Phoenix whimpered from where he was curled up into a minuscule ball of terror upon the floor, wide-eyed and breathless, with his hands upon his ears as he, seemed to, will himself to cry. The man sitting behind the large, metallic, table - which had been placed within the cell solely for the purpose of their meeting - simply shrugged and continued to smugly stare down at the cowering mess before him, his arms folded (which complemented his wry smile perfectly).
"Leave him to it," The kidnapper waved his hand at Clementine dismissively, his wry smile now forming a wide-spread grin, revealing his predatorily formed teeth.
"I'm enjoying the movie."
"What movie, sir?" The man let out a weary sigh and rolled his dull, grey eyes. The shivering wreck - which appeared to consist of a certain disheveled defence attorney - decided to finally allow itself to get a better look at its terrifyingly confident opponent. The spiky-haired man lifted his head, blinking back even more tears that threatened to spill over at the very sight of the blonde-headed, purple-clad figure who seemed to be gouging out very disturbing memories from the depths of his mind - memories which Edgeworth and himself had fought long and hard to keep under lock and key. At last Phoenix could take no more, finding himself gagging and hiccuping in nauseous fear as the bright light of the cell's single window - located behind where the kidnapper was perched so comfortably - as it bathed the man he so loathed and despised and..
Had been taught to make peace with.
"Y-You..." The defence attorney mumbled softly, in a barely audible manner, placing his arms out in front of him upon the frozen-cold, grey, stone floor to steady himself and combat the constant tremors running through his frail body.
"Me?" The kidnapper cocked his head in amusement, pushing those thinly rimmed glasses up the bridge of his angular nose once again.
"Y-You..." Phoenix licked his lips in uncertainty before continuing to stutter out his sentence, word by word.
"I-I kn-know you.."
"Well, I have been inside of you. You should damn-well know me, Pheenie." The defence attorney was taken aback by the nickname-calling once again - caught off guard whilst his, already damaged, protective shield had been placed aside; as a result, it shook him to the very core.
"S-Stop...!" Phoenix cried out all of a sudden, fumbling around for some sort of balance before staggering to his feet and accidentally backing into a wall - hard. The defence attorney stiffened in the mind-numbing agony that came with randomly slamming oneself into objects, his eyes creased into sad crescents as they bore into the kidnapper's head. The opposing man only let out a hefty sigh, as if somewhat bored by the reaction of the shorter man, before joining the other two members in the room in standing on his own two feet. The blonde-haired man sluggishly swaggered over to Phoenix's shivering body, placing one hand upon either side of his paled, scarred face. The defence attorney froze in place, more-than-intimidated by the kidnapper's stern, emotionless, expression.
He may as well have been cornered by a brick wall.
Although, if comparisons to brick walls were being made, it was a particularly petrifying brick wall which Phoenix was being cornered by.
"H-Huh..?" The defence attorney blinked in confusion, casting a temporary glance over at the curly-haired police officer - who seemed to be doing little more than watching the whole masquerade with intent whilst leaning against a wall - for some sort of hint, but received no recognition whatsoever.
"What do you want to know? You've clearly come here for information," The kidnapper snarled, causing the spiky-haired man to blush and wince simultaneously as he noticed, once again, how close they were, cringing at the other man's cool breath teasing his soft skin.
"U-Um.. W-Well.." The flustered, shorter, man forced himself to look away from that piercing gaze, a sense of nostalgia-induced nausea rising in the back of his throat. It was hard enough to combat his mad outbursts of terror without a one-on-one confrontation with the cause of it, let alone whilst he was there.
"Wh-Who exactly... A-Are you..?"
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