Chapter 28
As I woke up, rubbing my eyes whilst yawning, I stared at the ceiling as I thought to myself, what a strange dream. The fact of the matter is it seemed so real, like I was physically feeling it, not to mention how embarrassing it was.
Slightly shaking my head, I brushed it off as I thought it was just another dream where it doesn't make sense and that there's no meaning behind it and it was just my brain coming up with the most ridiculous shit.
Sitting up, I looked around my room as my eyes landed on the pile of clothes in the middle of my room. I stared at it in confusion as I don't usually do that and if I were to leave clothes on the floor by accident, a housekeeper would usually come around and pick it up.
My eyes fully adjusted, I suddenly noticed that my room is way too bright from when I usually get up, in fact, I can see everything. Turning quickly towards my closed curtains, I can see the sun shining through them. Highlighting the sun being fully out and about.
Holy fuck, I thought.
I quickly grabbed my phone as I started to panic, trying to keep calm. Maybe it's the weekend and I accidentally overslept, I thought. Silently praying that I completely didn't miss half a day of working.
But nope, the time is twelve in the afternoon, on a random fucking Thursday.
Throwing my phone on the bedside table, but before I can panic or flip out, I hear a light knock on the door, and before I can say anything. Someone opens the door as they prop their head in looking around.
It turns out to be one of the housekeepers. As her eyes land on me, she gasps as if she saw a ghost, putting her hand over her chest, steading her breathing.
She might as well see a ghost because of the growing desire to become a ghost because of my lateness for work.
As the housekeeper breathes out, she then smiles, putting on an expression to which I have no idea what's going through her head.
"Oh my god, Ms. Cantrell, you scared me for a second" The housekeeper said, clarifying her sudden shock.
But I can't even focus on that right now. Right now, I need to get to the office right now, there could be a meeting that I'm missing. Proposals that are sitting on my desk that are collecting dust. And anything important that I should attend to right at this moment.
"I could've had the chef make you breakfast if I'd known you would be taking the day off, Ms. Cantrell" The housekeeper commented as she leaned on the door.
She then went on to say, "Well, earlier, I came in to tidy your room but you were sleeping so I didn't want to disturb you" She tapped her chin, "Now thinking about it, I should've told the chef then to make you breakfast, but then again, I don't know what you'd be in the mood for"
I didn't get a moment to speak before she continued, "Did you want breakfast, Ms. Cantrell?" She asked.
I didn't say anything as I slowly pulled back the covers, resting my feet on the ground. Running a hand through my hair, trying not to freak out right now, especially in front of someone. Checking my phone again, I noticed the notifications coming through.
Calls from all over, especially from Ruby, some from HR, some managers. And multiple text messages from everyone, mainly asking if I'm coming into the office today and if some things need to be canceled.
Breathing out slowly, I look up at the housekeeper, her face contoured with concern and questioning. I answered as calmly as I can, "No, can you tell the driver to get ready and to be stationed outside?"
She nods as she says, "Yes ma'am" Closing the door, I wait until her steps are quieting down before basically jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom, trying to get ready as fast as possible.
As I'm getting ready, the only thoughts are, How could I let this happen? I mean, did I even set my alarm clock, I swear I did. Maybe I didn't and I just didn't realize it then, but I can't focus on the stupid alarm now, that has already passed, there is no time to be worrying about that.
My god, I thought, how could I be so dumb. Clearly something has to change if I can't even wake up on time for work. I have never been late to anything in my life, I mean, I can't imagine being okay to be late to school or work, the idea never amuse me.
In fact, the idea of being late would send me spiraling.
I couldn't even come up with the idea of wasting time just for a few more minutes of sleep, let alone hours.
Clearly this is a sign that I haven't been working hard enough, if I'm sleeping late, then that means I'm lacking in my job and I can't have that right now. I mean hell, I can't have that ever, I can't get into the habit of being lazy–The ending outcome is just not worth it.
I didn't come all this way for nothing.
As I quickly glanced in the mirror, I noticed something off about my appearance, one thing that people tend to miss, but lucky me, I don't miss a damn thing.
I slowly turned towards the mirror again, not caring if I'm wasting time. If my eyes saw what it saw the first time, then I needed to see it full front to confirm.
Studying my face, my attention lowered down to my lips, they are much more of a darker tint than normal, not too dark but dark enough to notice. In fact, I might as well wear dark lipstick because of how natural of a color it is. Rising my hand to my lips, I touched the soft muscle tenderly as I hoped, for a second, it was actual lipstick that magically appeared on me.
But it's not that, nothing came off my lips.
Thinking hard about last night, I thought hard about how my lip became this way. The only way my lips can become this dark of a color is a stain from a lipstick that won't rub off, no matter how hard I try to scrub it off.
That seems to be the answer at first but, knowing me, that is out of my character. I would never wear something bold like this unless it was for a special event, but there hasn't been a special event for a while.
So that's out of the conclusion.
There is another possibility though, even though it's not possible in the slightest.
A kiss or pressing my lips towards something hard could make this happen, but I have no collection of engaging in that. The only thing that comes to mind is that dream from last night...with Liam.
A sense of embarrassment clouds my mind as I recall how intense it was, but I push through, every moment.
And the more I think about it, the more realist it feels, like I was actually there.
Bedding answers, I speed walked to the bedroom to receive my phone before reentering the bathroom, I checked my work hours to see when I stopped working, maybe that can confirm what has happened.
Seeing the log the night before confirming it was after midnight, I placed my phone on the bathroom counter as I leaned on it, thinking, What was I doing last night?
I was working and I think I had to stay late and I think I made someone else stay late, who was it? I thought. Then the answer came quickly, I made Chopard stay late, I guess I made him stay late to work because of whatever reason I care so little for.
Then I clearly remember the argument we were having about him working late and–Oh my god, I thought, the memories hitting me like a truck.
I fucking kissed my assistant, and not just a peck, I full on made out with him on my desk in my office, willingly.
Oh my fucking god, I kissed someone, someone kissed me, we kissed each other, the words repeating loud in my head, so loud to the point that someone can hear them. To the point where it's giving me a splitting headache.
Not giving a fuck about time anymore, I sinked to the bathroom floor, going limp. For the first time in my life, I don't know my next move anymore. I can't believe this, this can't be real, this can't be happening, what possessed me to kiss him.
As I thought about it more and more, thinking about the outcome, it's not a good one.
First of all, if Chopard is going to be in the office today, then it's going to be super awkward, even if I try to hide it, then there would still be tension between us.
And second of all, how people would react if this gets out, god, I don't even want to think about the many reactions from this story. I know I always told myself that caring for others' opinions will evidently lead to my downfall but in this case, this would deeply affect my company.
Trying to calm myself down to the best of my abilities, I breathe in and out as I stand up from the floor, looking at myself in the mirror, trying to tell myself that I'm in control and people will win if I let them.
As I finish getting ready, no longer rushing because I'm already late as it is, so there's no need to make a mess of myself, I make a plan in my head.
Simply yet dreading, just talk to Chopard about what happened and figure out the next steps. Even if those steps result in me firing Chopard to keep my reputation or blackmailing him of some kind.
But–No matter what happens, this will work out in my favor.
Walking out the bedroom door, taking long steps down the hallway, all I'm thinking about is that kiss, trying to think about something else more than that, like a missed meeting or something to distract my mind.
Finally making it out of the front door, having no time to put my hair up or even recheck my bag, I rushed to the car in a fashionable manner, hopping in the car. And as soon as I closed the door, the car took off.
Short little chapter for you guys, I wonder what is going to happen when she gets to the office...
-Summer Roe
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