"You look eatable."
"Th-That's cannibalism," Phoenix giggled childishly, contentedly grinning and blushing like a dumbfounded fool as Edgeworth gingerly cupped his cheeks, carefully planting a kiss upon his boyfriend's soft-skinned forehead and chuckling in unison with the shorter man with those dark grey, sparkling-with-hunger, eyes of his. That hunger from earlier still hadn't been satisfied despite the fact that the pair had been naked together in the shower only an hour (or so) ago.
The prosecutor supposed it would have to wait a little longer.
"Cannibalism or not, I'm still running on an empty stomach here..."
"Y-You want a taste o-of something?" The defence attorney attempted sounding slightly flirtatious and suggestive, however the constant stuttering disorder he'd appeared to have picked up years ago had only been strengthened by the events of nine months ago, only serving to make him sound scared and uncertain - something which the spiky-haired man secretly was at the prospect of what the taller man was suggesting.
"I have been for a while, but we'll only do it if you want to." Edgeworth tenderly brushed his boyfriend's cheek with the exquisitely spiralled skin of his thumb, as attentive to the fact that Phoenix was uneasy over this subject as a domestic dog was over their owner placing food out for them. The defence attorney shrugged and leant against the front-door, trying his best not to stiffen as he felt his face begin to heat up - much like the prosecutor's increasing 'desires'.
"I can't do anything with just a shrug as consent, Phoenix," Edgeworth placed his large palm below the defence attorney's stark jawline, tilting his bashful boyfriend's head up towards him to face him head-on, a slightly devious smirk hanging upon his lips.
"W-We can't d-do it now, t-though; I-I'm running late f-for Clem-"
"It doesn't have to be now," Edgeworth intervened with a gentle voice, his hands teasingly snaking down his boyfriend's slim, curved, body by trailing his fingers little by little in tiptoe-steps until they reached his clearly-defined hips, wrapping his crimson-clad arms around Phoenix protectively like a predator with prey trapped in its jaws, as the prosecutor slowly, sensually, nuzzled their noses.
"We don't even have to do it at all. We haven't done it in nine months, after all,"
"N-Nine months this, n-nine months that... I-I'm nine months s-sick of being th-the number nine's s-slave," Phoenix's timid, muffled, voice spilled out from somewhere amidst the prosecutor's playful nose-nuzzling, cracking slightly with upset as the shorter man continued;
"I-I want t-to enjoy life a-again. W-With you. L-Like we used to, r-remember?"
"So you want this? You're happy to start... Doing that again? There's no need to feel peer-pressured,"
"I-If it's what y-you want then I-I trust you, Edgeworth," The defence attorney sweetly smiled up at the taller man, his cheeks dusted in a pretty, ripe, pink - a pure, pink-lipped smile to adorn his slightly rounded face that made the prosecutor's heart flutter like no other. The prosecutor gripped his boyfriend more tightly.
"I'll take that as a promise for later, then?"
"S-Sure. A-After this Clementine b-business, sure,"
"Alright," Edgeworth crushed their lips together one last time, slowly biting and sucking along his boyfriend's jawline once again, their tongues intertwining as Phoenix allowed him entry by parting his lips ever so slightly, before the shorter man pulled away slightly, painfully aware of time before they got carried away.
As the spiky-haired man turned away in order to slip on his slightly scruffy (although they were still the man's best pair of casual footwear) jet-black trainers - the pair which the prosecutor always teased the poor defence attorney to no-ends over at times, though he discreetly adored when his boyfriend wore the personalised, tatty, things -, Edgeworth's wistful voice filled the pair's ears once again;
"I'm jealous of people you meet, you know,"
"Hm?" Phoenix's body instantly twisted around to face the prosecutor the moment he heard the ambiguous sentence.
"W-Why should you b-be jealous?"
"Come now, we both know those are your best shoes."
"I-I don't follow..." The defence attorney frowned, chewing his bottom lip absent-mindedly, completely unsure of where this was going.
"This Clementine is your violator's helper, yet you still agree to trusting him, to doing whatever he asks... I just don't understand."
"L-Like I said, h-he's changed..."
"But it's not just him. You trust any stranger you meet just because they tell you that they're good," Phoenix remained in complete silence, allowing Edgeworth to take control of the flow of the conversation.
"You're wearing your best clothing for a man whom treated you like dirt is all I'm saying, Phoenix." The prosecutor sighed resignedly as he noted how abashed his boyfriend seemed by their minuscule conversation.
"Y-You shouldn't be j-jealous, Edgeworth," The defence attorney kept his voice as quiet, subdued and soft as possible, eyeing the silvery-haired man's every move calmly;
"I-I may wear m-my best clothes f-for strangers, b-but I wear my heart on my s-sleeve only for you,"
"Glad to hear it,"
The prosecutor chuckled as Phoenix hastily unlocked the door, waving a brief goodbye after checking the time on his brick-phone, and left as quickly as a man could without looking like a complete imbecile, Edgeworth worriedly watching in his wake as he left, shrouded in the thick blanket of darkness - which the spiky-haired man's hair seemed to perfectly blend into among the glittering stars of the infinite night-sky.
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