Chapter 55
Tony's expression was blank and Loki cursed that the moronic supposed genius hadn't bothered to learn Norse mythology once he had two Norse gods living with him. Granted, most of the myths were wrong, especially the bits about Loki's 'children', but it still would've given the man something to go on. Loki glanced at the teen in his arms, then back to Stark. "I will explain on the way. We still need to get him to Mother," he said.
"On the way where?" Stark asked.
"Loki, no. You know it's forbidden," Thor repeated again when he figured out what Loki was saying.
Loki glared at Thor, then turned to Strange. "Return to the tower and inform Aunt May that Peter is safe and we are taking him to Asgard for healing. Reassure her that she is not to worry," he told the doctor, though he knew that Aunt May would worry anyway. Still, even Loki was only willing to break so many rules in such a short period of time. He didn't really want to die after all. And Odin would kill him if he broke too many rules. Especially since he was on Midgard for retribution for the battle of New York. Odin wouldn't hesitate to kill him or lock him away again if he felt it necessary to control his chaotic adopted son.
Despite that Loki only wanted love and caring. Despite that Loki had been mind controlled. Despite Odin's shitty parenting.
"Loki-" Thor pleaded again, not wanting Loki in trouble.
Loki glared at him. "I do not care about Odin's rules right now. Peter needs healing. I and taking him to Mother. Stark is effectively his guardian and needs to understand what just happened. So you can either help me or get out of my way," he growled and turned to storm out of the building, Peter cradled carefully in his arms. The wound was healing, though slowly. Frigga would be able to heal him properly.
Stark followed Loki in disbelief. "You're taking me to Asgard, why?" He demanded, knowing Loki hated him.
"Multiple reasons," Loki explained as he walked. Tony kept stride with him while Thor trailed behind like a kicked puppy. Tony kept his gaze on Peter, terrified that the boy's condition would worsen. He knew Loki had saved Peter's life, though he didn't understand how. He knew it wasn't good from Thor's reaction. So he would put his dislike of Loki aside for Peter's sake. He would do practically anything for Peter's sake. "You wish to know how I saved Peter. You are also his guardian, despite it being unofficial. While Aunt May is his legal guardian, she cannot come to Asgard, not for this. She would be a liability," much as Loki cared about her, it was the truth. Aunt May would be too overwhelmed by the realm to do what was necessary. She was better off on Midgard, despite how much she'd hate it. Loki turned and looked at Stark, gave the man his full attention to make sure he knew how important his next words were. "And I trust that if things turn sour, you will get Peter off the realm and to safety,"
Loki didn't trust Stark with his own life, didn't trust or like the man, but he did trust that Stark loved Peter and would do anything for his adopted son.
Stark gave him a look. "You're expecting trouble?" He didn't want Peter in more danger.
"How I saved him was not exactly the most legal..." Loki admitted. Which Stark already knew thanks to Thor's reactions. "I expect the Allfather will not be pleased with me. I need someone there whose loyalty is to Peter. Who will get Peter home safely no matter the cost." What Loki wasn't saying was that if he got locked up again or worse, that he expected Tony to flee with Peter and make sure the teen got home safely. Tony had no loyalty to Asgard like Thor did. Tony could take care of himself, unlike Aunt May.
Tony nodded, understanding Loki's unspoken request. "I'll make sure he's safe," he reassured the god. It was the one thing they could both agree on: Peter's safety and wellbeing.
"Idun's Apple is the golden apple of immortality," Loki explained to Tony. "Among its powers is the ability to turn a Midgardian into an Asgardian. It will heal Peter and also turn him into an Asgardian. He'll have the same long life that Thor and I do, all the same strengths," he explained to the shell shocked shellhead.
Before Tony processed that news and all the implications of it, they made it out of the building and Loki looked to Thor. "Brother, you know Midgadians are not welcome on Asgard," he tried again to make Loki see reason.
"Peter has an open invitation from Mother. Stark is coming as his guardian. Either help me, or get out of my way," he snarled at his brother, defensive over Peter in his arms. Peter was limp and whimpered softly, but otherwise didn't move or stir.
Thor sighed, clearly thinking this wasn't the best course of action, but he wouldn't stand against Loki when his brother needed him. So he raised Mjolnir and called to Heimdall to open the bifrost. Loki held Peter more securely in his arms as they travelled up the rainbow bridge.
They stepped into the bifrost circle and Loki looked to Thor. "You and Shellhead catch up. I will get Peter to Mother," he told his brother. Stark growled at the nickname, but it was a familiar growl, familiar banter, and that familiarity was a sign that Peter would be alright. Loki wouldn't even joke that much if he thought Peter's life in danger.
Before either of them could reply, Loki teleported directly to the healing wing. "Mother!" He called when he arrived. He couldn't order her around, but him bellowing in the healing wing was generally enough to get her attention.
She came running predictably. She stopped short when she saw Loki with Peter in his arms and saw how much blood there was all over both of them. Horror filled her eyes for a moment before she steeled herself into her role as the court healer, the best and strongest healer in the realm. "This way," she said calmly and led Loki to one of the private rooms. Loki laid Peter down gently in the bed. "What happened?" She asked as she looked Loki, then Peter, over. She realized that Loki was only covered in Peter's blood, not injured himself, and turned all her attention to Peter as she sat by his bed and began to heal him.
Loki told the story of Peter's abduction and rescuing him. Though he did leave out the illegal parts of the story. Except the one part he had to admit.
He hoped against hope that his beloved mama wouldn't turn against him.
But he owed her the truth.
"I gave him Idun's Apple to save his life. Without his permission or consent," he admitted, picking at his hands. His eyes were on the floor as he waited for her answer, waited for her scorn and condemnation for his actions.
Waited for her to finally give up on him, just like the rest of the realm had done centuries ago.
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