Disclaimer: I don't own anything that's in this story besides my OC's. Therefore I don't own Death Note and it's plot. So no suing here~!! ^_^
Once him and Hirayama reached his home, him once again offering to escort her home with her politely declining with a bow of her head and left into the night. Even as Light went through the motions of showing his mother his scores, telling her that the girl in front of their house was just a classmate and she shouldn't jump to conclusions, and going up in his room to drop his load of school supplies, Light's mind kept echoing the lazy genius words.
"Why, if it works Yagami-kun, you'd be labeled a murderer. And no one likes a murderer."
As she said it, Light couldn't help but notice how her lips were upturned in a smirk he can only read as amusement, dark lilac eyes matching it with another emotion Light couldn't quite read. Hirayama surely had to be teasing him, trying to make him grow wary of a book that is clearly fictional and made for someone's amusement. Light internally shook his head, his form gliding to his desk to turn on his lamp and place his bag atop the wooden surface along with said book.
He sat on his desk chair, and stared at the notebook.
Hirayama Yuki was known to others in the school, as a lazy genius. Able to pass the test successfully without doing barely any homework or classwork for all her classes, always doing the bare minimum. She's done this in all the years he's known her within Daikoku Private Academy as well as Gamou Prep Academy, not doing much except for exams and the occasional project in addition to being called to participate from teachers. He's been able to work with her in certain projects, simply due to the fact that the teachers knew that their fellow classmates would try to use the two smartest within the whole school to their advantage so they themselves don't have to work much. Light was thankful for those times, because he really hated when others don't do their own work and think they can freely use him as they please. Even if he outwardly said with a close eyed smile that felt wrong on his lips, that he doesn't mind doing all the work.
During those times of working with Hirayama, as well as his years of observing her, he always took note how she always seemed far away within her mind. Those unique amethyst eyes that always everyone talks about, either charmed by it or scared by them due to their oddness and thoughts on what they would like if she glared. Her own popularity, similar to his own, usually stems from her politeness as well as sensibility. The dark brown hair girl only speaking when one comes up to her or to entertain those around her when she deemed fit. At times, having a boy's arms around her shoulders during lunch breaks, them always conversing with her giving little input back to all the boys she has dated thus far.
Light closed his eyes in thought, then gathered supplies to begin studying, yet his mind still thought of Hirayama.
He always thought they would be friends, but due to their lack of interaction as well as large popularity and responsibilities, they were never able to become close even if Light wanted to. He still questions her laziness, however, always pondering on why she has those sloth like tendencies. Though, it would give her the excuse of others not bothering her for her work.
Light doesn't even know how many times his fellow classmates and his...friends asked him for his work to copy and get an easy high grade.
Sometimes, he wondered, if he even has any true friends in the first place. Light frowned in thought, now wondering if Hirayama has any true friends as well. According to her, he's one of the few who know she enjoys such odd subjects such as the supernatural, including this notebook that he is positive that fell from the sky but no logical way of explaining such an event.
He still has no idea why he picked it up in the first place, not even as he tried to explain it to Hirayama did it make sense to him. Although, from what he saw, it seemed Hirayama did not care enough to hear his reasons because she was engrossed by the notebook. Violet eyes shimmering in interest as she read and felt the notebook beneath her fingertips.
Because he was bored, he picked it up.
Was it cause Hirayama was bored, that she seemed so eager to see what he was trying to hide? Perhaps...there's someone like him after all. He shook the thought away as quickly at it came, saying to himself he's being ridiculous and he should just focus on his work, ignoring his mind supplying that he saw with his own eyes Hirayama staring at the lone notebook on the ground before she walked away. Light instead focused on his work, checking his email about any new information from To-Oh University or perhaps another University that is of high prestige and has offered him a full scholarship as well. He maintained his focus for hours until his mother called him down for tea as a small break, going back up to his room to perhaps search something of interest to ease his growing overpowering boredom within his computer, not willing to watch the news tonight due to his heavy disgust lately.
Light sat atop his seat heavily, no one being around for them to comment on his ungracefulness nor his hunched form over his desk. Amber eyes glanced at the black notebook, the words 'Death Note' echoing over and over in his mind. Hirayama's foreboding words along with it, amused eyes looking up at him. Nimble slim fingers twitched on his desk, dominant hand reaching over and opening up the book to once again re-read the rules to himself as his hand held his head in thought.
'•The Human whose name is written in this notebook shall die.'
This is too inconceivable.
Taking a life by just writing that persons name?
Such great of a power would never exist. Could never exist.
Yet, why was he reaching for a pen?
A knock resounded in his room, and Light quickly hid the notebook in his desk drawer, replacing it with the still open textbook from his studying. With a pounding heart and a straightened posture, he called out calmly a 'come in' to the being outside the door. Hopefully it isn't Sayu asking for his help with her homework again, she should learn certain things by herself instead of constantly relying on him all the time like he was her pillar of support. Light shook away the thought, reprimanding himself that he's her big brother so he has to help his little sister no matter what.
