Chapter 20
We got done with the meeting and it went smoothly as I expected.
It was basically me and the two men talking about how this arrangement would benefit the both of us. Considering the past launches of products and the overwhelming success my company has.
Getting clients on board before a launch can help my business increase in sales more than ever, and help maintain the reputation that I want. Who knows when I might need it (Not wishing for it, of course).
Of course, I'm in a position where I don't need the extra boost but it helps that I have backup.
Whilst in the meeting, I had instructed Chopard to take notes of every important thing we talked about, such as shares, sales and many more things. As I need to look back on them to have the contracts for these two clients.
Even if I didn't want him in the room with us, he still has to do the job HR hired him for.
As the meeting ended, we got to great talking points about this arrangement and they were delighted that they had a chance to speak to me. Everyone stood up, shaking hands, bringing this meeting to a successful close.
Currently I'm walking between the two men, with Chopard falling silent as he walks behind the three of us–We cross along the lobby and out into the main entrance, where their cars await them.
They got ready to leave as I thank them once again for the meeting and saying that I will be in contact with them for the time being. They returned the thanks as well, more urgently, stating that it was a great opportunity to meet with them.
As both of the men got into their separate cars, I stood there as they drove off. Watching the cars drive out of the parking lot and out into the main road, joining the many cars out into the busy street.
I finally took a breath, my shoulders relaxed, the notice of my stiff shoulder blades making me register that I might have been like that for a while.
I feel a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I have been stressing and working myself up, just for an hour meeting to go so smoothly that it's not even funny.
I knew I could do it, it's just that doubt clouds my judgment.
Smiling to myself, embracing the achievement that I just did. Another milestone in my career, I thought. And it's not even twelve in the afternoon yet.
Surely, by the end of the week, the partnership will be a successful one, and I will manage to secure another client under my belt.
The two cars are long gone, I'm still standing outside as I think about the things I need to do when I get back to the office. Maybe standing outside, getting some fresh air is just what I need, especially when I'm running off little sleep and nervous adrenaline from a business meeting.
It also helps to calm me down before stepping back into the business aspect of my life, which is the majority.
The to-do list that is planted into my head consists of typing up a contact for the business clients, so that they are ready when they decide to accept the deal.
Prepare for the launch that's about to happen, the office is about to be hectic, as it always is when we launch something. So I really have to be well rested for that, and have planned events for the public.
And of course, make sure everything is up to date, since I was gone for this trip, who knows what is going on back at the office. Of course, I know Ruby and managers are keeping people in check but I always have to do the final clean sweep.
I breathe out as I put into perspective how much I need to do, this is the price I paid for wanting this life.
It's fine, it's fine, I thought over and over again, trying to convince my brain into believing that I have everything under control and things will turn out fine.
Closing my eyes, I try not to think about everything and anything, just wanting to feel the weather against my clothes and the busy street in my ears.
I know it must be weird, someone with their eyes closed just standing in front of the entrance of a luxury hotel in New York City and in all honesty, I would think so too. Too bad I don't give a shit, as long as it's beneficial to me.
As I relax, the sound of the busy city going death in my ears, focusing on my breathing as I truly never had the time nor the space to really–
I wonder what that kiss with Liam would be like–God damn it.
My eyes snap open, my hair almost getting caught in them as the wind picks up dramatically. Frustrated, I quickly tucked my hair behind my ear as I became irritated.
This has to stop, this is not the first time I am imagining Chopard in a way that I'm not supposed to.
I grow even more frustrated with myself, even if I want to relax for a split second, I can't because this man is planting himself inside my head, even if I don't want it.
If I can't focus whenever nothing is happening at the moment, then how am I supposed to do so when I'm at work or working on something important?
Something has to change, and trust me, something will, I promise myself.
As soon as I promise myself that someone comes and stand next to me, I don't even have to guess who it is, based on the broad shoulders almost bumping into me by an inch. I kept looking forward as I didn't pay him no mind.
