Chapter 29
Getting out of the car, the sun shines brightly in my face, making my eyes squint. I walk with full confidence as other people from outside the office are stunned to see me in the outdoors. I ignored them, not caring about their thoughts or opinions.
My heels clanking against the floor as I made myself known in the building, I walked through the crowds of people, even though almost every employee had their eyes on me, trying to make it less known, but they can't help but fully turn their heads, watching my every step.
I guess that's what happens when someone important is hours late for work without a notice.
Knowing what they thought about me. I know most of my employees would not think of me as a regular corporate women, given my strict schedule with myself and the standard I set towards myself.
They know me for getting to the office first, even though I'm on top of the food chain and benefit most from the company's profit and the labor.
They always question why I put myself through this, even if I have what many people don't, and why I'm so strict with myself, why I can't let go and take a vacation or something.
The truth of the matter is that being strict with myself, forcing myself to do things even though I could be exhausted only benefits me in the future. If I wasn't putting myself through this, then where would I be?
I would have probably been working a dead end job, which I promised myself I would never end up in, not even in my next life.
If I stop being strict and disciplined with myself then I would not get any work done with this company. The sales would be on the decline and I wouldn't have the passion for this job anymore because of the lack of motivation.
Then what?
My company, that I spent years through sweat and tears on, wouldn't be able to exceed in the next years or so, all because I had gotten used to my position for where it is now and not progressing to the next level like it should.
I have everything to lose, but much more to gain–So why not continue with this "crazy and ridiculous" routine of mine, instead of sitting around and letting the laziness get to my head and let it affect my business.
I would rather choose the first option.
Doing the same like the people outside, I give no attention to the employees still secretly eyeing me, some with the look of surprise and shock, while others are annoyed and weird out. But to that, I held my head up high, flipping my hair over my shoulders.
I'm in full confidence, until I quickly remember my goal for today–Which is to talk to Chopard and figure out what the hell to do next.
Which–It can go many ways, one of the ways that keeps repeating in my head out of fear is that he is going to try and use it against me, knowing how much it can damage my business and the image around it.
He could use it for blackmail for something more than what he's being offered from the company. As long as he is alive, whilst my business is thriving. He can choose any moment to tear it all down. Just like that, in a snap of his fingers and a few phone calls to media outlets.
But one thing I know is that I'm a fighter and I'm not going down without a fight, as long as I can twist the story and make it seem like something of his doing then I'll do it.
Scratching those thoughts out of my head, I have to remain focused. I'm getting ahead of myself, and who knows–It can turn out another way, a way I didn't expect.
As I aim to reach the front desk, the only thing I need to do is locate where Chopard is, and the only person who would know is Ruby.
Of course, because the only way you can get in is through the front doors, she sees everyone who comes and goes, in and out. Plus, she could see who is clocked in and who is not. So she has to know where Chopard is.
Because either he's hiding from me in this building or out, or he hasn't shown up to work yet, which I highly doubt.
I reached the front desk and as soon as I rested my hands on top, Ruby looked up, it took her a second to process who was standing in front of her, then her face went into shock.
She immediately stood up, blinking her eyes more than a few times, like she was seeing a ghost.
So I commented, "Ruby, I'm not a ghost" as I laughed quietly, looking over my shoulders as people were passing by, some of them looking towards me then back down as I eyed them.
"Well" Ruby started off, a huge smile on her face, "That's what a ghost would say, but anyways..." She quickly looks down at her computer as she looks back up, "You're finally taking your well-deserved break, I see"
She goes on to say, "I've been wondering when you would just slow down and take a break, even though no one knew where you were, half of the office thought something happened to you" Ruby waves a hand around, "But, I'll excuse it considering how much–"
Not wanting to get her hopes up any longer, I cut in, "Well, about that–I accidentally slept in this morning but–" I hold my pointer finger up, "Rest assured, that it won't happen again, I'm actually surprised that I missed my alarm"
As I simply finished explaining, I could see the slow transition of her facial expression, her smile turned into a small pout as if excitement was no longer on her face.
