Chapter 73
The Avengers spent the rest of the day on Asgard. Thor's friends gave them tours of the palace while the princes helped their mother get the court and realm back in order. Peter stayed at Loki's side, helping wherever he could. He visited Asgard before, so he was at least a familiar face and he was so easygoing and happy and puppy-like that the people couldn't help but be relaxed in his presence.
It was a sharp contrast to the dark prince of Asgard who was at his side. Loki's magic was back now that he'd finally gotten a bit of rest. It would take longer for him to fully recover, but no one besides Peter needed to know that. He wore the air of the confident prince that he was, held himself regally. He reassured the people as he spoke to them. He didn't have Thor's boisterous exuberance or ability to befriend everyone in his presence. That wasn't the only way to rule. Loki was the god of chaos and mischief, but he was also a prince and he took his duty and responsibility seriously. The people had learned to respect him as they had finally learned that he had their best interest at heart. He was wise in diplomacy and fair in judgments, for all that he was unyielding.
Even with his past, he was a pillar of stability for the people of Asgard. In the chaos of Hela stealing Odin, Loki rode in the eye of the storm, in the middle of all that chaos. He thrived in it, as it was part of his nature. Peter looked awed at how easily Loki handled all of the chaos, how he steered it toward preparations for the feast naming Frigga as the sole ruler. He was the eye of the storm and moved it to his will.
Loki chuckled at Peter's expression of awe. "I was raised a prince, Arachnid," he reminded his blood brother. "I learned from a young age how to rule,"
"But... everyone was running around with their heads cut off," Peter protested, still in awe. The chaos around them had turned productive, cleaning up the throne room, preparing for the feast. It was an organized chaos.
Loki inclined his head. "They were. I am the god of chaos, among other things. Which means I can turn the chaos around me to my will, which I did here." Peter was used to seeing a more relaxed Loki, used to seeing him being casual. He hadn't been this formal and polite since they'd first met. Peter knew that it was because Loki was home and was actively ruling and giving out directions. He had to keep up appearances when the Asgardians needed him.
Peter paused at that. "Will... I become a god?" He asked, not quite grasping yet what being an Asgardian meant. That was understandable. It was all very new.
Loki stopped walking since Peter had. "Perhaps," he replied carefully. "It will be years before that would happen. It is a possibility if you have the power and the Norns believe you deserving,"
"I don't understand," Peter admitted. He didn't like not knowing things and was always keen to acquire whatever knowledge he could get his hands on.
Loki paused to consider how to explain in a way the arachnid would understand. "I grew up learning magic and growing my powers and abilities," he reminded Peter. "I trained and studied for centuries before the Norns decided I was worthy of being a god. Not all Asgardians are," Loki wasn't Asgardian by birth, but as a prince was most definitely an Asgardian citizen, so he could claim being an Asgardian instead of a Jotun. "Most who are determined to have the strength, skill, aptitude, or whatever other qualification that the Norns see fit to be a god receive their first godhood either in what you would call their teenage years, or by the time they come of age," Loki explained.
"The Norns decide?" Peter asked, sounding awed again and interested in the possibility that he might be a god someday. He still had a lot to learn about the culture he'd found himself a part of.
Loki chuckled. "The Norns create and control fate, Arachnid, there's a reason even literal gods worship them," he replied fondly, adoring teaching Peter as he always did. "Yes, it is up to them when a god receives their godhead and what it is." Peter accepted that answer and clearly had a lot to think about.
Frigga officially took the throne in her own right. There was a quick explanation that Odin had fallen to Helheim, though not a lot of details were given on how Odin had died. The realm realized when the entire royal family refused to give information that it was better not to ask.
There was a memorial for him, as tradition demanded. It was far overshadowed by the feast in Frigga's honor where food and ale flowed freely. The celebration lasted all night and well into the morning.
It was a group of very drunk Avengers and exhausted Peter and Wanda who finally made their way to the Bifrost to return to Midgard. There were worried people waiting for them and the crisis had been averted.
It was time to go home and face Aunt May.
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