Chapter 35
As the day passes by slower and slower on a random work day, I sit at my desk as I work myself away–Typing as I push through the pain in my fingertips and the cramping that is starting to form in my lower back.
Staring at the computer as multiple tabs on the screen are in front of me, I stop typing for a quick second as the memory of me and Chopard crosses my mind for a millisecond.
Realizing that my hands are hovering over the keyboard, I allow them to rest in my lap as my eyes slowly move across the room, landing on the couch. The same couch where me and Liam were the most imatime with each other.
Now that the memory crossed my mind for a second without my consent, I cannot stop thinking about it, and to be honest, I haven't stopped thinking about it, ever since we parted ways that day.
I lost track of how many days it has been since then, maybe two, three, a week–I don't know.
Still staring at the couch, I now can't get the sounds and the feeling out, his moans, my moans, the most vulnerable position we were in, and the aching feeling that something is missing inside of me, a feeling that I didn't know I would be craving until that night.
Ripping my eyes from the couch, I tried to stare at something else, anywhere else, the ceiling, the floor, my desk for crying out loud, but every possible way I try to make myself focus on the task in front of me, my mind is still going back to the moment.
Another feeling emerging is the absolute thrill of this whole thing. I feel like a highschooler, hiding a massive secret from her parents and sneaking around–trying not to get caught.
I'm surprised that no one has even caught us that day, and thank god no one did, because it would have been a huge disaster for the both of us. We can't risk being careless.
Even though I get a thrill from this "huge" secret, I have to remind myself that work has to be my number one priority, it has to be. I can't let work be an afterthought for pleasure.
I'm sure Liam would understand. Maybe try not to fuck on the couch when people are in the office after the work day. That would be a good start to try and keep this low between us.
And more importantly, because of the launch that's about to happen soon, I can't get distracted by this arrangement to lose my focus, I have to get prepared for it. Because the last thing I need is for something to go wrong for this release that would get me stressed out.
As I made that semi-plan in my head, I focused back on my work, trying to get as much done as possible.
In the middle of writing a report, the work phone rings on my desk. Not taking my eyes nor concentration off the computer screen, I reach my left arm across the desk as I pick up the phone, answering, "Cantrell"
Resting the phone between my ear and my shoulder, I continued to type until I heard, "Hailey"
Immendatirly recognizing the voice, I stop typing as I hold the phone in my hand now, leaning back in my chair, softly smiling to myself as I answered, "Yes, Liam?" in a playful manner.
Figuring that he's calling for no reason, I fully expected him to say something out of pocket or ask a really dumb question, distracting me from my work. I know I say to myself that work is the number one priority, but I can take a five minute break to talk to Liam. Just five.
But instead of the usual way he talks to me, he answers me in a serious tone, like something urgent, as he states over the phone, "There is emergency meeting with the board and they urge me to tell you that they need you to be there–It's something serious on the matter"
I immediately stood up from my chair as it rolled back, almost hitting the window, (but thankfully it didn't) I informed him that I'm on my way, hanging up the phone as I didn't give him the chance to say anything else, as I didn't think about that.
I quickly walked around the desk as I only brought me and my phone, harshly opening the door, walking out.
Not caring how I looked, I marched through the halls as I pass by people, some people not even noticing that I walk by them, and for the one that did notice, they quickly moved out of the way for me–I can feel their eyes lingering on my back as I assume that they're wondering what's the rush for.
Having no idea that I have a million thoughts running through my head, considering that I have been requested to attend a meeting at the very last minute, and an emergency one too at that.
I thought to myself for the millionth time, What could this meeting be about? How bad is the subject of this meeting? What if something happened or someone did something? Who knows–It could've been anyone.
Hopping in the elevator, and thankfully being alone, I lean against the walls as the sudden thought or fear hits me–What if it's about me and Chopard.
The thought struck me like lightning, I immediately started sweating as my stomach was turning on itself in the midst of the possibility that me and Liam's secret might not be much of a secret.
I mean, how did we give it away? I guess we were too careless.
I know I shouldn't be afraid that our secret might be exposed and that it would make a few people angry, even though I am the boss around here, I am not the boss of other's opinions.