His father's form entered into his room, and Light couldn't withhold his surprise. He's always busy and rarely comes home in time for dinner, Light rarely getting to see him, only able to do so for a case and rare moments in the morning or night when his father leaves or comes from work.
"Ah, Tou-san(father), you're here early. I'm about to come down for dinner, I just need a few minutes." Light gave his father a perfect son polite smile and turned back to the book to get his mind straight, off of the eerie notebook that is within his desk drawer begging to be used.
"Actually Light," his father said, weary and tired, closing the door and sitting on his bed hunched over his knees, "I have to talk to you about something."
Light rose a brow, interested, swiveling his chair to face his father who had his gaze down on the floor in nervousness.
'It seems this is going to be an odd conversation', Light observed, giving his full attention to his father once his darker brown orbs met his light ones.
"Do you know a girl named Hirayama Yuki in your class, Light?"
Light lifted his other brow, eyes blinking.
"Ah, yes. Hirayama-chan is a friendly classmate of mine, we worked together sometimes for school. We actually walked together today because she missed the bus due to her sickness." Light wasn't actually sure if she was late to the bus due to her appeared grogginess and weakness from what appeared as a fever in class, even though it seemed to magically to disappear once she spoke to him to the train, but he rather not think such things. Hirayama was probably late due to her high probability of interest to the black notebook that was on the grass but now hidden in his possession.
His father's posture relaxed, him now smiling, relieved.
"This will be easier then I thought then," Light internally frowned at that, "I want you guys to grow closer Light, for you to become friends with her. She can even come to the house for you guys to study together for the upcoming exams."
If he was honest with himself, Light was baffled. He questioned to his father on the reason why he asks this of him and what brought this on. His father only stating with a sigh that Hirayama is a person of a unique situation and, in his fathers personal opinion, deserves a friend to help her. Caramel eyes flashed, thoughts and questions going through his mind at what brought this on. Was Yuki a criminal? Was she sick? Does his father know her family? Did something traumatizing happened to Yuki when she was younger that cause his father, the Chief of Police, to be involved? Is his father trying to set them up in his own way? The last one was ridiculous, but Japanese families tend to make planned marriages for their children, and due to both of them being highly academic, Light wouldn't be surprised if this indeed was the case. It left Light with a bitter taste in his mouth.
His father took Light's silence as surprise, he straightened his glasses on his nose with a frown. Sweat was on his temple.
"I'm sorry Light, I can't say much more then that. Perhaps another time I'll explain it to you."
Light squared back his shoulders and gave his father a relaxing smile.
"Don't worry Tou-san. Hirayama-chan isn't hard to interact with and I think we'd be good friends. She's the next smartest in the whole school, so I doubt we'll be in disagreement to certain subjects." He leaned forward, elbow on his knee and hand holding his head as he stared at the growing hope and ease within his father's eyes. "I've been wanting to become friends with her for awhile now anyways, so it's no problem."
His father's lips twitched downwards for a moment, but quickly erased it to a smile filled with relief. The older man with still black hair despite his age gave him one last thankful smile before he left his kept room, closing the door behind him.
Light erased the easy going smile from his face, now in thought. He went for his computer, turning it on and searching for his father's login within the private NPA site to ease his flaring curiosity. His fingers flew across the keyboard, searching for any information within the police record database for the name Hirayama Yuki.
Light had to know why his father insisted on such a thing. 'Unique situation'? 'Needs a friend'? To Light's knowledge, Yuki was indeed popular, so she had to have friends correct? His earlier thoughts that the lazy girl's was in a similar situation as him, not having any true friends to call their own came forth into his mind. He frowned, momentarily stopping his raging curiosity that just seems to be very nosy as he thought about it more.
Should he stop? He doesn't want to label her if he finds anything but he can't let such a thing sit still and be ignored. Should he just ask Hirayama directly? Hirayama rarely takes initiative in conversation, her doing it to him to speak about this notebook and mundane topics afterwords as they walked when she silenced him for a few minutes with her dark words, sharp eyes twinkling. Would she even answer his question on how she knows his father? Would she feel embarrassed to answer if she indeed hold a record?
He tapped his index finger on his desk, split on what to do. Light sighed, closing his eyes, wondering on what exactly he was doing. He opened his eyes back again, staring at the screen with his hand in front of his mouth.
He hit the enter button. Beautiful amber eyes widened as they scrolled through the new information, storing it in to remember from now on.
Mah, I really do like Light. But seriously, being constantly used and everybody always saying you're perfect this and perfect that, I'd get tired of people too. And feel quite high of myself.
But whatever. Anyways, Light takes the initiative to find out himself about Yuki's 'unique situation'. Perhaps all of you will know next chapter what he learned. Might help Yuki later on, might screw her over and have her name written down.
Soichiro frowned because he somewhat fears Light getting taken in by Yuki's charm, him suspecting it already when Light stated he wanted to be friends with her for some time now. But we all know Soichiro has nothing to worry about.
Like Light is a person who is easily manipulated. Pfft.
Will try to release another chapter as soon as possible. Please inform me of any mistakes if found, I'm not checking over the chapters nor do I have someone who can.
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