Chapter 32
As the work day progressed, I have been doing my regular work routine, including checking up on the launch and how much we, as a company process, doing paperwork, signing things off and such and such.
I lean back into my desk chair as I ask to think about what my friends were asking me whenever we were all over at Daphne's place. Asking about everything and nothing, but most important, if things have changed.
I then start to evaluate everything before all of this, from the moment we met and how I was with him, to now, getting use to him being here, and realizing that I just want to be near him, not technically not dating him, but I guess keeping the things between us a secret from everyone in the office.
But if anyone finds about what we have done, or talked about. Word would spread fast, and in a moment of time, everyone would know and before we know it, the world would know about it.
I can't risk that. But at the same time, I know Chopard would keep his word about us. At least I hope.
But especially ever since I went over to his apartment, I do have to admit, ever since that day, some changes have altered between us, like for example, I began to tolerate him more, and that is a big change for me.
Especially since I'm not much of a people's person. I think that's an achievement for me.
But other than that, I don't think it's a big thing I should be thinking about on the regular.
That being said, I continued to work as I filed some paperwork. A few minutes later, I heard a particular someone coming to my door, as I recognized the shoe's sound hitting the door.
And in a split second, the door opens–Without a knock, looking up, I know who it was as I expected him.
Liam comes in with a stack of papers with a huge smile on his face, his mouth stretching from ear to ear. That smile soon turned into a slight grin as he approached my desk.
I look back down, regaining my focus on my work as I said, "Liam, how about you smile about knocking on my door before walking in here, yes?"
Looking up again as he once again turns the grin into a huge smile, like he got his mouth stuck in that position once again. He then says "Yes ma'am" as he chuckles.
I shake my head as I know that he's not going to follow through with that, and I'm well aware of that fact. I mean–Ever since that talk, Liam has gotten more comfortable around me, comfortable enough that I'm getting used to it, and comfortable enough not to alert everyone, or draw any suspicion.
Like a win-win, but we do have to be careful, of course, we can't just act like this in front of people, so it's best to do so in private. Have private conversations that only we can have, private looks, everything–Private.
Coming up to my desk, he carefully places it down, stating that there are some things that I need to sign to get back to him.
I nodded my head as I looked back down once again, trying to refocus on what I was doing. I didn't know what Liam was up to, but he stayed at my desk longer than he needed too. But then, he suddenly rounds my desk as he gets behind my chair, looking over my shoulder.
But the funny thing is, if this were to be someone else, then I would immediately have them removed from the building for getting in my space because of the unknown intention.
With Liam, I somehow don't mind it, not even one bit.
He places a hand onto my desk, visually distracting me as it catches me off guard. I don't attempt to move his hand, then I jump slightly as his other hand moves all my hair to one shoulder, exposing the back of my neck.
Feeling his presence behind me, he then leans in as he kisses my neck so tenderly, like he's testing the water, I close my eyes, feeling his soft, warm lips grazing my neck.
His kisses make the hairs stand up. I slightly sign as I relax my shoulders, already getting used to this.
He then moves his lips across my neck until he reaches the shell of my ear, kissing it, whispering, "What are you up to?" He asked as I felt his breath grazing my ear. I felt my face go hot, the temperature in his room seemed to be rising.
Or was it just me?
I breathe out as I quickly spin around in my chair, facing Liam as he stands over me, as I don't get up from my chair, I just stare up at him.
Deciding to answer his question, which he should already know the answer, I play along, "Well Liam, if you must know–I'm overlooking the products and the distribution for the launch"
Liam says nothing, absolutely nothing, like I spoke to him in a foreign language.
He still doesn't say anything after a few seconds before leaning down towards me, placing his hands on either side of the chair's armrest, he then grin as he studies my face, saying quietly to the point where I only can hear, "Don't work too hard, okay"
Leaning back a little, he waits for an answer, as if I would say, yeah, you're right, I won't work too hard.
If he was thinking that, then he got it all wrong about my working style.