To say the least, I think she's disappointed about my response. Which I see why though, even though she is just another one of my employees, she actually cares about me, like another one of my friends.
In the past, she would constantly tell me to get more rest, go home early, and I need to take more breaks and such and such.
But I know I can never do that, why would I be lazy? It just doesn't make sense and plus, for some reason that I have an idea about, I would feel disappointed and bad about myself if I don't do any type of work. A part of my brain knows that I won't allow myself to do that, even if I'm on the brink of my deathbed.
I'll take a break when I'm dead, I thought.
Ruby didn't say anything to me as she sighs quietly, looking over my shoulder to greet some people coming in, she looks back at me saying, "I think it's time for a break" She suggested, treading carefully, tapping her fingers nervously against the desk, "You've been working hard lately, and I'm just worried about your health"
She goes to say, "People that tend to push themselves at work a lot usually ends up affecting their health, Hailey"
I didn't say anything as that just went in one ear and out the other. It's not that I don't take her suggestion into consideration, I highly respect her for it.
But some things, I just don't listen to them because of the results. I've worked hard since the beginning of my career and not once have my health declined because of that.
So if I survive all this hardship of work, then nothing is wrong. And I don't intend to let that happen.
As my mind traces back to the task when I first walked in the door, I suddenly start looking around for him, to see if he's here or not. And if he is here, then this would make it so much easier to confront him about what happened.
I would pull him into my office and we'll or should I say I will discuss the two options he has, neither face termination and much more if he opens his mouth or he can keep his job but with a more heavy workload, just enough to keep him distracted at all times.
Those two options would be the only way for this nightmare, that I'm constantly reminded of, to end
Enough to keep me up at night, might I add.
As I kept continuing to look, I asked Ruby, "Where is Chopard" trying to be subtle and uninterested about him, "I didn't see him when I walked in here"
Insteading of answering me straight away, Ruby instead had a face of worry about the question, wincing as she was scared to let it out.
Staring at her intensely, I asked, "Where is he Ruby?" Using the intimidation tactic on her to get her to answer the question, because clearly, she knows something that I won't like.
Ruby gave up instantly, can't help but let out a sigh of defeatment, she informed me, "HR contacted me and said that Mr. Chopard will be staying home because he's sick and they approved of it" Saying it slowly as she treads lightly on the issue.
But yet again, I said nothing, absolutely nothing. All I did was let out a hum as I leaned my elbow on the counter, looking around the lobby, no longer facing Ruby.
The only thing I could say is, "Interesting"
"I mean, I think it's a very valid reason to stay home. Hopefully, you aren't mad about that" Ruby voiced, "Considering your past assistant" She muttered under her mouth quietly, yet I still heard it.
I quickly turned around, quickly replying, "That was only a few times because of very valid reasons"
Which in truth, it was only a few times. I don't get mad at people for having unexpected things come to you, that's life, no matter the position at my company.
But when someone tries to fake being sick or having life problems to get out of work, then I get mad, especially when they know that I'll also find out, either from someone else or myself, with my very own eyes.
I don't like liars, so when someone lies about something like a sickness, then they could lie about many other things, so it's best not to have them work for me and risk me looking like an idiot.
Ruby laughed as she said, "Whatever you say, Ms. Cantrell"
Shrugging her off, I turned on my heel as I informed her, "I'll be in my office", walking quickly to the empty elevator as people expectedly moved out the way.
As I sat down in my chair, feeling the difference of the time from what I usually get from here verse now, the sun is fully beaming into the office as the blinds were pulled out, so much so that I had to dim them so that I could concentrate on my work.
But the thing is– I couldn't even bring myself to do anything. My hands paused just above my keyboard as my brain went blank, not knowing when or where to start. Everytime I think I have something, it just goes away in a split second.
