Chapter 46
Standing here once again, at his doorstep as I stared at the door, the door that I will walk away from either happiness or disappointment. Waiting in the hallway is giving me flashback memories from the first time I was here, for the exact same objective, to talk to him, but I expect a different outcome.
As it's the weekend, which is a good time to do this, because I probably have been staring outside his door for about five minutes now, if this was during the work week, then I probably would be rushing myself to get it done and over with, so I can move on to the next thing.
But no. I want to take my time with this, I have too.
The launch party is next week and I have everything prepared for it, everything it needs to be a success, everything is perfect. Except for one thing,I just want to get back on good terms with Chopard.
After that talk with my mother, I realized that I have many flaws myself, even though I don't want to admit them, the perfectionist and the trust issues I have with myself and I project it onto other people.
And to be honest, I don't think I'll change that, maybe slightly, but not fully. Being a perfectionist and having trust issues led me to having everything that I have, why change all of that?
But I do have to recognize those faults, even though there are good faults. I have to recognize that I hurt someone I cared about.
That being said, all I want to do is just to apologize to Liam, and I don't expect him to forgive me or even like me anymore, I'm completely okay with that, whatever Chopard decides, I have to live with it.
Even though–There is a possibility that he might quit his job after this, I won't care, just as long as he hears me out today.
I'll be hurt, of course, but I just have to accept the reality that I don't get everything I want. And admitting that in my head is much scarier than ever. All I want to do is apologize and I accept and expect everything from him, even the absolute worst.
Despite Liam not forgiving me for what I did, I want to grow, and I know I jinx myself by saying I don't want to change myself, but I want to grow as in recognizing my bad habits of not saying sorry, even though some people don't deserve it.
But the ones that do deserve it, I'm willing to change.
As I thought about my new moral, I remember the words Daphne and Akako were saying to me about letting go, and my mother's words about opening up with my feelings and whatnot.
And now, I'll be doing both, even though it will hurt.Badly.
As I suddenly remember the first time I came here, I remember it so clearly and what the purpose was when visiting this apartment for the first time. I smiled as I glanced at my bodyguard posted a few doors down the hall.
I suddenly became nervous all over again, I was nervous on the drive over here, but now, I feel like I'm about to break out in a sweat or even pass out, or both, I don't know.
Even the simple thought of knocking on his door is making me shake with emancipation and to be honest, a little bit of fear.
Ever since I left my mother's house after that talk, that's when the idea popped into my head that I needed to talk to Liam. And as on the drive home, the idea of going to Liam's apartment became more and more ingrained into my head.
And even as I got home, I've been confused about the idea, even though I know it's a good idea, it scares me. I barely apologize to people in this lifetime, and I'm scared of Liam's reaction, it could be anything, ranging from accepting to rage.
I couldn't sleep that night, the thoughts were circling in my mind and I just couldn't let it go, so much so that I stayed up that night and wrote out a list of the pros and cons of going to his apartment.
But, of course, the pros outweigh the cons, as the list was even longer, almost reaching the bottom of the page while the cons were stuck at the top.
As I'm currently still standing outside the door, as my hand has risen and paused just inches at the door. Just a few inches, I thought in my head, just a few.
I took a deep breath as I forced myself to shut my eyes tightly as I made myself not think about anything anymore as I forced my hand to knock on the door, knocking three times.
Quickly opening my eyes, my whole body shakes as I hear rustling from the inside of the apartment as the knob slowly turns, the door slowly opens, revealing Liam Chopard behind the door, in everyday clothes.
I cleared my throat as I tried to calm myself down, I opened my mouth to begin speaking, not knowing what I'm about to say, but knowing that I have to say something so I won't back out of this last minute.
As I looked at Chopard, I was about to begin speaking but I was abruptly cut off as I felt a sting across my right cheek and heard a loud slap, a slap against flesh skin.
My head quickly whips around, almost giving me whiplash in the process, that's when the ringing in my ear starts as I stood still, not knowing what to say or what to do.
What can I say or do, I thought.
As the ringing gets louder and louder, and the sting is still there, making no process of settling down, I just have a sudden urge to run the opposite way, as this is Chopard's final answer. Liam slapping me is his final answer.
