Chapter 42
After what happened with the ex-assistant, and after that five minute break to let everyone calm down and regain focus, we proceeded with the meeting as everyone, including Chopard came back and went on like nothing happened.
I tried as well to be normal, and act like what took place didn't affect me, but in truth, it sent me over the edge, like if one more thing has to happen, then I don't know if I'll be able to handle it well.
So much has happened, and I could only take so much before I exploded.
And that's why I was grateful when the meeting concluded because I didn't stop to talk to anyone or even acknowledge that anyone wanted to speak to me, I just wanted out of that meeting room, and just to be alone in my office.
I know it's rude not to acknowledge people when they want to speak to you, but I just can't be bothered right now, and with the many things that are going on right now in this company, I feel like I'm falling, continually. And I'm unable to stop.
As I sat down in my chair, I put my hands in my hair as I ran them through, trying to make sense of my thoughts, wanting to calm myself down as I over analyze the situation.
One of my first thoughts, even after she was taken away, is how she even got inside the building, only employees who currently work here get in, they have to get a keycard to get in.
And adding onto that, only people that are allowed into the meeting rooms get a special pass, no one can just casually open those doors, accessing to all the meeting rooms, not even regular employees.
Someone had to let her in, I don't know who would do that, but whoever did is an idiot. I would have to check the security cameras soon about that.
And second of all, the delusion that women have about her old job here, it's sad and ridiculous to be honest. I can't even begin to believe that she thinks she was the best employee at this company. I guess her mistake went over her head, for some reason.
I shake my head as I thought to myself, this is pointless to think about the situation even more than ever.
That situation is over and done with, she's gone and hopefully, she won't come anywhere near this office ever again. Plus, I have more things to worry about, I can't keep focusing on things that won't benefit me, or better the current problem I have.
I don't know why though, it's like everytime I think about it, I get a pit inside my stomach, it's like it's telling me that I should worry about it more, and that I have to trust my instincts and my gut that there's something else that's happening that I should be concerned about.
But to this, I shake my head as I force myself to stop thinking about it, and quit trying to make something out of nothing, because it's just going to get me nowhere.
After scolding myself about it, I then again have another pit in my stomach as I suddenly became overwhelmed with everything.
I can't get over the fact that there are many things I have to do or the many things I have to solve, with Chopard, he's definitely still angry with me, from the corrupted files, we still don't know who affected them and with one loose lead, and now the verbal attack from that unhinged women.
Everything feels like it's crumbling right in front of my eyes and the only thing I have to do is just move forward and keep the huge ball of shit from expanding further, further than it needs to be.
And now considering the launch date is very soon and if we don't settle this and make sure the situation has disappeared by that time, then that would be more shit added on, and it could be a really bad, even huge setback.
I rubbed my forehead as I tried to calm myself down, telling myself that I have to think about one thing at a time, and focus on the most important thing, which is the files, and even that, I don't know where to start. The team has no lead, except for Logan, which he provided a somewhat decent case, but isn't enough evidence.
But besides Logan, we have nothing, absolutely nothing to explain this. Like this came out of nowhere.
Either no one did this, and the files just went magically crazy on its own, for some reason, or someone did do this and they are really good at hiding it. And at this point, I'm considering both options.
As I kept thinking about this, someone came in, and of course it's Liam, doing his usual assistant job as I spotted a little stack of papers in his hands. As he came over to my desk, I first noticed that he didn't greet me like he usually does nor look at me.
Yet, there is no doubt that he's still mad about what he discovered.
Coming directly to my desk, he placed the stacks of papers onto my desk. As I made myself busy on my computer and some paperworks, I didn't say anything either, because I knew that he wouldn't want to talk to me.
And a little bit of being petty, to be honest.
And if I'm being honest, again, I did want to say something, anything to clear this awkward silence, I desperately wanted us to go back to how we used to be. But I held myself back as I figured that if I talked or even tried, then I'll be faced with rejection.
Or he'll become more angry with me, which I don't want to worsen things between us.
So, by remaining silent, I think that I granted him a wish that he didn't say out loud, which is interacting with me.
But apparently, that wasn't enough, as after he dropped off the papers at my desk, he didn't leave right now like I thought, instead he continued to stand in front of my desk, staring at me.
WIthout looking at him, I could tell he was staring hard at me, because I could feel the burn of his stare going through my head, it was awkward to say the least. As I continued to look at my laptop whilst my assistant didn't say anything to me, but he continued to stare at me.
As I catch on to this weird nonverbal interaction, I still don't say anything as I don't know what to say or if I should even say anything at all.
I thought, he can't keep this up, I know he can't, because I know I'm about to crack under his stare.
