Chapter 19
As we head down the hall towards the elevator, we don't speak, not even a peek.
The only noise that is noted is the heavy footsteps of security that are closely behind us, the quiet footsteps of me and Chopard, and the occasion fidgeting with the backpack of his backpack.
We reached the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. I looked at my watch, as the time hit ten minutes till we had to be downstairs to see the meeting rooms.
Plenty of time we have, I thought.
The elevator finally arrived, the security team allowing us to go in first. As the four of us piled in, me and Chopard are almost pressed into the back due to the two people being in front of us.
Hearing the elevator dings as it makes its way down the many floors, I rest my hands against the railing, breathing out and staring straight forward–Not really focusing on anything.
I look up as if we haven't even made it halfway to the first floor, taking this into consideration, I rest my eyes, feeling satisfied as I take comfort in the darkness of my eyelids.
Thinking about nothing for a moment, I imagined so many ways this meeting could go. I know I can be confident and get anything I desire, (Not be to cocky) but there is always something in the back of my head that makes me doubt myself and my ability to do so, and it's only–
Rambling again, I thought.
Opening my eyes, as I see that we are almost to the button floor, I cross my arm as I wait for the number to hit one.
Someone clears their throat, making sure it's loud enough to gain attention. Well, Chopard got what he wanted.
Slightly my body towards him, indicating that he has my attention, he crossed his arms as well, trying to match my stance, making himself straighten his back to look more confident than he usually is.
All that, and he continues to look forward. He finally spoke, hesitating from the beginning, "So..." He lingers, "About last night–"
I quickly face him, the sudden movement alerting him to look at me with surprise and I guess embarrassment? Like he's not the one who brought up the topic first.
Looking up at him, as I quietly said with an annoying tone, "There is no need to discuss that, Chopard"
That shut him up really quickly as he didn't say anything back, he just looked–looked like he wanted to talk about it, but at the end of the day, he knew I made the call.
End of discussion, if you say.
I turned towards the back of the security team, feeling somewhat embarrassed because of that. Even if it was a quick, two second-ish conversation. I can probably guess that they are wondering what Chopard was referring to.
But at the end of the day, that doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what conversations they heard or seen, they work for me. They have no reason to say anything or to judge me. Not that I care if they were judging me.
I don't know why he would bring up the thing that happened last night, especially when he knows I have been so focused on this meeting, even before we got on the plane to fly over here.
It mights so sense, either he has the worst awareness out of everyone, or he's trying to fuck with me and my thoughts.
Either way, he's not getting to me. I will not crack, and by the end of this, he will end up cracking–I'm sure of it.
I couldn't help it, but as I slowly turned my eyes to look at him from the corner of my eye, I was for sure thinking that I was sneaking a peek, but I guess my response left Chopard in shock.
Because the moment I fully looked at him, he was still looking at me, his head was fully turned, looking down at me, his lips were parted, like he was about to whisper something only I can hear.
We continued looking at each other, no thoughts in my head or any feelings emerging. I can only stared back into those beautiful green eyes forever and–
The elevator dings, finally making it to the last floor.
I rips my eyes away from Chopard's as I shake my head, trying to make myself focus on the present, of what's happening right now.
Both of the security guards made room for me to pass through first as the doors opened, welcoming us to the grand lobby of the hotel.
I held my head up as I confidently marched out of the elevator, not caring about who or what's behind me or the many faces that are looking towards my path, faces filled with wonder or maybe envy.
We crossed the huge lobby, leading to another hallway, the name on the top of the double door frame 'Meetings'. As we almost reach it, there is someone standing on the side, looking around as she is looking for a particular group of people.
As soon as I came into her view, she put on a smile, and walked over to us, greeting me, "Hello, you must–" She looked over at the single piece of paper in her hand, "Ms. Cantrell, and Mr. Chopard" She said, looking towards him.
She looked at me again, having to look up slightly as I am a few inches taller than her, thanks to my heels.
"Shall I show you two around? We can tackle the main presentation room, than I can show you the meeting room that you selected"
"Yes, that would be nice, thank you" I said, waiting for her to turn around to show us the way into the section off hallway.
She smiled widely as she turned around and started walking, with us following after.
As we were given the tour, the worker ranting on and on about how and why the hotels were building in the room that were only given to CEOs, like I haven't heard this hundred times thanks to the amount of time I visited in this state and stayed here.
But I will give her the benefit of the doubt–for once. Plus, she seems more like an intern than an actual worker that's getting paid. And based on the ranting and constant looking down at her paper, she was probably nervous about being this whole thing.
I would be too if I was in her position, at her age. Having an internship where you're surrounded by billionaires that could possibly make your life a living nightmare if they wanted too.
Nothing screams power than a CEO simply not liking you and your life can fall apart in just a second.
As we came close to the end of the tour, almost reaching our room, I suddenly started to feel butterflies in my stomach, and with the way my hands are starting to shake, I suspect there are many of them in my stomach.
I calmly put my hand over my stomach as I wanted to slow down my breathing and let out any nerves.
I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling nervous, I have been through this many times, more times than I can count.
My guess on this feeling is, these are rare investors, they are pretty much known for big contributions to many companies, but the same way they can help your business, they can do the opposite effect–if they wanted to.
That's why people have to please them, in order to gain whatever you want from these people, no matter who you are, you have to play by their rules.
