It felt nice to be able to enjoy an ordinary morning again.
The defence attorney whined;
"N-No, you numpty- Ah!" The camera let out yet another satisfying 'click' - accompanied by Edgeworth's smug laughter - as Phoenix toppled off of the large, king-sized, cream-coloured bedsheets and fell to the floor with an over-dramatic 'thump'.
Almost... Refreshing, in a sense.
The defence attorney's cheeks reddened even further as he meekly attempted to scramble back onto his meagrely clothed feet, wobbling precariously as he struggled to gain his unstable balance, and shot himself forwards into a feeble lunge at the cross-legged prosecutor - who had been peacefully poring over his newly-taken pictures of his boyfriend until the two of them suddenly, painfully, collided.
Nine months could do a lot of good for your health, it seemed.
"Ukey-boy, what the- GAAH!"
"Y-You think I-I'd let you g-get away with th-that? H-Hand over th-the phone!" Phoenix pleaded, infuriatingly close to reaching the damn device as the prosecutor hastily swept it out of his grasp, chuckling softly as he teased him relentlessly - like a dog being promised an impeccable treat by its owner but being refused it at the last second.
... Not that it was enough time, though.
"E-Edgeworth...! Th-That's not fair! Y-You better not post that, o-or I swear-"
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" The silvery-haired man grinned as he swiftly began to use one of Phoenix's many 'Achilles heels' against him - his uncontrollable fits of giggles that erupted from the volcanic hole of his mouth if his chin was tickled ever so slightly.
Things never come without their complications, after all.
"Ahh! Ahahaha..! S-St-aahhh!-op! N-Not f-ahah-air!" The prosecutor's boyfriend cried out in between strangled laughter, squirming and wriggling atop his crimson lap with no sensibility in sight, his body completely manipulated by that little ticklish tic of his, unable to escape the doom that awaited him at every feathery touch of Edgeworth's nimble fingertips.
That, the pair could most definitely attest to.
The prosecutor snickered as Phoenix finally gave in, smirking down at the resigned heap of black, silky, hair and fair skin upon his upper thighs, stroking the man's hair soothingly.
However, they needed to let go - the past was in the past, and all of that had happened nine months ago.
"Well," Edgeworth sighed contentedly after about ten minutes of lulling his boyfriend into a deep relaxation - and a gentle back-massage sequence of rubbing tender areas -;
"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry for some breakfast."
"B-Breakfast my ass! Y-You're deleting those ph-photos." Phoenix firmly stuttered as the prosecutor carefully nursed him off of his lap and onto the soft confines of the outrageously expensive bed within his barely-used apartment in the poshest part of town. The defence attorney always felt awestruck by the gigantic window panes towering above him every time he walked into the place. How could Phoenix ever compare to someone as well off as Edgeworth or his immaculate apartment, though? He slept in his office - or, rather, he did, anyway; ever since the whole kidnapping and prostitution incident, things had never quite returned to normal in the defence attorney's mind. The spiky-haired man found himself petrified to the point of curling up on the floor into a little ball of emotional distress, paralysed, by the very idealism of sleeping in that office bedroom again after that night - despite Edgeworth's best efforts to coax him back into it - and Phoenix could never, ever, open the front door again without double checking who the heck it was through several different windows of his office at least seven times. It was safe to say that the poor man found himself sleeping in the prosecutor's apartment more than his own property, these days. It was just so upsetting to be reminded, constantly, of those dark days.
It wasn't like anything more would come out of that case, anyway.
"Although having your ass for breakfast sounds very appetising, I'm afraid I was thinking of reserving it for dessert tonight," Edgeworth smirked maliciously as he leapt off of the item of furniture with the elegance of a deer (which was much to the clumsy defence attorney's constant astonishment) and slid the sleek, compact, telecommunication device into his crimson, full-set, expensive pyjamas' front pocket - upon which an overly-fancy 'E' had been engraved in perfect handmade stitching.
"Th-That's not what I-"
"But it's what I want,"
"Y-You idiot."
"I love you too, sexy," Edgeworth plastered, yet another, wide grin upon his face as he lightly pecked his fatigued boyfriend's forehead and gestured to the looming white door to his left;
"Well? Are you coming? I'll make you something speciaaal..."
The culprits had been caught - although Edgeworth had made no allowance for his boyfriend to visit them - and Phoenix had been allowed out of hospital.
When Phoenix simply groaned lazily and looked like he was about to fall face first into the bedsheets again, the prosecutor light-heartedly chuckled;
"You've always been a difficult one to get out of bed. It looks like I'm going to have to speed up that process," Without warning, the unsuspecting defence attorney was swiftly swept up into the prosecutor's arms a mere second after he'd watched the man stride confidently towards him in incredulity. A blush crept up upon his cheeks as he was instantly reminded of that nurturing scene in the hospital all those months ago.
There was really no point to following their story anymore.
Everything was sorted, right?
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