However, one thing that won't leave my mind is a certain spot on my desk. The spot where my body rested when me and Chopard were making out. The image is very much messing up with my train of thought and I can't stand it.
Ducking my head into my hands, the image won't leave my mind, almost like it's taunting me.
And I know who to certainly blame for this: Chopard. He was suppose to show up for work today and I was suppose to talk to him about what happen and now that's not happening and it's messing with my brain and my ability to do anything but think about him and that stupid fucking kiss.
But regardless of the situation right now, I breathe out, trying to calm myself down. I can't help but wonder what he's doing right now, because there is a small chance that he's actually sick.
Releasing my head from my hands, I rested my cheek on my fist, leaning back in the chair.
And on the other hand, there's a much bigger chance that he's not sick and this is all a game to do something harmful towards me or the company.
Coming up with two possible answers of what, I concluded:
That one, he's called out "sick" because he's actually planning on leaving the company so that he could have the time to put out a hit piece about what had happened and end up exposing it to many media outlets.
Or two, which isn't an immediate threat to my image but it could be in a few weeks time, is that he's actually scared of what happened. I mean, that would make sense why he left so suddenly that night.
And he's just not ready to face me yet.
But the problem with the second option isn't the fear he has for the kiss, it's that if he fears me, then people will grow suspicious with the sudden mood change, especially for him, since it's known for being a bubbly personality.
And people will start to get nosy and start asking around and evidently ask him, and what if he tells them? What if he reveals the reason why?
The thoughts circle in my mind as I try to shake it off as best as possible as I try to work for the remainder of the work day, trying to get at least one thing done so I don't feel guilty about wasting time, because I didn't rush out of bed and into my office for no reason.
Exactly a minute later, and I still have nothing, no work started or even a tab pull up on my laptop, my only thoughts are focusing on things that shouldn't be on my mind right now, all I'm thinking about is Chopard.
And also the many scenarios I created in my head, consequently they are all I can think of now.
Deciding that enough is enough. I pack my bag as I stand up and leave my office, leaving nothing behind as I assume that I won't be back until tomorrow.
As I head downstairs, I call my driver to come pick me up, telling him that I would give him the location of where I need to go once I get into the car.
I finally made it into the lobby as I headed for the front desk, going to inform Ruby of my departion. Walking up the desk, Ruby has a puzzled look on her face, she eyes my bag and notices my speed.
She stands up in her chair, finishing the phone call she was in the middle of when she spotted me. I made my way to the front desk, quickly telling her, "Hey Ruby, I have something to do, so I probably won't be back for the rest of the day"
Ruby, taken back, says, "Oh! Okay" Bending down at type on her computer, "I will tell HR and some managers about that so they can conduct meeting or anything without you"
"Thanks Ruby" I said before walking away, not turning back to look. Not wanting to slow down, I head outside where the driver is waiting just beyond the door.
Getting inside the car, we didn't move as I pulled an address, giving it to the driver. I instructed him to drive me to the location, sitting back as we pulled off, watching the street pass by.
A few minutes later, despite the traffic, we made it to an apartment complex. As I stepped out of the car, there were many floors, so many that it made me strain my neck in the process of looking.
Heading inside, with security of course, I walk past the front desk without looking or greeting the staff. I locate the elevator as I head inside and click on a bottom, taking me where I want to go.
I would say that I'm in no hurry but I would be lying to myself, considering my speed walking and intensely staring at the numbers at the top as the elevator goes up one floor every few seconds.
Finally stepping out of the elevator, people have their eyes on me, but I don't really care. They can stare all they want but it's not going to change my mind on what I'm about to do.
Stopping short in front of a door, I hesitated as my hand slightly shook, but forced myself to knock on the door. Taking a step back, I breathe out deeply as there's no going back now.
Certainly not after I just knocked on Chopard's door.
Wonder what's going to happen...
-Summer Roe
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