Chapter 8: The Deal
"Wh-what's going on here?!" Bon exclaimed in surprise, upon seeing the Headmaster just land in the middle of what used to be nothing short of a battleground.
"The hell are you doing here, Mephisto?!" Rin added to the noise of the room.
"Oh, dear. It seems that the theatrical entrance is out of the question now. Good work you all, pages. Except for you, Daniel. Why did you have to ruin the fun of it all? Well, of course there was a reason I, the Chairman, allowed the invasion of the upper class demons here."
At a snap of his fingers the entire room seemed to be disassembling. And from the holes in the floor, from the ceiling jumped several other exorcists in black coats.
"These Doctor class senseis will heal everyone's wounds. That's right! Don't you see? This training camp has also served the purpose of an authorisation exam! Although I am a bit at a loss as to how YOU seemed to figure it all."
Everyone in the room looked at Danny in question. Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"First of all, you took me for a moron. It is as if I don't know hundreds of demons and their power. Naberiuses are an upper class, yet you seemed to downplay the issue. Furthermore, in the conversation we had you lied to me about the principles behind the barriers. You are the one allowing the demons to come in. So, you not only let the demon on the school grounds, you tried to cover the tracks. Since murdering students cannot be your goal, I naturally concluded that there must have been something else. The final clue was the way Neuhaus went inside. Quietly, which I have assumed was odd with what demons he chose to use. An awful selectiveness to approach, why would he break a lock when he could break a door? Also, Naberiuses found us too quickly, like they knew where to look, and, by extension, their summoner did too. One of those alone may be a coincidence, but when there is a number of inconsistencies, I naturally suspect bull."
"Wait..." Rin said, "Does that mean you have kept us in the dark, too?!"
"It was an exam. Would you have given it your best, knowing that nobody is going to actually be hurt...much?" Danny shrugged.
"Oh, that was good, Daniel!" Mephisto exclaimed joyously, "You did pass attentiveness test, I give you that."
Everyone sweat dropped.
"As per the results of the exam...our teachers have been evaluating your efforts. They will send the reports to me and I shall grade you all. Please, look forward to tomorrow's announcement."
"Oh, and Daniel. A word, please."
Everyone blinked once again. With a curious look on his face, Danny followed Mephisto out of the room, away from the prying eyes and eager ears of a large group of people. From this Phantom realised that the matter was indeed important.
"So, how are you liking the school so far? Socialising?"
"Get to the point, Pheles. Otherwise it would look suspicious."
"Bah, you worry too much. It has been obvious that you are not all that willing to advance in the exorcist ranks. Thus, I am curious as to what exactly you are planning to do."
Danny gained a thoughtful look on his face. He had contemplated the options beforehand, and he had reached a proper decision. Staying here would bide the time. Vatican would not act against him, whilst Phantom could finally consolidate the power over his own domain. And from that moment forward he would be able to spend his afterlife peacefully, like his involuntary brethren. Besides, this was starting to get interesting, Phantom had to admit.
"Yes. I think I am staying. Our conditions still extend, yes?"
"But of course, Daniel. However, there is something I want to ask of you."
Phantom raised an eyebrow, "And that is..."
"As of right now Rin knows that you know that he is the son of Satan. With the last barrier out of the way, I'd like you to teach him how to utilise his power. That's what I had in mind from the start."
"Why me, though?"
"Simple. I suspect that one unique half demon may teach another one better than a fully established King. After all, you obviously have mastered the art enough to utilise it in combat, and that's precisely what I ask of you. To help Rin ascertain his true power. It will only be helpful to him in the future, and if you are friends with him, he may just help you in exchange."
"But how am I even supposed to do that? I am half ghost, he is the Son of Satan, our powers are different by definition."
"Not as much as you would expect. So, if you do agree, begin as soon as possible. Then tell me the time you will be practicing, I'll give you a proper place."
"Great, now...wait a second, why would you say that?" Mephisto asked in surprise.
"I don't want to. I have other things to do besides teaching, Pheles. Atop of that, how would you explain these extra-curriculum activities? People will start asking questions to which I struggle to find the answer."
"You? Struggle? Please, like anyone will blame a delinquent for missing out on things. As for Rin, I'll free some time for him."
"Which does not remove the first issue. My answer stands, go find another teacher."
Mephisto sighed, "I guess I will have to bring up my final argument. You want to stay, yet there is one problem. You didn't pass."