People's perception of this company might change if they know about this affair, I can't have this relationship or whatever this is to affect my company, I will not drag down every employee here and put them out of a job just because of me.
Assuming that many people would have a problem with this thing between me and Chopard, I heard it all based on other's businesses tanking because of a similar relationship within the companies.
Power dynamics, boss taking advantage of a worker, the boss not having passion about the projects anymore, anything of the sort.
And before I know it, I could be known in one of those categories. Which I will not allow.
Even if the emergency meeting is about us, it could easily be resolved–The relationship between us would be over, and Chopard would have to leave the company, or I'll have HR move him to another department, and I would get a new assistant.
Preferably a woman.
Done and simple.
I nodded to myself as the elevator dings, letting me know that I have to push through with this, even though I'm nervous–The elevator opens as I straighten my expression as I don't want anyone to know that my mind is still going crazy.
Walking out of the elevator, I pass the reception desk as I glance at it, fully expecting to see Ruby, but I didn't as I did a double take. Instead of Ruby, there is someone else, the woman doesn't seem to notice me as I stared.
I shook my head as I continued to the meeting, I can worry about that later. As I enter the hallways of all the meeting rooms, heading all the way down the hall is where something awaits me.
As I got closer, I started to get nervous all over again, and actually fearful for what this meeting is about.
But I thought to myself, Come on Hailey, I shouldn't be scared of this–no matter what this is about, you have to be confident and show them that you're the boss and you're the reason they are there. Every problem has been thrown at you, and you managed to overcome it, this problem will be no different.
Don't forget that, I last thought. After I scolded myself, I took a deep breath as I stared at the door where the problem awaits me, forcing myself. I grabbed the handle as I walked in, my eyes meeting several faces that are curious of who walked in the room.
Once they realized that it was me, suddenly the tension in the room becomes thick, like they are scared of what I am going to say, do, or react to.
Letting the door close behind me as it shuts itself, I take in everyone. The person that's head of HR, head of tech, Logan, Ruby, Liam and many more people.
All gather around the oval table, except for Liam as he stands in the corner, with his ipad in his hand. All of them looked back at me as they waited for me to take my seat.
As I make my way over to the chair that's at the head of the table, Liam moves as well, taking a glass pitcher filled with water and ice, as he starts to pour everyone's glass.
Taking my seat, some people are not looking at me and some are, like they are guilty of something.
After Liam gets done pouring water in everyone's glass, he, once again, takes his position near me, stationing behind me, not sitting down as he prepares his ipad, pulling up documents as he prepares to show me them.
Tucking my hands under my chin, I ask, "What is this meeting about?" whilst my hands were slightly shaking, the emancipation of waiting for the answer of what this is all about.
The butterflies in my stomach are still there.
Everyone immediately scrambled, as if they were unprepared for my question, even if they had all this time to do the things they needed to do. They look around the room, their faces composed of confusion and intimidation, as if scared to say what is the issue.
Now, I feel like I'm wasting my time, and I could have been in my office right now, actually doing something productive. Instead, I'm watching a bunch of adults act like they're not in an important meeting they scheduled.
I slightly turned my chair towards Liam as I looked at him, he looked back, but his expression is making me worry, and based on his face, he knows what's wrong, and at the same time, he doesn't know what's happening
Before I can ask him what the matter is, someone clears their throat as I quickly turn around, finally ready to hear them out.
Turning towards the table once again, someone finally spoke up.
"Well, Ms. Cantrell...It seems like some of our files from the launch folder have either gone missing, or some are corrupted" Logan said as he tried to ease into the issue at hand, saying it calmly and slowly.
But that did the opposite, instead of taking in the news calmly, my head spun out of control with a million thoughts running through my head as I began to question everything. Even though I'm not showing it yet, I'm internally freaking out.
I was about to say something to clarify the whole thing before he continued.
"And the team has been discussing–" He says as he looks around the table, the other looking back at him, "That someone might be behind this. And we have–" he doesn't finish that sentence, considering that I'm raising my hand up, silencing him from saying anything else.
I need to think right now.
I'm feeling two things right now, on one hand–It's relieved, relieved that it's not about me and Chopard, that may be selfish but I'm grateful for that. And the second is shock, shock like something like this could happen.
