Chapter 6
A week later
Over the course of the first week that my new assistant is here, I can say that it's a great experience.
Of course, for me, not for Chopard.
Ever since I assigned him that huge reading about the company, things just went downhill for him. He finished reading the files and documents by the next morning of course, but the look on his face says a lot.
He had huge eye bags under his eyes, and his clothes were wrinkled, like he just got them out of his laundry basket this morning.
It was already the first day and he was already slipping, and I was loving it.
But that was only the start, I wasn't gonna fire someone just because they looked like they didn't look like they got any sleep. I mean hell, half of these people in this office look like zombies.
So, after Chopard reported to my office the following morning after his first assignment, I gave him even more work. As an assistant, especially for me, you have to be like a little me, so what better way than to do that is give him my load of work but even more.
So, all week long, I watched him run around the office, trying to complete every possible thing I assigned him. I even had to make up some things to keep him busy.
But the thing that's making this whole hunger game not so fun is that he isn't budging. He hasn't complained, he hasn't walked out, didn't even question me why I'm doing this to him.
He just takes it.
Now, of course I want my assistant to be able to do the work without any problems, and I would have been impressed of it was someone else–
But this guy is giving me mixed signals, I don't trust him and neither is my gut.
As I sat at my desk, wanting to think of more ways to torture this guy, I had to check on something.
I dreadfully got out of my chair, and headed toward the elevator to the floor below me. As the elevator doors opened, the sounds of people running around, people quickly typing on their computers and side chatting going on filled the room.
Secretly, I love it.
Maybe because it was peaceful in a way, the busy noises but also the silent you feel. It's like you can't focus in complete silence, but you also can't focus with utter chaos.
It's the perfect balance.
And this floor is the perfect setting to get work done with a little background noise. (Secretly, I come here once every blue moon if I want to get extra work done)
So as I made my way to the head tech of my company, almost everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, and I do admit, I know why.
Most CEO don't bother with the whole production of their products, they just leave it up to the techs, which is kinda stupid to me–and if something goes terribly wrong, then the CEO gets mad at them not 'not doing their job correctly', which, I mean makes since, but if owners don't check on the production early on, then maybe it wouldn't have happened.
Hence, I like to be in the loop on all aspects of the company, including the production (Even if I pay people to make it run smoothly).
After everyone has come to terms that their CEO is walking around the tech floor, they slowly return to their work and their conversations.
I headed towards the main office of my head tech, he seemed to be talking to someone on the other side of his unnecessary long desk, packed with different types of computers, even some that I couldn't understand.
The person talking to him seems to be in distress and the words coming out of his mouth only anger my head tech, as he starts yelling at him, and showing aggression towards the other guy.
I knocked on the glass wall, surprised that they hadn't seen me standing there, watching them. They both looked towards the sound of the knock and a second later, their eyes widened from the sight of the owner witnessing some sort of disagreement.
Pushing open the glass door, I heard, "We'll talk more about this later" Logan, my head tech said.
As I headed more into the room, the other getting yelled at, which I don't know the name of, quickly rushed past me, mumbling a 'excuse me' and hurriedly walked out the door, shutting it behind him.
Logan, my head tech of my company, has been here for only a few months and he's already making his status known. Of course, he has a lot of things to balance on his shoulders, but he does an excellent job of doing so.
Also, he is persistent at his job, he runs and operates the whole launch of an incoming product, he also manages the company's official website, the ads, and stays in close touch with the production line.
That is why he is the perfect person for this type of job.
As I stood behind his desk, he stands up as well, shaking my hand as a way of greeting me, I don't know why we started doing this, but I guess it became a habit to shake hands as a form of greeting each other, but I don't mind–It's professional, strict, and we get straight to business.
"So" I started out, "What was all that about?" I questioned.
He straightened his jacket as he sighs in defeat, "Just some idiot that don't know how to do their job, it's frustrating, that means that I have to deal with the mess they've created"
I just looked at him with a blank face, "What's the problem?" I asked.
"We are running into a few problems with the production of the launch, some technical things that we are still trying to sort out"
At this, I'm on full alert, I felt my eyebrows naturally furrowing, as the news of the production having any sort of problems, I have to know about it immediately.
I want this launch to go smoothly.
