Food, Food, Food!!!
Guys, I just wanted to say, that now it won't be YL hosting the game shows, it will be....Lavender! yup, the Yoshi on my profile pic!! woo!!!
Lavender: I'm paying for our meals! where do ya wanna eat?
Yoshi: ShowMushrooms! (Showmars)
Mario: Burger Queen! (Burger King)
Daisy: Crowber-Fil-A! (Chick-Fil-A)
Peach: Wendy's O! (Wendy's)
Luigi: CatBell! (Taco Bell)
Lavender: How about...Golden Mushrooms! (Golden Corral)
Everyone: woo!!
Soon they arrived at Golden Mushroom, and everyone looked around to see what to eat.
Lavender: ooh! chocolate fountain! *puts tongue in waterfall*
Yoshi: me too! *joins*
Daisy: ooh! Brownies! *stuffs Brownies in mouth*
Luigi: marshmallows! *stuffs marshmallows in mouth*
Peach: strawberries! *starts gobbling the strawberries*
Mario: really?
They all nodded.
Mario: (shrugs) cotton candy!!
They all ate the desserts until, they where close to vomiting, or there stomachs hurt.
Everyone: ^_^ •°•♥_♥•°• @_@
Everyone burped on the way home, with lots of giggles, laughs, and chuckles.....
Lavender: I'm stuffed!
Everyone nodded...
That's All Folks! jk, they'll be a lot more, and more! like I said, this is a run on series! it never seems to have an end!!!
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