Chapter 11
The next morning, Ryan and Olivia had to be at the Penske shop for a meeting. They decided to take separate cars so no one would know they had been together. Olivia didn't want anything to think that she had only gotten this job because she and Ryan were sleeping together (even if they were only sleeping).
After the meeting, Ryan asked if she was going back to his house. She declined, saying she was out of clothes, as what she was wearing was what had been packed from the weekend. That was only part of the reason though. The real reason, was she could not deal with the sexual tension. She needed a break. She needed to cool herself. Ryan said okay and asked her if she would like to get dinner later. She agreed to meet him back at his house later that day.
Olivia had been home less than an hour and was bored out of her mind. She was really lonely and was already missing Ryan. She figured she had three choices: Sleep with Ryan (provided he gave in), deal with the sexual tension or be bored and lonely. Unless...No. that was crazy. She doubted she could even bring herself to ask that. Even if she could get Ryan to provide manual, or even oral stimulation to her, she had no clue how to return the favor. This was all foreign to her. She wasn't even sure if she could pleasure herself sufficiently. All her years of sexual repression were coming back to bite her in a big way.
All these thoughts racing through her mind were interrupted when her phone rang. She smiled when Dean's name popped up. She had been so busy with Ryan, and with Scott that she had barely gotten a chance to talk to him during the weekend.
O: Hey Dean-o. What's up?
D: I was wondering how the job is going so far. You looked pretty busy over the weekend and I didn't want to interrupt.
O: It's good. I have a lot to learn and keep up with, but I think I'm really going to like it.
D: You and Ryan looked pretty cozy, especially after the meeting today. What's up with that Liv?
O: Dean, I told you we're old friends, and now, we'll, we're seeing each other now.
D: I really don't think that's wise Olivia. Ryan's been a little bad tempered lately and he's had some trouble with a girlfriend.
O: (annoyed)I know all about that Dean. He had a long time girlfriend and now he doesn't.
D: Just be careful Liv. I'd hate to see you get hurt just because Ryan's on the rebound.
O: Ryan and I have talked about this. I'm not a rebound. That's one of the reasons no one other than Scott, and now you know that we are even together.
D: Is that Ryan's idea, to keep you a secret.
O: No. It was mine. I don't need everyone whispering behind my back saying I only got this job because I'm Ryan's girlfriend.
D: Isn't that why you got it though?
O: No it's not. Ryan and I were just friends when he offered me the job. You know what, I don't know why I'm even explaining this to you because it's really none of your business what I do or who I'm seeing.
D: I'm sorry Liv. I know it's your life and your business. You are my friend and I do care about you and I don't want you to get hurt.
O: I appreciate your concern Dean, but I can take care of myself.
D: I know you can. I apologize again. I didn't mean to piss you off. Still friends?
O: (laugh) Yeah. Still friends I guess.
D: I'll see you around. If not here, then at the track.
O: See ya Dean.
Ugh! Olivia groaned. She was not sure what had gotten into Dean lately. He was the one who had commented about what a great guy Ryan was.
She puttered around her house for a while, straightening up what really didn't need to be straightened at all. She unpacked and did a load of laundry and still had hours to kill. Screw it. She decided. She packed an overnight bag, threw in a few pairs of clean underwear that she had a feeling she would need. Then she got in her car and drove to Ryan's house.
She was surprised to see a reddish golden brown dog, some type of lab mix rush out to greet her. She didn't even know Ryan had a dog.
"Sturgill, sit." Ryan commanded to the dog when he jumped on her. The dog immediately sat.
"What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you until later." Ryan asked.
"Call me crazy, but I kind of missed you." She replied.
Ryan laughed and put his arm around her. "Good. I kind of missed you too. I'm glad you're here."
"So who is this guy?" She pointed to the dog.
"This is Sturgill. Sturgill, meet Livvy. You'll be seeing a lot of her."
Olivia smiled at his comment and bent down to pet the dog. "Named after Sturgill Simpson no doubt."
"Of course. Are you a fan?" He asked, realizing there was still a lot they didn't really know about each other.
"Absolutely. Love me some Sturgill."
"He laughed. "I knew I liked you for a reason."
"Now the rest of your music taste, I'm not so sure about, but I can live with it."
"You never were a fan of metal." He remembered.
She shook her head. "Still not. I don't get it, but to each his own."
"I'm going to have to take you to a concert. See if that changes your mind."
"Alright." She agreed. Knowing she'd go anywhere with him.
Ryan actually was a bit surprised when Olivia had shown up at his house. Things had gotten a little awkward last night, and this morning she couldn't get away from him fast enough. He knew the sexual tension was getting to her because it was getting to him. He was a little surprised, yet not really surprised to learn that she had never been with a man before. He knew if not for that, they probably would have had sex last night. He couldn't do that to her though. She deserved for her first time to be special, not just fueled by lustful feelings. He wanted to make certain she was ready, and he would deal with the sexual tension somehow, but distancing himself from her was not an option for him.
He watched with a smile as she played with Sturgill. The joy on her face was priceless. He knew that she was a dog lover and Sturgill clearly sensed that as well, as he gazed adoringly at her. She had clearly won him over and he loved the attention she gave him. He looked like he would follow her to the ends of the earth and Ryan clearly knew how that felt. The fact that she had already bonded with his dog made him fall even harder for her. She was special indeed.
"I don't really feel like going out to dinner. I'm too comfortable to move right now. Is that okay with you?" Olivia asked, as she curled up under his arm as they watched TV.
"We could order in." He suggested.
"I could cook for us." She offered.
"I'm afraid it's slim pickings in my kitchen. I haven't been by the store yet." He said.
"We'll figure something out later. Like I said, I'm way too comfortable to move right now and I'm not even hungry." She leaned in closer to him and let out a contented sigh.
He leaned down to kiss her cheek, just as she turned her head to him, and their lips met. As always, the kiss started off innocent, but quickly turned passionate. The moan that escaped from her lips went straight to his groin, and he could not think straight. His brain turned to mush and all he knew was she was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted and he knew he would never get enough.
She was the one who broke off the kiss. Her previous sigh of contentment was now one of frustration. Sexual frustration.
He had an idea. He didn't know if she would be open to it, but it was worth a shot.
Before he could approach his idea, she spoke. "I need..I need something. It doesn't have to be sex, but I just need...more."
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