Chapter Nineteen
Server > School Shit™
Channel > #choirshit
❤❤: What was the point of kidnapping Connie and Jolie and then telling a bunch of people about it online? The police can trace your IP address you know
🐢: I don't care about getting caught. I care about getting revenge.
Olix: what the hell is that supposed to mean
🐢: You'll figure it out. Somebody did something worse than anyone else. They will pay. They will pay with the blood of their friends.
CORNered: calm the fuck down, Eren Jaeger
Xavier V.2: this is not the time for jokes! He's legit telling us that he's going to murder people, probably Connie and Jolie!!
Olix: and you believe him?
Misty: even if he's lying, we have to believe him. If he's lying and we believe him, maybe we make a stupid choice but if he's telling the truth and we don't believe him, we risk condemning at least two people.
🐢: Listen to her, everyone. She seems to know what she's talking about.
Xavier V.2: maybe she's the cheater
CORNered: there is no maybe anymore. It's either you or her and if you say it might be her, then it isn't. If you were convinced you were innocent then you would say so.
❤❤: He's got a point.
Misty: I don't think I'm the cheater. I just... I don't know anymore.
Olix: real compelling argument, Sky.
Alezander: Lucas is the cheater. I know he is!
Xavier V.2: yeah, and what proof do you have?
Alezander: well you've bragged about hacking people and websites before
❤❤: That doesn't mean he's a cheater
Alezander: also he implied that he's used his "hacker skills" to steal money from people in online games by copying credit card numbers
Olix: how doe someone imply that? (edited)
Alezander: I asked once how he had so many games on Steam and he said that they were unnoticed donations. What the fuck can that mean other than her stole them?
CORNered: but wouldn't that make him the thief
🐢: That's not the cheating I was referring to, Chris.
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