Danny froze, "Excuse me?"
"All we have is the words of one man to confirm biased man to whom you revealed your demonic nature."
His voice was dripping with fake sadness, yet he smirked upon seeing the distraught face of the teen.
"I killed that demon, I killed your damn brother, a Demon King. And you tell me that I am not good enough."
The teen's voice was filled with incredulousness, anger, covered under a thick layer of cold calmness.
"Shall I be the one to tell the oblivious staff about it? And Vatican too? I am to send the lists of the exwires, along with explanations of why I chose them, you know."
Danny was indeed at a loss, that bastard did have the control at the moment, "Fine. What of it?"
"I will have you do some "social work" for extra points. This way you will at least pass. Not with the best grade, but still."
"And this extra work includes helping a lagging student...when I am the one behind as well."
"You are lagging in different departments, though. So, what do you say to this, Mr. Phantom?"
The students and the teachers finally poured out of the room, looking at the two with curiosity.
"What are you two doing?" Yukio asked.
"An argument concerning living arrangements. Nothing you should concern your tired minds about. I shall be heading my way, and as for you Daniel...I am being nice about it, you know."
"I guess I have no choice," Danny shrugged, hiding the anger and frustration under a nonchalant look. If one was to look closer, they would see a his left eye tick.
Everyone needed to be tended for wounds and the after effects of poisoning from miasmas. Even if the latter did not pose a threat anymore, there were still dizziness and the strong desire to vomit the entire diner. So, the students were led to the nursery for the night. That is, aside from the two half-demons, who remained in their dorm due to them having only little gashes. Besides, the other teens were to move out soon now that the training camp was dissolved. Sighing after seeing everyone leave, Danny turned around, wanting to just go to bed. He had already cancelled a meeting for today. Samantha was going to be pissed, but he would manage. Phantom's journey to his room, however, was interrupted by Rin standing in his way, and the half-ghost understood why.
"Yeah...guess we should talk everything over."
"No kidding," Rin smirked and crossed his hands. He obviously was easygoing about this situation, " said you are a Demon King?"
"Yep. Of spirits or ghosts, to be exact. I am not your half brother, though."
"You don't look like one. I mean, you look even more human than I do."
At this, as if on cue, a tail emerged from the boy's pants.
"Well, you too have two forms. Mine is just hidden better, besides, my type is human-like by nature."
"And what did you mean by "upstart"?"
"I killed Azazel. Figures he won't just let me have the crown, now, will he? Satan hates me for that, but he is too busy to do anything about it. He doesn't have any more kids to put in charge of anything. Hey, you think Yukio can replace me?"
"Well, the locals will stay away from him for sure."
They both laughed. The teens decided to continue the conversation upstairs, this fight made them both hungry again. A late night snack was in order. The snack involved a wonderful portion of curry.
"I don't get it, though. Why would you kill the guy?" Rin said through the stuffed mouth.
"It's...a difficult story. Azazel, or Pariah, as some ghosts called him, never was after me in particular. My parents used to be exorcists and they left behind one particular thing that made the King curious. It could have spelled disaster for mankind if he got his hands on it and showed the device to all demons around."
"What did it do?" Asked Rin, his interest picked, if his wagging tail was of any indication.
"It...allowed for creation of gateways between Gehenna and Assiah. Imagine the hordes that would have poured out, without any need to find bodies, without needing to search for entrances. Pariah needed to be stopped."
"Why would exorcists make such things? I thought Vatican would know."
"Made a barbecue out of 'em? Most likely. But their desire to create sometimes stood in the way of logic and piousness. And they were sneaky enough to go unnoticed."
"Is it still there?"
"Of course not. I crushed that thing with my own arms after the fight with Azazel. I held to it for far too long. After all, beyond lied the source of my power, I was truly drunk on it at some point. But you know, you learn something every day. You grow."
"But what of your parents? How did they..."
"I...would rather not talk about it."
For the first time Rin saw Danny feeling uncomfortable not out of embarrassment, but because he truly felt something pulling on his heartstrings. It truly must have been painful for him, the son of Satan concluded. Then something dawned upon him. Father Fujimoto was special, that much he would give to the old fart. But Danny's parents were exorcists, while their own son was on top of spirits' pecking order. Then again, they were outlandish enough to open a gateway, and, from what he'd heard, not just the one that could be closed that easily. Rin's musings were soon interrupted.
