"N-NO!" Phoenix suddenly leapt forwards in terror, launching himself off of his haunches to lunge at all of the tormentors looming above him, dozens of tears being jerked from his beautiful blue eyes as he felt a sharp jolt of pain creep up his kneecaps and upper-thighs, completely consuming and numbing his senses and preventing his mind from pulling any weights to make sense of what was going on around him. The prosecutor's hand upon his shoulder now felt like a dead weight.
In fact, with a few more moments' passing, it barely even felt like a weight at all.
"Nngh..." Phoenix grimaced as his body began to topple forwards, something strangely cool colliding with his stomach as his throat made him gag, his body feebly retorting by painfully tensing up, causing the defence attorney to yelp in pain and terrified shock as he noticed something.
Something very wrong.
Because, although the whole scenario seemed utterly realistic and believable to the shorter man, even Phoenix Wright had a hard time believing that he could be lying down, facing down at the pale ground, in mid-air.
"HeY bAbE, wAnT tO mEeT uP lAtEr ToDaY? lAsT nIgHt WaS sOo FuN..." The spiky-haired man whimpered as he heard a chilling voice creep into his ear-lobes, sourced from an especially disgusting human being.
"Wh-What is g-going on...? I-I feel l-like I'm... D-Dying.."
"Maybe you took an overdosage?" The prosecutor sneered, his smug voice radiating as he briefly lifted his head from the crook of the blurry-faced figure named 'Atramentous''s neck to grin at his former boyfriend, causing Phoenix to stare back down at the clusters of air beneath him, feeling too nauseous and weak to do anything else. Retorting was out of the question.
"Or perhaps..." Another voice snuck up on the poor spiky-haired man and he felt himself shudder;
"You really are dying." The defence attorney widened his eyes in light of a sudden jolt of panicked fear, his frail body shaking more than any earthquake measured using the so-called 'Richter Scale'.
"N-NO..! I-I'm... I-I'm alive, I-I swear..!" Phoenix jerked forwards with a crash as he slid off of Edgeworth's fancy glass table and collided with the, previously elegantly, placed assortment of vibrantly coloured array of flowers, all poised upon their metaphorical tip-toes as they majestically towered over the curved brim of their china-made home - which probably cost the prosecutor more than the defence attorney could expect in an annual pay-check. The precious item flew off of the table and Phoenix could only gape in dismay and increasing horror as the moment seemed to extend and become much longer than a mere moment's assigned time, causing the spiky-haired man's stomach to lurch as he helplessly stared at ornament, frozen in mid-air, before it pathetically fell to the rug-laden ground with a dramatic clatter. The defence attorney blinked in disbelief, the after-effects of the sickly substance settling in the back of his mind as he felt his head get groggier, his entire brain getting clogged up by the stupidly oppressive 'cure'.
"U-Ugh.." Phoenix blankly shook his head and weakly lifted himself off of the table with a great heave, pulling himself together enough to stand upon his own two feet as he surveyed the scene once more; the sun was now becoming slightly dimmer as the day wore on, its slightly pale rays illuminating the room in a less alluring glow, and the spiky-haired man couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been out for the count. That didn't matter, though, since his mind had been forced into oblivion for the next few hours, too numbed to register any kind of emotion are morality.
However, surprisingly enough, there was one thing that the drugs couldn't quite fully numb.
That tiny longing. That minuscule longing for the prosecutor's true affection - as futile as it seemed. Edgeworth. Why had Edgeworth done this to him? Phoenix couldn't - and wouldn't - answer that question... Not yet.
There was something he needed to do first.
The defence attorney shakily forced his stiff limbs to make an effort to move forwards, cautiously placing each foot in front of one another and treading lightly as if he was being watched, until he reached the large wooden doors that lead into the elongated corridor - of which the couple had strode down lovingly, hand-in-hand, several million times before everything had happened. Before everything had gone wrong. Phoenix ignored this completely and sharply turned left, facing the front door.
"Sorry, Edgeworth..." The defence attorney sighed, stiffening as he heard how unusually unstable and croaky his voice sounded - even under the influence of the Atramentum Somnia.
"I'm... Really sorry,"
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