I just might as well lay on the floor, crawl into a big hole and cry, not from the slap, but from the rejection.
I know I said that I would accept any answer that Chopard would give me, but I expect a verbal answer, instead of a physical answer and plus, I kind of put this on myself, by keeping that stupid file in that drawer–
"Hailey!" Liam yells, snapping me out of my thoughts as he waves a hand in my face, my mouth is still open, telling from the dryness. I quickly closed my mouth as my hand automatically went to my cheek, trying to see what's real or not.
As I touch my cheek, there is no sign of any stinging, in fact, it feels completely fine.
I guess that was just a hallucination, a dream I guess, more like a nightmare. I don't know why I thought about that, it was so out of the blue, maybe my brain is that nervous that I imagine something that is unrealistic.
Anyways, as I snapped out of that crazy scenario I put in my head. I look at the floor before looking back at Liam, as I guess he's not happy to see me because he looks like he's impatient.
I look at him fully as I push myself to do this. I have to do this, otherwise, I might not be able to have the bravery to do this again, and the cycle might continue going back and forth with other people.
"I need to talk to you" I say, urgently.
"I don't think I have a choice" He scoffs as he says that sarcastically, slightly rolling his eyes.
Ouch, that hurts, I thought, but I don't say anything about that because he has a right to be upset with me still, I owe him a lot of explaining to do. I can't blame him for feeling like this.
As I ignore his rude comment, I then say, "It's important Chopard"
He sighs dramatically as he pushes the door more open, he waves his hand, motioning me to come inside, and I do, as Liam moves slightly behind the door to give me more space to step into the hallway of his apartment.
I look around, not because I'm curious about his new decorations on the wall or anything, but looking around as I take in the familiar feeling from when I was first here. As I stopped in the middle of the living room, I stopped and turned towards Liam as I reminded myself of why I'm here.
As I reminded myself, no matter what the response Chopard gives, at least I'm apologizing and making my faults known. That is all that matters right now.
Chopard closes the door as he joins me in the living room, he sits down on the couch, and I follow suit, distancing myself from him, both of us having so much room between each other that maybe two to three people can sit between us.
I was basically sitting on the arm rest of the couch.
Wanting to break the long silence, because I know I'm going to explain a lot.
But, I first started with Anne and Logan and what their plan was all this time because Liam asked, as he was still confused by the whole situation.
I explained it from beginning to end, from the time Liam left my office after the argument, and to the moment both of them got arrested in the office building.
I told Chopard about their plan to get him fired and how both of them wanted Anne to "take back" her job as my assistant. Even though that would never happen, and they should've known that, because the moment someone gets fired from the company, they could never work at my company again.
They should have known that and put that into consideration, but no, since they're a bunch of bimbos with one brain cell shared, they didn't think about that.
But anyways, as Chopard was understanding the situation, as he didn't say anything more, instead nodding, I explained myself further.
"Look Chopard, about the files that you found–" I paused as I looked at Chopard, finding that the moment I said that, he turned his head away from me, I don't know out of embarrassment, shame or he doesn't care about that.
I don't know but I continued.
"About the files, I know that the way you found them was...embarrassing, and I didn't mean for it to go down the way it did. In fact, you were never supposed to find out about them, and I shouldn't have kept it in my drawer. I know it hurts you deeply and I'm sorry, I know it was wrong.
Looking at Chopard again, the back of his head is still facing me, he didn't say anything either, not even a peek.
I swallow nervously as I continue, "Um, I guess I wanted to explain myself to you about those files, I think you deserve an explanation about those. The reason I had a file on you, especially in my desk, is because I guess I didn't trust you back then, when you were first hired, it was a lack of trust for new hires especially.
"Especially?" Chopard repeated, leaning back on the couch.
"I guess, especially for you, because of your position, I wanted to know everything about you, just in case–So I wouldn't be surprised if you betrayed me, and I thought you did when Logan sent in that email"
Liam stayed silent as I assume he's thinking. I don't know what he's thinking about but I'm hoping he understands what I'm telling him.