"What about you? I know about Satan, but..."
"I never knew my Mom. The Old Man, Fujimoto, was the one who took care of me and Yukio. He was crazy. Not in a bad way, though, well, not entirely..." Rin looked deflated just a bit, "Satan killed him, and I will never forget it. He shall have the taste of his own medicine!" He exclaimed.
Danny clapped slowly, "You are hellbent on doing it, aren't you."
"Heck yeah, I am. He is gonna be sorry for messing with me."
Phantom couldn't prevent a chuckle from escaping his mouth. It was funny how similar Rin was to his own younger self, despite actually being older. Determination he had, but the power was too untamed to back said ambition. That was the material he had to work with now, and he couldn't help but actually feel a bit enthusiastic about it. Perhaps the word was wrong, as he was still on the fence, but it wouldn't be so bad, he concluded. After all, had Phantom agreed to mentorship himself, his own power would have perhaps grown faster and more accurately, and he would have agreed if said mentor wasn't a conceited and self-serving bastard. Danny stopped himself upon realising that those epithets could be applied to him as well, if used more frivolously.
The next morning Rin decided to check up on the rest of the class in the infirmary. To that extent he had to force his friend, to whom he was growing closer and closer due to their similarities, to actually get up. It was hard to believe that that indolent half-ghost could actually kill a Demon King. Appearances could really be deceiving. Phantom didn't want to go, and after being forced to rise and shine he couldn't go back. The resentful glare he sent to Rin was with the teen during the entire breakfast.
The infirmary was not far away, so it didn't take long for the two to get there. Phantom couldn't resist a snort upon being inside a building related to healing. He used to have a friend in school, Mr. Foley had a huge phobia of such places. The second he passed a school hospital his legs always went wobbly. Danny had grown distant from the other boy, not wishing to put him in the harm's way of demonic business. Phantom wondered how he was doing. And at this thought he entered the required room. All in all, it seemed quite cosy, one could hardly differentiate it from a usual dorm, if not for IVs and medical supplies. Everyone except Shiemi seemed to be awake at this point.
"Oh, look who decided to show up," Bon said instead of greeting.
"Hey, if not for Rin, I would be seeing another dream about big-boobed ladies," Danny complained, before feeling a hand wrap around his neck, much to his dismay.
"Oh, don't pretend like you didn't care, Danny," the half-demon grinned stupidly.
Phantom shook off the hand, wiping his eyes. "I was literally about to oversleep it all. But since I am is Moriyama...san? Senpai? I'll never learn these things."
"She is just sleeping," said Shima, smiling. "And you got the honourifics right. I'm surprised you learned this stuff."
"Blame manga for this," Phantom flopped on a bed, as Rin sat nearby. "To think I gave one of my favourite ones to that clown."
"Yeah, Pheles did us dirty. And you kept the secret, too," added Bon.
"Give me a break. You would not have believed me anyway!" Danny opened his arms wide, "And look! You all did a more than an acceptable job."
"I don't know, Danny," Konekomaru shook his head, "My legs are all shaking. I'm not sure about my result."
"You guys will be fine," Phantom waved his hand. "It's not about landing a final blow, right?"
"Then what do you think it was about?" Asked the small boy.
"Remember what Okumura-sensei said before the exam?" Izumo butted in, "He told us about how important it was to work as one, as the exorcists...which probably means that I scored the worst."
"You certainly didn't," Reassured her Bon, looking at the two most secluded students in the class. "These guys just sat off at the sidelines while we were getting our asses beaten! Well? Do you have to say anything in your defence?"
"Alright, I just got the claw of the scaly dragon," the guy in a hoodie said while playing something on PSP.
"Shut up, you stupid brats! I haven't got a thing to say to you!" The ventriloquist with an ugly doll shouted through said puppet.
"Bold words for someone with a fist up his butt," Danny grinned, not seeming offended, "I guess no amount of extra points is gonna save them," his look then deflated, and everyone caught up on it.
"Danny, you did pass, right?" Asked Rin.
"Well...I'll just make it to 60 by cleaning up."
"That doesn't make any sense," Shima mumbled, rubbing his chin, "You fought the demon together with Rin, how come?"
"Apparently, I wasn't active enough. AND Mephisto is being the jackass he normally is. He dominates the ground for now, but I WILL get back at him eventually. Now how to summon a proper demon..."