I mean, we are nearing the release date of the launch and we come across this issue? This has never happened before with the past launches and clearly there's something at play here.
I breathe out, wanting to think before I explode right now in this room. "How did this happen?" I demanded as I try to remain calm but it's just impossible at the moment.
Then saying, "Do you know who did this?" Asking another question, practically to no one, as my suspension ran wild. It had to be a person, missing files, that can't be done on its own. I can understand corruption because of sometimes a glitch in the system.
Not missing files.
Someone speaks up, a random man at the table, "We don't know Ms. Cantrell, we just found out this morning" He cationally says as to reassure me.
I nod as I wanted to know more, "What have you guys done so far when you found this out?"
Another person answer, this time, a women, "We are already investigating the matter and trying to get to the bottom of this, we just wanted to keep you inform about the progress of the launch"
But to that, I shake my head as I viewed the answer unacceptable, actually the whole thing unacceptable, I stated, "The launch is coming up, and before we know it, it's going to be sooner than later" Standing up, really gathering the attention of everyone, leaning over the table, "Even if someone did this, then it wouldn't be hard to figure out"
To be honest, it shouldn't be that hard, there have been countless times where something has occurred and we manage to find out who it was. This is no different, either my team is really lazy and is not trying hard enough, or they were busy with other things and thought that the problem would solve itself.
Either way, I don't care because now something is threatening my business and the hard work people have put into this company.
Clearly these people are incompetent at giving a shit about this issue, because it won't affect them the most, they won't have to take the blow, I do.
Coming to a decision, I then said, "I will do something by myself if I have to" The moment I said that, I heard Chopard stepping forward as if he's trying to back me up.
No one said anything as I looked around the table, not only weren't they saying anything, but they weren't even looking at me. Their eyes cowardly looked everywhere but my face.
Not minding Chopard at all, I breathed out as I didn't say anything as I stormed out the room. As I'm too upset and disappointed by what I'm hearing to say anything else.
As I'm walking back up the hallway, leading to the main lobby, and right before I enter the lobby, I hear footsteps quickly charging behind me.
Getting a feeling of who this might be, before I can turn around, the voice gave it away, "Ms. Cantrell!" He calls out. I turn around as he was about to say anything, as I cut him off, "Not now, Chopard"
As soon as he registered what I said, he tries again, but this time, more urgency, "But Ms–"
Not having the energy for this bullshit, I snapped as I said, "Chopard! Not. Now" pointing my finger towards him as it left him stunned, forcing him to take a step back.
At that moment, I felt bad, but at the same time, I had more important things to do. Not having the will to stand here and look at him any longer, I turned and looked away, not looking back, even though I so desperately wanted to.
Marching down the halls, I don't stop until I'm in my office, shutting the door behind me as I lean against the wood material, finally breathing as I need to think about my next steps.
Going to sit down at my desk, I immediately go into action as I clear out my day as I cancel, reschedule appointments and meetings that I am a part of. I will not leave this desk until I can figure out who or what is behind this disaster.
I need to figure this out, I thought to myself.
And since the board hasn't figured this out already, then I guess I have to do it. Even though they mentioned that they found out this morning, why haven't they found out the core of this problem?
Clearly, if you want something done, then you have to do it yourself.
Cracking my bones, and twisting my back, I get myself ready, because I'm committing to staying in my office for the rest of the work day, or at least till I can solve this.
Several hours went by when I first sat down and I hadn't left my office, not one bit, except for going to the restroom, of course. But I haven't talked to anyone either, everytime someone would knock on the door, I wouldn't even bother to answer.
That's how committed I am.
But that commitment is wearing off as I rub my eyes from staring at the computer screen all day practically, so far in my own investigation, I feel like I've gone nowhere–Every time I thought I discovered something new, it's either the board has discovered it, or it's a dead end.
Either way, I'm back to square one.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door quickly as they didn't open the door, only informing me through the door that everyone has gone home.
Not paying any mind to that announcement, I took a quick peek at the clock as it read six in the evening. I didn't even know that time had passed so quickly.
Shrugging my shoulders as I thought, Two more hours of work wouldn't hurt.
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