"So I manage to grab a map by the tourist stand in the lobby, and it shows every building, alleyway and literally everything in New York" He says, opening the huge map as he doesn't look my way not once.
Weird, what if he happened to find someone else with red hair and a blue suit and mistake someone else for me. No awareness whatsoever.
He continues, "I know I'm going to look like the average tourist, even with this map, but I don't want to waste my battery on my phone. Plus, I researched the common scams in New York City online, so we also have to be careful for that"
My eyebrows raised as I caught on to the single word with a lot of meanings, 'we', what does he mean by we? As in, exploring New York City together?
Then I remembered all the times (which I can only imagine two times), where I say that I will be thinking about sightseeing with him. I completely forgot about that, Chopard really does hold onto words.
All I'm thinking about is the audacity that he has even though I'm hundred percent at fault for what happened between us last night, I expected Chopard to hold back and act professional. Which in tale, act more like an assistant than a friend.
Crossing my arms, I stay silent as Chopard keeps talking, not wanting to listen to him but having no choice in the matter.
"So I think we should take a taxi around to get the whole New York experience–I'm thinking about heading to Central Park, I heard it's really big compared to the average park anywhere else. Then maybe take a boat towards the Statue Of Liberty, check out the museum and I heard you could go inside the stature or something, I don't know–I saw it on the internet–"
I grow tired of listening to him, even though he only listed two visits, the fact that the list keeps getting longer is killing my mood even more, and I just get off a win.
I coughed purposely, wanting him to stop talking for a minute. Making up my mind as to what I want to do next, I want to make this as simple as possible as I don't–can't and will not stand next to him any longer than I need to.
He stops talking, looking at me, waiting for me to say what I need to say. He keeps his eyes on me as he's saying that he'll listen to whatever I need to say with his eyes, his face shows curiously, with his eyebrows at resting position, lips parted.
The wind picks up as he holds onto the map, making the map look up as he's reading the newspaper instead.
I finally said, "I have things to do, you can explore whatever you like", there–simple, no need for explanation.
But instead of the expected reaction of accepting it, and moving on. He was taken aback, his upper body moving back slightly as his eyebrows raised, almost to his hairline. He blinked a couple of times as he slowly lowered the map. The slight smirk fading more and more by the second.
He opened his mouth, the words not coming out. Closing his mouth then reopening it, his voice cracked as he asked, "Ar-Are you sure?"
He seems a little distressed that I won't be coming with him on his little adventure around the city, I don't know why he seems upset about that, he should have known that we only came here for business, not fun or exploring.
I want to ignore his question, but knowing me after my past actions with this guy, I know I will give him an answer–Which is bad and I should stop doing.
Letting out a breath, I said, "Chopard, I have been here several times, I basically know the city in and out. This is not new to me" Noticing myself leaning towards him as I answered, I leaned back, hoping he wouldn't notice that.
He only hummed as he began to fold the map, and stuffing in his pocket as he looked down at his phone, checking the time.
"Well then" He starts, no longer looking at me, but instead the street in front of us, "I guess I should get going then, I'm going to catch a taxi" He says as he points to the oncoming cars.
I returned the hum back as I don't know what to say to that. I don't wait for him to go, I turn on my heel towards the automatic sliding doors, heading in–leaving him outside by himself.
Stopping in my path, right at the start of the entrance of the hotel, I turn around automatically, still wondering if he is outside or that he left in a car already.
Expecting to see only his back, I instead am staring at his face as he only half-turned, locking eyes with me.
The stare lingers no more than a few seconds before I turn back around and speed walk towards the elevator, wanting to crawl under the covers of a bed and hide from the world.
What game is he playing at? He's acting like what happened last night hasn't bothered him one bit, while I'm keeping being reminded of it. The memories are eating me alive, it's taunting me, breaking me off piece by piece.
It's like he's trying to make me relive those tender moments, even right before the meeting, he getting reckless and I–
Well, it doesn't matter, because when we get back, I'm going to make him wish that he never crossed my path or even thought of working for my company.
That will teach him.
I wonder what's going to happen back at the office...
-Summer Roe
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