Chapter 8
At 6:45 the next evening, Loki teleported to the address Stark's brat had given him. He'd begged again before he left the tower the night before and Loki had given in, besides, it meant so much to the little arachnid that Loki show up as promised.
So he showed up early, with a bottle of wine and flowers for Peter's Aunt. He was also dressed in his usual Midgardian wear of his all-black suit. He wasn't nervous exactly, but he knew this was important to the little arachnid so he wanted this to go well. He'd also had to put up with lectures from the humans on proper behavior for the evening.
He was a prince he knew how to behave. Stupid Midgardians thinking he needed reminders on how to be a polite courteous guest.
And of course he wasn't going to stab Aunt May.
He knew better than to stab ladies.
Especially defenseless, if formidable, Midgardian ladies.
He pulled out his phone and texted Peter that he had arrived before silencing the thing and shoving it in his pocket. Peter came running down the stairs a minute later. "Mr. Loki! You came!" He said excitedly as he bounced over. "Dinner's almost ready. This way," he tells Loki as he begins to lead him up to his apartment. "Don't forget, Aunt May doesn't know I'm Spiderman," he reminded Loki. Again.
"I am aware, arachnid," he said with mock exasperation. Peter looked scared when he said that.
"You...could use my name you know..." Peter said tentatively.
Loki smirked. "But then how would you know that we are friends?"
Peter beamed in excitement, lighting up that he had a friend. He led Loki to his apartment and opened the door, letting Loki inside. "Aunt May! Loki's here!" He called unnecessarily.
Aunt May appeared a moment later and Loki offered her a polite bow. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Lady Parker," he told her and handed over the flowers and bottle of wine with an elegant flourish. Loki was nothing if not a showman. Aunt May looked impressed and flattered at Loki's courtesy.
She put the flowers in a vase and let Peter give Loki a tour of the small apartment. Loki wished he could give his friend a fancier dwelling. Even the rooms in the Avengers tower were nicer than the little apartment and second-hand things Peter lived with. Though Loki saw some of Tony's influence. Peter's "internship" was paid, so they'd been able to upgrade some things and Loki noted that Aunt May had focused her priorities on making sure Peter had new clothes and computer equipment for school before anything for herself.
So he may have used magic to upgrade a few of the things around the apartment for her, especially the couch, her bed, put a few new flattering garments in her wardrobe, made sure her appliances were functioning properly, etc. It was no trouble for him, but he made sure he didn't do too much that it would be instantly noticeable. He didn't want the proud woman to think she was accepting charity.
But at the same time, he wanted to help. So he did little things to make their lives easier with magic.
They sat down at the dining room table and Aunt May served the lasagna. It wasn't a fancy meal by any stretch of the imagination, but it was comfortable listening to Peter tell his aunt about his day at school. Loki told stories about growing up with Thor, as his life on Midgard was fairly boring, so no one wanted to hear about that. He saw Peter stiffen when Aunt May started telling them about someone at her office who was harassing her and making her life there miserable. He watched Peter's anger grow, but he was fighting to hide it in front of Aunt May especially.
Peter looked over at Loki and mouthed "Eight"
Loki nodded. Dinner was over and they were to help Aunt May with the dishes. So Loki cheated and vanished all the dishes to the cabinets clean, the leftovers into the fridge in covered dishes, and everything sparkling clean. "T-thank you-" Aunt May said, looking shocked and impressed. Loki offered her an elegant bow and let himself be dragged to Peter's room to be 'shown something'
Peter started pacing the tiny room almost as soon as the door closed behind the pair. He was angry and red-faced and clearly didn't know what to do. "Arachnid? What's wrong?" He knew the kid was upset. Knew whatever was going on with that man at Aunt May's office was likely behind it, but he didn't know what the real problem was or how to help his small friend.
"Men are scum, filth! Terrible, horrible, creatures! Why?! Why does he treat Aunt May like that?" The kid ranted as he paced. Loki took a seat on Peter's bed, waiting for him to calm enough for Loki to help him.
"What has this man done to inspire this diatribe, arachnid?" Loki asked gently when Peter's rant fizzled out.
Peter turned to him and glared. "He keeps harassing Aunt May at work. He's a creep and keeps saying and doing inappropriate things. She said I have to stay out of it and let Human Resources do their job and deal with the man. But they're not going to do anything! They're just going to give him a slap on the wrist and he'll keep hurting her, or other women!!! I have all these powers and there's nothing I can do to help someone I love!" He wailed.
Loki was taken aback, both by the teen's troubles and by the fact that the young man had brought these concerns to him of all people. "Thank you for confiding in me, arachnid. Though I'm not sure how I can be of assistance here. It sounds like your aunt wishes for this to be handled the Midgardian way..." Loki tells him gently.
Peter huffed and flopped down on the bed next to Loki. "That's the thing. I'm a superhero! I should be able to do something. She's my aunt and she's raised me since my parents died and I can't even help her with my powers? What good are they if I can't help those I love?" He wailed.
Loki gave him a smirk. This he knew how to help with. "Your powers are not your only asset, little arachnid," he told Peter gently.
Peter shot up to look at him, desperation in his eyes. "What else is there?"
"You have friends. So while you may not be able to do anything about this creep who is bothering your aunt, I am under no such constraints," Loki reminded him. He'd just go stab the man and be done with it. That would solve all of the problems and tie everything up in a nice little bow.
"But Aunt May wants Human Resources to take care of it..." Peter replied in a small voice. He was too good at heart to take Loki up on his offer, but he wanted the man taken care of at the same time. He wanted his family safe. Loki could relate to that.
Loki considered that. "Then how about this? We will allow Human Resources an opportunity to deal with the situation. If they do not do so to your satisfaction, then I shall turn this creep into a goat for you,"
Peter perked up, looking excited and relieved that there was a plan. A real plan that he could get behind. "An ugly stupid goat?" he asked Loki excitedly.
Loki chuckled. "Any kind of goat you would like, little arachnid," he replied pleasantly and this time was not surprised when Peter threw his arms around Loki's waist and he knew now to allow his arms to encircle the young man.
"Thank you, Loki,"
He'd dropped the 'Mr' and somehow that spoke more than anything else had coming from the little spider.
And warmed Loki's heart.
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