We drive around for a little bit until I spot an arcade. I pull into the parking lot and kill the engine. Quickly hopping out before Rory does so I can open her door for her. I hold my hand out to her and she takes it.
"Why thank you, kind sir," She says getting out of the car.
"You're welcome milady, " I place my free hand on my stomach and slightly bend over at the waist in a bow, bringing our combined hands up to my mouth, to kiss her knuckles.
"Dork," Rory laughs and gives me a shove.
I almost fall, but right myself with a laugh. I drag her to the entrance of the arcade and open the door for her to go in first.
"Who knew The Cage Trevor was such a gentleman."
"Don't tell anyone it will ruin my reputation," I joke, not even caring the slightest bit about my reputation.
I go over to the guy at the cash register and buy a game card, then head over to the machine to put money on it so we can play the games. I put two hundred dollars on the card, knowing that will be enough for a couple of hours.
"What game first?" Rory loops her arm around mine and walks us to the games.
Honestly, I normally hate when a girl does that but with Rory it's different. Her hold is loose, not at all tight, and possessive. I love it, I love everything about her.
I don't know why it took me years to talk to her.
Yeah knowing she didn't really like me before was some of it but can I really blame her? I mean I was the popular kid constantly surrounded by people. Not only that I seemed like a huge player too. She saw me flirting with more than one girl in the same day before. What she doesn't know is I was trying to make her jealous, though why I thought that would I will never know. The farthest anything goes with any girl is kissing.
I want the first time I sleep with someone to have meaning, if my friends knew that they would think I'm acting like a girl. I just don't want to sleep with someone that I don't have any feelings for. Rory is endlessly on my mind, both day and night.
So I would say it's kind of hard to have feelings for someone else.
I'm surprised Rory hasn't had a boyfriend before. She's beautiful, smart, and kind. I like that she doesn't want to be the life of every party. I like that she would much rather stay home and binge-watch shows on Netflix.
I snap out of my thoughts and look at her. Her lips are lifted into a small smile and her head is barely titled to the right, her eyes silently asking if I'm alright. Not being able to help myself I place my pointer finger and thumb on her chin and lean down to kiss her. I feel her smile grow bigger the longer I kiss her.
She tastes so sweet I could kiss her soft lips for hours, but we have some games to play.
I pull away from her slowly and her sugar gray eyes are looking at me with so much warmth in them. My heart beats rapidly in my chest and is full of so much joy right now.
"Come on Sugar let's go play some skee ball."
Once we're at the see ball I swipe the card on two of the skee balls games so we can both play.
"Bet I can get a higher score than you," Rory tosses a ball up in the air and catches it, a challenging look in her eyes.
So my girl is competitive huh?
That's cute as fuck.
"You're on Sugar."
I pick up a ball and toss it like a bowling ball it rolls up the inclined lane and up the ramp. The ball goes sailing up and lands perfectly in the one hundred slot.
Turning my head in Rory's direction I see she has her mouth wide open and blinking in shock.
"Pitcher," I say pointing to myself.
Rory just shakes her head, her long chestnut locks dancing with the movement.
We spend the next couple of hours playing skee ball. She was determined to beat me just once, each game she lost her frustration grew and she became more and more competitive.
The glares she shot my way were just adorable, I had a hard time hiding my grin every time she glared.
For the last game, we play I let her win, of course, I made it as convincing as possible that I lost fair and square.
It was worth it just for her smile alone, but she hugged me. Ran right to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, bouncing in place from excitement. I would have lost sooner if this was the outcome. I wrap my arms around her waist, lift her off the ground, and spin her around.
"Alright, Sugar let's go cash in our tickets," I set her back on her feet but keep one of my arms around her waist.
During the time we were playing skee ball I saw some guy checking her out and want him to know that she's with me. He can assume we're dating, in fact, I hope he does cause no way do I want to see that guy flirt with Rory right in front of my face.
We walk over to the person who is in charge of the prizes. I hand her our game card and she scans it to tell us how many tickets we have.
"You have one thousand and forty-eight tickets."
We take our time scanning all the prizes until Rory decides what she wants. I point to it and the girl grabs it off the wall.
Rory picked out a small cute turtle stuffed animal, its body is mint green and its shell is this beige color. She holds it up next to her face and I whip my phone out to take a picture. In the picture, her eyes are bright and full of warmth and joy, her smile is soft. I snap another picture of her, this one goofy. She got her eyes crossed and her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth.
"You guys have four hundred and forty-eight tickets left if you want to pick something else out."
"Pick something out Cage."
"Why don't you pick something out for me?"
She agrees then starts to scan all the prizes, she must have found something cause she leans over the counter and whispers something to the girl, the girl nods and goes to get what Rory asked for.
The girl grabs a stuffed cartoon taco with eyes on the side of the shell, how I missed seeing that on the wall I don't know.
Rory takes it from the girl and hands it me, I take it from her with a chuckle.
"I like it Rory thanks," I kiss her on her cheek, making her blush. "Come on what should we do next?"
"Let's go somewhere private. Where it's just you and me."
I take us to a hotel asking more than once if that's okay with her. Each time she reassures me that it is.
So I get us a room.
Hoping like hell that I don't regret that later.
I don't expect anything from her, I'm happy just having her near me. I wasn't expecting what happened the second the door closed behind us when we entered our room.
I wasn't expecting her to kiss me.
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