I expressed after sighing, "Liam, I know that I didn't treat you the best, especially at the beginning of your employment, and I know that I dismissed you many times. But to be honest, I feel like I've been this way for a long time, for many years"
Continuing, "I lack trust for everyone, and I know it's bad to say, but I just couldn't help it. I'm trying and I really want to change for the people that I care about–I realized that I'm holding myself back because of this, and the many people I impacted, including you"
As I looked down at my hands, nervously playing with them, I was hoping that he would say something, but nothing, not even a peak out of his mouth. Looking at him again, and his position changes, as he's looking straight forward as he stares blankly at the wall.
I sigh as I take this as a sign, I do have to remind myself that no matter what, I have to accept the response that Liam gives me, and the silent response tells me that he probably wants nothing to do with me or this is too much for him.
Whatever it is, it's a response and I have to accept it, no matter how much it hurts. I then stand up from the couch as I head for the front door, forcing myself not to look at Chopard.
As I moved past him, I tried my best to suppress my tears. I stop in the hallway as I keep my eyes on the door, not wanting to look back, otherwise, I just might cry my eyes out right here and now.
I then say, as I shake with nervousness, "Chopard, you don't have to forgive me, but everything I said is true, I just–I just want to do better for the people I care about, and that includes you"
As I walk closer to the door, I grab the handle, squeezing it so hard that the tips of my finger start to lose feeling, I imagine them turning many shades lighter than normal.
But I have to do this, I thought, it's fine, it's fine to let people go in life. I knew that everyone wasn't going to stay in my life forever, and that doesn't make an exception for anyone, even my mom and my friends. But knowing that, it still hurts.
I'm ready to let him go, even if my heart doesn't want to, my brain knows that this is probably for the best.
I then say something that pained me even more, "'s completely your choice if you want to come to the launch party, and if you still want to work for me" Turning slightly, but not facing him because I don't want to get emotional even more than I am, "If you don't, then I wouldn't blame you or even get upset"
I quickly turn right back around towards the door as I suddenly want to get out of here now, it feels like I'm about to cry my eyes out and that would be embarrassing, because I already did that with my mom. And I shouldn't cry, this is just the consequences of my actions.
I have to get out of here, I thought, as I have tears in my eyes, threatening to fall, I then began to twist the door handle but something stopped me.
Chopard spoke softly, not a hint of anger in his voice, as my back was still turned towards him, I dare not to look, I didn't know if I could, considering that I'm stuck in this spot. My body doesn't want to move.
"I felt really betrayed by you, Hailey, I thought I would never forgive you for everything that happened" He quietly whispers, "I thought–I was just another one of your employees that you didn't care for"
My grip on the handle softened upon hearing that, now I feel even shitter than ever, not only did I hurt him, but I made him feel like he didn't matter to me.
Quiet looms in the room, as I hear Chopard get up from the couch, he sighs as I hear his footsteps, and he's walking towards me.
"But" Chopard starts out, "I put a lot of thought into this whole thing, and us. And I think I made up my mind that your position in the company is difficult and working for you–Some things are hard, I have to admit. I knew what I was signing up for"
Letting go of the handle completely, letting it go back to its original position, I turn to face Chopard, looking him in the face. I swallow, feeling more nervous as I listen to him.
He continues, "Hailey, my feelings were real, they still are, they're still there for you Hailey, and I find that I can forgive you. Plus you were protecting yourself and the company, except for when maybe Logan slipped through" He joked.
I laugh under my breath but stop shortly as a singular tear travels down my cheek, I then look down out of embarrassment as I realize that Liam has never seen me cry before.
Looking at my shoes as I tried to tell myself to not cry, I felt a hand cradling my cheek, forcing me to look at him. He smiles softly at me as his hand travels to the back of my neck, gently bringing my face towards his shoulder as my head rests on it.
His hand then wraps around me into a tight hug, as if he doesn't want to let me go, I wrap my arms around him as well, both of my hands grabbing onto the back of his shirt. I snuggle my head more into his shoulder as I sniffle, fighting back the tears and closing my eyes tightly.
One of his hands cradles the back of my head, smoothing my hair. We stayed like that for a while–I don't know how long, just embraced into each other's warmth.
YAYYY, they're finally back!!
Almost reaching the end...
-Summer Roe
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