I didn't answer as I smiled back, the little grin plastered on my face, unable to leave now. I stand up out of my chair, forcing Liam to step back, his hands leaving the armrest. He takes some steps back, giving me room to fully stand up straight.
Crossing my arms as my smile doesn't go away, instead of agreeing with him, I instead say, "Maybe you're just not working hard enough, Chopard" Jerking my head towards the door as I signal to him that he should go back to his office so that no one is going to catch us.
Since this is the middle of the day, people would most likely come in here, and if someone had an emergency, then in short–It would be a disaster.
Liam scoff cheerfully as he took that signal, he hangs his head low whilst shaking it. He rounds the desk as he moves towards the door. Placing his hands in his pockets.
I have to admit, I wanted him to stay longer here. But I knew we couldn't, not here, in the office anyway. I have to get used to this, being a secret to him. I shouldn't be sad by this, this the way it has to be, the way it should be.
As I turn my chair around, getting it in the right position and getting ready to sit down, I then take one last look at his back, already assuming that this would be the last time seeing him because of how busy the office is today.
Sometimes, the office would be so dead, but other times, it looks like everyone has lost their heads as they were rushing around the building.
Today is one of those days where it is perfectly in between, where it's not so busy, but at the same time, everyone has something to do.
As I get ready to take my eyes off Liam, he suddenly walks backwards, and at first I was confused. I didn't know that he was trying to do the moonwalk in my own office.
I guess he got that comfortable.
He turns around with the biggest grin on his face, and just like a child, it looks like an idea has popped into his head.
Then he suggested something so outrageous, "We should get dinner sometime, together–Any place"
"No" I said with a straight face, not giving any thought to his suggestion, I don't know if he was joking or not, but if he's not, then I would be shocked by this proposal. Not only is it a bad idea but it's not what we agreed on.
I mean, sure, we could go out for dinner, but what would that look like from the outside, a boss and one of her employees getting dinner together and just talking? No, in some cases like this, it's best to hide in the dark, and this thing needs to be in the dark and stay in the dark.
I know I said that I didn't care about others' opinions, but in this instance, other's opinions could do some serious damage.
Cleary, Liam didn't think this through.
Liam then laughs as he turns around and is out of the office, the laugh falls flat as soon as the door closes, he lingers on the door for a little bit, based on the shadows under the door. The shadows then disappear as he walks off, the noise from his shoes slowly getting quieter as he departs.
I sat back now in my chair as I started to think even more than ever. I do have to admit, with Daphne's question in mind of whether we were acting differently around each other, that we definitely act differently around each other, there would be evidence of that.
If someone were to witness us around each other behind, then yeah–They would definitely see that we have changed between each other, especially when we first met.
But the thing is though, I just don't want to confront it, I don't want to deal with the actions or consequences of this whole thing, if it blows up.
All I want to do is ride the wave, let things play out on their own and see where this would end up. For the first time of my life–I want to be carefree, free of living in the restrictions of my own desire.
At the same time, I can deal with this. I like the way things are between us, me and Chopard are kept a secret, doing what we want to do, or saying what we want to each other in private, to avoid exposure. And plus–No one knows about us, except for Akako and Daphne.
Side note, I thought in my head, I would need to ask Liam if he told any of his friends, or even family members, and if he did, then we would need to have a different conservation. Mostly because I don't know their intention.
But besides that, we are keeping our professional persona in front of others, that is the easy part. No one expects anything, they would be crazy to think otherwise.
I lean back into my chair again as I put my hands behind my head, essentially thinking that everything is under control and everything will turn out just fine.
And that's the thing I'm worried about, I want to know how this ends, because at one point or another–It's going to go downfall, not to be negative, but it's true.
Later in the day, as it's almost the end of the work day. I haven't made a move to pack up everything just yet, since there are a few things I need to do. I continued to work as the people outside my door discussed what they were going to do after work.
I sat up straight in my chair as I tried to tune them out, not wanting to be interested in other people's activities. They could at least take their conservation in some other area, rather than in front of my personal space.