After a few more seconds of this stare, I heard his throat clearing and sighing as if he was waiting for me to say something, but found that he's getting nothing out of me, so he decided to speak instead, finally breaking the silence. Only after a few seconds.
The first thing he said after what felt like days or even months, he asked, "What was all that about?"
I sigh silently as I know what he is referring to exactly, that meeting and whatever happened when the meeting was interrupted.
This is the thing I didn't want to happen, the words of that lunatic making Liam worry about things he shouldn't need to worry about.
And plus, even if she did speak to him for a brief second, he shouldn't take her words to heart, I mean, what she said was true about being tossed out like trash because it applied to her, only because she was shit at her job.
But Chopard doesn't need to worry about that, and the only thing he needs to worry about is the possible target on his back, made by Logan. With the assumptions about Liam being connected to the flies, I have to be on high alert around him.
So it's best to keep Liam at bay so if he is the one messing with the flies, then he should just worry about the task of his job and not someone else's words.
As I settled on that idea, knowing how much it would pain me to see that Liam is the one truly behind everything, but as I thought about how to answer his question, he continued.
He then further explains, "Ms. Cantrell, this is serious, and I need to know what's going on. She addressed me and if I have any involvement into what that was, then I think I have the right to know what's going on"
I scoffed out loud, as I thought about the entitlement he has, in my office. Sure, he has the right to know what's going on, but that doesn't mean he has to know everything that's going on. Some things are better left unsaid, and this is one example of that.
I shook my head as I finally looked up at him, as I stopped typing on my computer, I crossed my arms as I said, "I refuse to tell you what's going on, you shouldn't worry about these things. All you need to focus on is your job"
As I finished, I knew my answer wouldn't make Liam happy, which is why I fully expected resistance from him. And that's what I got.
He takes in my answer, as he frowns his brows, crossing his arms as well, mincing my stance, no doubt that he's not satisfied with my answer, as he angrily says, "I have a right to know what's going on, you can't keep me in the dark about everything. Because you already have for some things" He pauses before he continues, "My job is important here, I have to make sure that I'm doing my job well and the only thing you need to do is tell me what's going on"
I sigh as I think about what he said, processing it. It's true, he does have a right to know what's going on, but that would only make things worse, for everyone included.
If I were to tell him about what Logan said about him, then Liam would probably flat out deny it and go after Logan for saying something to me. If I told him about what happened with the old assistant that used to work here, he would probably become worried about her.
Point being is that the truth is going to be hidden until everything is sorted out. I don't know when that's going to be, but hopefully it's soon.
Instead of saying something back, even though I desperately wanted to, I forced myself to try to end this conversation because there are more important things that I have to focus on, and one of them is not protecting Liam's feelings because he feels that he should have the right to know about certain things.
Holding myself back, I simply said, "Chopard, I don't have time to argue with you about this, all you need to do right now is stay in your lane, which is just being my assistant"
This obviously didn't settle with Liam well, as his leg started bouncing as if he's about to explode in any moment, he snaps back as he says, "Well, assisting you is becoming harder since you keeps hiding things from me"
I didn't have a moment to think about what he said before he turned around and stormed out of the office, carefully not to slam the door behind him, which I can be grateful for.
But I shake my head, I thought about the many other things I have to do in order to get the ball rolling in the right direction, and comforting Liam is not one of them. I reminded myself that there are more important things to think about.
I was about to get back to work, but suddenly, I received an email, as I thought this was just another random email sent to me–I lazily looked at the sender of the email as I noticed that it was Logan, my head tech.
Rolling my eyes, I thought it was just another report of something, but looking at the subject of the email, I expected it to be the same–just like every other one he sent to me, but no.
This one is different, taking another look, the subject stated, 'Important! Evidence!"
Scratching the back of my head, I was quick to open it, as I was confused by what he was referring to, but in the back of my mind, a thought occurred. What if he's providing evidence that Liam Chopard is the one really behind all of this, with the flies and all.
And it's like my mind was magically making everything come true, because when I opened the email, the only thing it contained was a video. I opened the video as it shows surveillance footage of the role of computers, overlooking the tech department.
The footage shows Liam at one of these computers, he's sitting down as he is typing something, I can't make out what he's typing on the computer, but I noticed that no one else was in the room with him. And he was looking behind his back constantly.
My mind was racing with many thoughts as I lowered my head in my hands, as I was shocked and devastated by this. This evidence clearing shows what has been missing, an answer that I was desperate for.
And now that I have it, I want to deny it. So badly.
Omg Liam is caught and I think Hailey is about to spiral or is she?
-Summer Roe
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