I guess that's why, all morning–my mind has been corrupted with the negative thoughts that this meeting is going to go south and end very badly, I desperately tried to stay positive but despite the short amount of sleep I was able to get, mixed in with whatever happened last night–my mind is all over the place.
Reaching our meeting room, she held open the door for us, letting me and Chopard walk in. As both of us are now inside, with security standing guard outside, watching guard.
As the worker left to make sure the investors got into the right room, I finally breathed out, but that breath fell short as I realized me and Chopard are in the room together–alone.
The meeting room is a fairly medium size room, it's at least big enough to hold between five to nine people, an average size back at the office.
There is a huge TV installed into the wall, the reflection shining as I can see my own reflection in it. Right under the TV, there is a long oval table that takes up a lot of space.
Unnecessarily big, but needed I guess.
On the table, there are a few glasses perfectly set, in case anyone wants to have a drink or two.
As I took in the room, I had seen many rooms like this hundreds of times, but I couldn't help but look around for my surroundings.
Another thing I unfortunately took in was the thick silence in this meeting room. The tension in this room is so thick that you can cut it like butter. The awkward silence is making me melt, and not in a good way, more like being thrown into a lava type of way.
Either of us move, Chopard is swaying a little side to side, while I try to avoid his constant gazing towards me, not wanting to stare him in the eyes.
Whilst wondering when the clients are going to come to put an end to this suffecting silence, someone clears their throat, a type of clearing longing for attention (Again).
I look towards the door, but no one is there, instead, Chopard begins to speak.
"Listen, Ms.Cantrell, about last night–"
My hand immediately goes up, cutting him off as he shuts up quickly.
As my hand remained there, my first thought was how dare he try to tell me to listen, his boss, the one who is flying him to New York, and giving him more opportunities than he could ever dream of.
And my second thought would be, why is he trying to bring this up again? He already tried two times, once in the hotel room, then the elevator and now in the room where we are about to have a meeting that's not going to affect him in any way.
All I want to do is to forget whatever happened, what happened was a foul play on my part, I was weak and that was the result of it, letting someone who I don't fully trust get close to me and now they're expecting something in return.
That was a hard lesson I have to learn. Give someone a little piece of you and next thing you know, they are demanding everything from you.
People are so entitled these days, there is not a day that goes by and either someone is begging for something more or they are demanding it, thinking it's their right.
That is what's happening in this very situation right now. Chopard thinks that I owe him something, just because of a very huge mistake.
I need this to be over and fast, I am in no need of any distractions.
As I finally lowered my hand, feeling the stiffness of my joints, I finally looked into his eyes as I remained firm and clear of what's going to happen from now on.
"Chopard. From this point onward, you will not discuss what happened last night. Something like that will never happen again" I paused, remaining professional, "What happened between us was a mistake I will not let happen again"
He opens his mouth to speak but I didn't give him the chance, cutting him off once more, "We were both very exhausted and sleep deprived, things happen–we weren't thinking straight"
His mouth closed, no longer wanting to say anything, all he did was just look away as he tilted his head down, his body standing still as well.
This is for the better, I thought to myself.
Wanting to get a clear understanding from him, I asked, "Do you understand, Chopard"
He looked at me as he whispered, "Yes ma'am" and then looked away again, anywhere in the room except my face.
I took my eyes off of him as I leaned on the back of one of the chairs, thinking about how this can turn out into a huge disaster then it needs to be.
He could quit his job, then go on and make accusations about what happened, except he could twist the story and ruin my image.
That happens a lot in the business industry, someone gets too comfortable with their boss and they can end up using things that happened behind closed doors and make a quick buck on that, being interviewed or blackmailing the boss.
Even though lots of business leaders are evil and have no good intentions and do things to employees, some of the cases end up being fake or made up just because people feel like it.
And even though past employees of mine come out with stories about me, they aren't nearly as damaging as this one could be–In fact, those accusations helped my image instead of damaging it, I used it to my advantage.
But this–Chopard can lead me to my downfall and I'm not willing to let that happen.
He can cause great damage, a CEO sleeping in the same bed as their assistant, and the public and the media can imagine the rest.
Good god, I need to talk to my PR team about this, and make sure this doesn't go overboard if he decides to do that. Too bad I can't fire him because of the position that we are in.
If I fire him, then a new person is going to have to learn everything from scratch and that won't be enough time for the release of the product line.
I've got my hands tied. All I need to do is to get through this trip and go back to torturing him (not physically, just with loads of paperwork and assignments) until he fully learns his lesson about messing with me.
Good gameplan.
But his forehead and hands feel good against my face–Stop that, Hailey, stop thinking it's going to happen the second time, hell–It shouldn't happen the first time.
Taking my hand off the back of the chair, I quickly wipe my palms on my suit, and with perfect timing, because the previous intern that assisted us is back in, this time, with two males with business suits on, one of them with a briefcase.
This is it, I thought, gassing myself up, you got this.
The worker/intern greeted me and Chopard again, making sure that the two guys were introduced to us as well, then she quickly and quietly left the room as the two males were looking towards us.
I held my head up high as I put on my best professional business persona. I was the first to make a move, as I went up to them, making sure Chopard follows suit, shaking their hands whilst also putting on a small smirk.
I introduced them to Chopard as he shook their hands as well, as he had never seen them before.
After all that, I finally said, "Shall we get started gentleman" looking towards the three men, already feeling confident about this whole deal.
We love a confident woman in the workplace.
-Summer Roe
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