"What kind of technical problems?" I demand.
But Logan just shrugged his shoulders like it's no big deal, "It's just little hiccups, I'm assure you, we can work it out, and things will run smoothly in no time, probably in a few hours tops"
So, he's basically saying that this shit doesn't matter.
I know I might be paranoid about this but it's more than that, this is my company's reputation. What if this 'little hiccup' becomes something big before it's too late? Then that falls onto my shoulders. I mean, why wasn't I informed about this the moment they discovered this?
At the end of the day, I have to stay in the loop of everything that's going on, down to the tiniest detail, such as what type or brand of cleaning supplies the janitors are using for example.
Some people would call me a control freak, but I would simply call it managing what I've built.
"Why didn't you tell me that this happened? An email would do just fine" I asked, lowering my voice into a firm, warning voice.
Logan picked up that soon I would be getting angry about this, the things he said next made me a lot more pissed off.
"Well, Ms. Cantrell, I didn't want to bother you and you are the CEO, I just thought you would be so busy that this little thing wouldn't matter to you" He expressed as he smiled awkwardly.
I squinted my eyes at him because of the stupidity of thinking that. Even though I am the boss around here and I bear the most responsibilities–I accept that, if there is a problem with my company in any shape, I want to be able to know about it and make sure that it's taken care of.
And as the owner of this company, that is my job, even if I have to bear the stress about it.
I sighed as I rested my palms on his desk and as I tried my best to stay calm, I said, "That is not your decision to make, if you run into a problem, you inform me, not decide that you are simply not going to tell me. Remember, this is my company, and you are just an employee here–If anything screws up in the process of this launch, that is my name getting dragged through the dirt, understood?"
I pushed myself on his desk as I button up one of the buttons of my jacket, heading for the door, "Don't let this happen again, otherwise, your office will be packed up"
Pulling the glass door open, I said my final thing to him, "Keep me in the loop of the error, got it?"
"Yes, Ms. Cantrell, it won't happen–"
I didn't even let him finish as I walked away, out of ear shot.
As I made my way towards the elevator and to my floor, I could tell everyone was listening in on the conversation, and I don't give a fuck, they can know as well what will happen to them if they pull the same move like Logan did.
Back in my office, almost about an hour later after talking to Logan, Chopard is reading off the agenda to me off the company's iPad.
"...Lastly, you have a meeting with Brock Howell at three o'clock about the Market stock trends for the following years to come"
As he finished, he closed the iPad, the device covered by a metallic black case, with the spelling 'Cantrell Corporation' embroidered on it.
I figured since most employees at the company have to keep up with a lot, such as important meetings–the company would offer the iPads to keep up and maintain things here.
The iPad were only offered to employees that really need them, of course.
And that includes, my assistant.
As he looks at me, waiting for me to give him instructions, I suddenly have the urge to comment on how he's been for the first week of his job.
"Seems you are catching up quickly" I commented, whilst leaning back in my chair, hearing the slight squeak.
Liam seems to be caught off guard about this, but he quickly composes himself as he clears his throat, "Yes ma'am, I do have to agree on that, although it was challenging at first, I got the hang of it" He expressed, a smile creeping onto his face as if he's trying not to smile.
I hummed as I continued, "It always seems like you have been trying to be friendly around here, some people informed me that you are trying to become the 'golden boy' around here. They said that you are bringing in donuts for everyone, and that you actually take your time talking to people in the break room, and so on"
At this, his smile disappears, like he had just been caught and he's going to reveal his true intentions, like when the protagonist in the movies put together the pieces and the true villains uncover their dark truth.
He doesn't say anything for a while until he takes a sharp breath in, "I figure you don't trust me right now Ms. Cantrell?"
I almost laughed at his question, "Why would I trust you, Chopard?" I answered.
Silence fell upon us as neither of us said anything.
It's true about what I asked, why would I trust him? The moment I let my guard down, he's gonna use that and tear me and my company to the ground.
I bet he's just doing all these good things about the office to gain respect and trust from people, I don't buy it one bit. He's trying to make people confide in him.
He's not trying to make friends, he's getting close to people to use them and betray them in the end, that is how the story goes, and this game I made for him will soon reveal him into a vile person that he is.
'Golden boy' my ass.