As I finally began to tune them out, I was interrupted by a couple of knocks at my door. Followed by the door opening, I look up as Liam comes in–Having nothing in his hands as he walks in confidently, approaching my desk.
I lower my head, hiding it behind my hair as I secretly smile, being too embarrassed to show him that I am happy to see him.
The only thing I can admit though, is that I missed him, through the working day, even through my short little lunch break, I couldn't stop thinking about him for some reason.
Which is ridiculous, I know. I should not be missing anything, the only thing I should be missing is my bed, and even that I don't think about often.
As Liam leans on my desk, staring down at me, he curiously asks, "What are you doing?"
"Work" I replied dryly as I continued my work, typing fast on my computer.
"Well" Liam says as he leans down closer, "The day is over, it's time to go home" He informs me as if I haven't been checking the time throughout the day.
I shrugged his newly found information off as I informed him, "There is much more needed work to be done, I figure that I would stay and–" My sentence was interrupted by a couple of chuckles from Liam.
He tries to cover, but fails to do so. As he bows his head, and holding his hand up as a form of apologizing, afterwards as he gets through with his burst of laughing, he stands up straight, putting his hands on his hips, dramatically sighing.
All I did was stare at him as I waited for him to tell what's funny. I stop typing completely as I crossed my arms, raising one eyebrow, trying to secretly say that 'It would best to tell me what's funny'
But Liam just shrugs as he has a cheeky smile on his face, he avoids my eyes as he looks around the office, Liam then says, "That reminds me of that night where you made me stay late for work" He says in finger quotes, chuckling ever so slightly.
At that, I uncross my arms as I try to hide in embarrassment but I didn't move anywhere, all I did was just look away and closed my eyes, hoping that I would forget that embarrassing moment in my life. The embarrassment must have appeared on my face as I felt a rush of blood and heat going to my cheeks as they turned pour.
But Liam kept going, not allowing me to move past this as he said, "Are you going to kiss me again, Ms. Cantrell?" He says in a teasing tone.
I had to admit it, Liam was bold and he must have some huge balls to say that, but since we are on the topic of boldness, I would like to participate.
And that's exactly what I did, as I got up from my seat, not saying anything to Liam as I could see the confusion mixed with fear on his face. He doesn't take his eyes off me as he follows me with only his eyes.
We lock eyes with each other, neither one of us looking away as I round the desk, coming in front of Liam as his back is now towards the desk, looking down at me.
Creating distance between us, he crosses his arms, as I put my hand on my hip, and the other hand behind him, on the desk, trapping him between the desk and me, but not really, because he could easily push out, but I don't think he's dumb enough to do that.
I quietly say, "Liam"
Liam hums in approval, as he leans his head slightly back, his tight arm cross loosened a little, he then asks, "Can you say that again?–Please?
I smile as I granted his wish, "Liam"
Liam smiles as he looks fully at me again, he breathes in as he ask something else this time, "Let me ask, Ms. Cantrell, why haven't you called me by my first name, up until now?"
What a simple question, and a simple answer coming along with that, I thought as I decided to be honest with his question.
"Well" I started, "I call most, if not all of the employees here by their last name, it's a common practice among people Chopard. Even if I know their first name, it's easier to remember people by their last names"
This answer got him thinking, I can tell, maybe if I look closer inside that head of his, then maybe I'll see some screws turning.
He tightens up again, as he harshly breathes in and says,"Well, maybe not everyone" He says with a different tone than before, "Maybe someone that works on the first floor"
It takes me a few seconds to get what or who he's referring to, and as I come to the conclusion, it's like a lighting bolt appeared on the top of my head. He's referring to Ruby, I laugh in my head as I thought he was referring to something else.
But no, he was referring to Ruby. Oh my god, I thought, I think someone's jealous.
I let out a giggle as I asked, "Are you jealous, Chopard?" Taking my hand off of my hip and placing it on his hip, unexpectedly.
Liam has definitely became comfortable with Hailey, her as well.
-Summer Roe
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