without no one by your side. He can't imagine a world without Sachiko, his beloved kind wife. Nor the always short-tempered yet righteous Aizawa. Perhaps with a friend, like Light who is kind and understanding as well as good in academics can perhaps improve her hateful attitude towards everyone as well as lower her arrogance.
"Who would you recommend Yagami-San?" She finally questioned.
"Well," Yagami paused. "I was thinking about my son. They go to the same school and are even in the same class so maybe it's possible." He suggested, hoping that she would make the right decision on whether or not it will be good for Hirayama-San. His gut is pushing that she should accept, and Soichiro always listens to his guts. It's never been wrong so far and he would like to push for Yuki Hirayama to not be alone for once, her only contact with people being from the police force.
At Yammamoto's hum, he continued.
"Light has grown up to be a good young man I can be proud of, even assisted cases with me for the police force. He's clever as well as good mannered to everyone he meets and never has any problems of delinquency. Surely this will somehow bounce off of Miss Hirayama? She needs someone to be there for her—"
Soichiro did, blinking his eyes in surprise at the commanding tone of the psychiatrist as well as cutting him off. He adjusted his grip on his phone.
"I-Did I say something wrong Miss Yammamoto?"
"You did and didn't." The woman let out a breathy sigh, pen clicks were heard on the other side of the line and absent scribbling. "You said he helped in cases before yes? Does he wish to join the police force?"
Soichiro nodded and verbally said it in agreement, explaining to the doctor that he always seemed interested in the justice system and criminals. For some reason, Soichiro thought Yammamoto had a smile as she happily responded to this information.
"Ah! How convenient! Then your son can continue to watch her and make sure that Yuki won't get into trouble with society as he poses to be her friend then." Soichiro's brows furrowed, not liking how the psychiatrist made it seem that this idea was so manipulating when he truly just wanted for Yuki to not be alone. "Yes, this is good. Not only will she be close to him, she'll also be close to you considering how close they get. There's no way she can get in trouble with her petty crimes she tends to do with police over her shoulder. Unless she's that bold..." Yammamoto murmured the last part, and seemed to continue to talk to herself in thought as her scribbling grew louder and quicker as she talked, it took awhile for her to hear Soichiro call out her name. Clearly annoyed and troubled by her words.
"I hope you know I didn't say that idea to make my son manipulate Yuki in a way with this friendship. I didn't know psychiatrists used such methods for their patients either." He grumbled, frown deep.
Yammamoto made a charming giggle.
"Oh, Yagami-San. You clearly don't know my patient." Yammamoto went on to explain herself that she does watch out for Yuki, she only does not wish people to be used by the cunning girl. Soichiro understood that watching Yuki along with his son will make everybody's job in the station easier, doesn't mean it will take away the bad taste in his mouth.
"So we are at an agreement?" He asked again to make sure.
"We are."
They soon said their farewells. With both of them hanging up. One with finally a relaxed posture and another pondering on what they should talk about for her next therapy visit.
And what they both didn't know, was that with these two people together, this world could easily fall. And a new one will rise.
'Please be careful and stay out of trouble.'
Like she'd believe that bullshit.
Hirayama, or more like Yuki, thought to herself as she walked down the buzzing streets. She kept her amethyst eyes to look straight ahead to reach her destination, but had a tightened jaw because of her thoughts. Long bangs seemed to cover her tenses face as she walked along the busy sidewalk, sidestepping others in the way to her next destination.
He said 'Please be careful'. To act like she's concerned for her. To make it seem like he's just watching out for her.
He just doesn't want her to be an inconvenience. He's probably sick of dealing with her, but hides it. Like all humans do. Well, she knows something. She will never stop inconveniencing him, that's a fact. A fact she's well aware of. And she doesn't care.
She will never care.
'Cause that's how she is after all.
Yuki reached her destination which was the bus stop. The bus came after a few minutes, she boarded and sat in an empty seat near the front in the not so crowded bus. Her next goal is to arrive in Gamou Prep Academy. Her cram classes.
She hates cram classes.
But this is what she gets for not doing her work in her normal classes. Maybe if they do something more challenging she would put more effort. But they haven't thought of that have they? The people in there also don't help, those mindless classmates of hers sure know how to waste oxygen by all that talking that they do. Yuki does agree to herself to an extent that some of them have their uses, it's nice to have some play things to poke and prod at once in awhile.
What she doesn't understand though, is how Yagami Light can handle all this idiocy. He always does all the work assigned, and aces all his tests. She sometimes wonders if he tries hard at all. Or if he's trying too much. And he goes to cram classes as well.
Yes. Definitely a try hard.
But it might be due to the fact because of his father. Or he just cares too much for his appearance.
She doesn't know.
They've barely talked at all. And they go to the same school and cram classes. She often wondered to herself if he knew about her connection with his father, but never dwelled on it. The conversations they've had was always brief, something about the class or mundane things. Quite surprising actually.
Yuki has often thought about how useful he would be to her, the problem is though. With her observations, lately he's almost like her. Like her where she hangs out with people only of use, not having any true friends. Wearing a mask of the wonderful golden boy.
Oh yes.
She can see the mask he's had these past few months. It might be hard for oblivious people or just people who've never done the deed. But she can see it. It might've taken longer then she would've liked, but she's sees the dead in his eyes as he looks at the teacher lecture on and on about something unimportant. The slight monotone in his voice as he's called out for a question. The almost sluggish gestures, something that shouldn't happen to the ever graceful and supposedly 'perfect' Yagami Light. Yuki even remembers at times where Light has actually dozed off in class, seeming to have no qualms of being disrespectful to the lecturing teacher of the class
And because of that mask, because he's like her, he would know her intentions. And then she will be ruined.
But that's the fun isn't it? It's always nice to have a few risks involved with playthings, or else they'll be boring. Yuki curled her lips at the thought, purple eyes crinkled in excitement.
Yuki felt the bus stop, pulling away from her thoughts, and saw the school a few distance away. She walked out of the bus and started to continue to walk to the school. Preparing for the upcoming boring lecture from her teacher.
I deleted my old Author's Note on here. My, how embarrassing.
The important thing is welcome to this Death Note fic that will be filled with lies, darkness, philosophical questions, sadness, and of course death!
I suggest to others to read the story about BB, as well as the other books I've mentioned if you can. If not, just Google it, even though I highly recommend to read those books somewhere, specifically:
Death Note: Another Note with the Los Angeles BB Cases.
L: Change the WorLd
The original Death Note Pilot Manga
I will also include some scenes from the Relight movie. So heads up.
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the next few chapters I shall edit and post. ^-^
May Kira watch over you~
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