Too bad I can't fire him without reason.
As we still are in silence, probably for about five minutes, I looked deeply into his eyes, and all I see is confusion and desperation, maybe because I caught him in the act.
He looked into my eyes as well.
Chopard is already close to my desk, but he takes one single step forward.
There is a moment in time where I feel myself inch away from the cold, heartless person I want to become and letting my guard down, I feel myself finally letting my shoulders relax and not be so tense all the time.
I want to express to him that I can't trust him just yet because what if he becomes a lesson in my life as well.
My brain just won't allow it.
"Ms. Cantrell–" he started to say but then the phone rang, knocking me out of whatever trance I was in.
Right before I answered the call, I slipped my mask back on, "You're dismissed, make sure that report is on my desk by the end of the day" I said, picking up the corded standard black phone.
"Yes ma'am" He says as he makes his way out of my office.
As the person on the other line spoke to me, I tuned them out, wondering what just happened at that moment. As confused as I was, my brain just had a moment of weakness.
I actually allowed myself to relax around someone who I don't even fully know. I was vulnerable.
That was absolutely stupid.
I was stupid.
After the call, I traveled to the main entrance, wanting to inform Ruby about something, but something stopped me.
"...don't know if I can keep going for much longer, I can't even manage how stressed this job is for me, and it's only been a week. I haven't been this stress since college finals"
Hearing his voice and the complaints he makes, I wanted to hear more and who he's talking to about this. So I hid behind a wall, still in earshot of the conversation taking place.
"It's okay, I'm sure the stress will end, Ms. Cantrell is just testing you to see if you're the right fit for this job" The other person said.
That voice sounds so familiar, clearly I talked to this person many times, but for some reason, I can't put a finger on who it is.
So I peep my head around the corner, some people catching me but I just gave them a stern look and they just look the other way and not surprisingly enough, it's Ruby.
Chopard is leaning over the front desk as he talks to Ruby.
Of course, he would complain to her, she is an easy target for people to come up to her and dump all their shit onto. Sometimes, she's too nice for her own good.
I return to my place behind the wall as I continue to listen.
"Liam, you're doing good so far, you just have to keep going," Ruby reassured him.
"I don't know about that" He said unconvinced, "I just–I don't know, why she's putting so much work onto me, I might even be doing the work of two, maybe three assistant all together"
"At the end of the day, it's going to be fine and everything will work out in the end" She soothes him.
"I guess you're right" He took a sharp breath in as he continued, "Well, I have to go, I have to finish some documents, and a presentation for her"
That was the last I heard from him as I heard heavy footsteps gradually getting quieter throughout the hall.
I checked again to make sure that he was gone before I made my way over to Ruby. She was still watching him walk away as she turned around towards me.
She jumped in her seat slightly, almost spilling the drink in her hand, I just leaned over the counter as I smiled at her.
"You know I don't like being scared Cantrell" She said, setting down her drink.
"Well, I guess that is my special talent" I commented back, "I see someone is complaining about working" I added.
"I'm guessing you listen in on our conversation, Ms. Cantrell" She questioned, knowing the answer.
"This is my building and I have the right to know the topic of every conversation that goes on in here"
"Of course" She paused, but I added in instead.
"Why complain about work? I mean, if the guy is so stressed out then he should voice those concerns to me, but instead, he tried to get you to agree with him about the load of work I'm putting on him" I paused, trying to think about what to say next, "That's what most employees do, they complain to other co-workers about work they sign up to do but then bitch about actually working"
Ruby stays quiet as I continue my rant.
"I mean, unless you're sitting on your ass and making money just by doing that, then expect to work" I crossed my arms as I finished.
Ruby just looked at me with sympathy, "Liam is just stressed and I do have to admit, the load you're putting on this guy is making it harder for him. He's trying his best Hailey''
"Well if he's stressed out and I'm apparently making it harder for him, then he should just quit, move over and let someone who's more qualified to take his place"
She was about to say something until the phone rang, and before she answered, she gave me a knowing look before picking up the phone, and putting on her best customer service voice.
"Cantrell Corporation, Ruby Varden speaking–"
I walked away as I don't want to stand there doing nothing, I have work to get done.
Ms. Cantrell has no sympathy lol
-Summer Roe
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