While everyone was wondering whether or not he was messing around, Shiemi began to stir, slowly opening her eyes. Rin immediately tensed.
"Oh, sorry, did we wake you up?"
"No, it's okay," she smiled, "What were you talking about?"
"About the exams."
"I'm sure Moriyama-san is going to be the honour student out of us."
"I shudder to imagine what could have happened to you, Moriyama-san," Bon bowed his head, "Thank you so much!"
The shy girl was not ready for such shower of compliments, being at a loss of words, red as a tomato.
"By the way, Okumura, Phantom, how did you beat that demon all alone?" Asked Konekomaru.
"Oh, we, eh..."
"Cut it up with swords," Danny finished and nudged his companion behind his back.
"Yeah, you totally gotta teach me these moves, Danny!"
"I already told you, Rin. You use a katana, I use a sabre. Our fighting styles are bound to be different. Although..."
In his thoughts Phantom was already conducting a rough sketch for the trainings he had to conduct. Danny wanted everything to be over as quickly as possible, so he could call in a few favours from some ghosts. And get some teaching materials together with it. With this goal in mind he left the infirmary, hurriedly, without even saying goodbyes properly. Yes, he needed a conclusive plan of action, and who knew, maybe the trained son of Satan would kill the bastard that was the headmaster. As he left, the guy in a hoodie watched him do so.
The mental list of what Danny had to do was simple to compile, but difficult to gather together. First, he needed to gather more information about Satan and his powers, which Rin undoubtedly possessed at least to some extent. Second, a teacher in sword fighting could be of use, and with Phantom's domain being filled with the undead, it should be of no problem to get at least one. Having no time to search for them, however, Danny set his mind on sending one of the demons loyal to him so that the talented swordsman would come to the monarch themselves. The rest was of no concern, the simplest of equipment could be received by the, albeit unconventional, cost-effective means.
It all came down to one thing, however. The king would have to enter Gehenna, and it was not the simplest task for many. There was one rare power in Phantom's arsenal, and that was the tearing of the very fabric of space in order to travel between two worlds. That's why he had no remorse about scrapping apart the man-made portal created by his parents. He wasn't losing anything in particular, and saving the world atop of that. The world oblivious to the danger it faced due to partially his mistake. Phantom needed a secure spot for the transportation, to make sure no exorcist or demon would find and use the portal while he was at it.
As he exited the school grounds, however, he was soon distracted by a familiar voice.
"I am not one of your wenches to boss around, Phantom!" Sam all but shouted at him, approaching him from the side.
"Odd how you would choose to say this instead of a greeting," Danny shrugged, "I told you, I got busy yesterday. And the barrier issue has not been worked out since certain someone refuses to be summoned."
He would have thought that him being so complacent with her attitude would win the demoness over. Now facing her, he couldn't help but notice that she actually took time to mask her nature. With the sunglasses hiding the glowing eyes, the clothes no longer made out of leaves, she was indistinguishable from a human.
"Can't you figure this matter first and be off? I want to get back to Gehenna."
"Yeah, why didn't I think of other issues instead of a hot girl waiting for me?"
"Would you stop that?"
"Stop what?" Danny asked, going in the predetermined direction.
"Making advances on me. I have told you that this won't work."
"It's not an advance if it's truth. Maybe. The point is, don't take it close if you don't wish to. I will deal with you as soon as I can, I've already sent some of my henchmen to your forest. Fright will have a field day there. So if you don't...wait," Danny stopped abruptly, "You can actually be helpful to me in the current situation."
"Excuse me?"
"I am going to Gehenna. Aside from something I need to gather, I would also like to remind everyone who is in charge there. So, could you keep a watch for me?"
"I am not here for this purpose, Phantom."
"True, but it is just a request. For now I am asking, do we really need to get to the point where I have to give direct orders? Or worse?"
Danny took out a list of paper, the one tamers used, "I am yet to utilise it, Sam, as you can see. And believe me, my willpower is stronger than yours."
"You wouldn't dare," she hissed.
"I have had shitty 24 hours, Sammy. I am not in the mood for games. So?"
"I have a condition."
"And that will be..."
Suddenly Danny heard a stomach growl. It didn't come from him, and judging from the expression on the girl's face, he really wasn't at fault. Phantom could not resist a laugh.
"Fine, I guess plants don't feed only from the sun. Shall I dig you a grave to rest in?"
"Just get me something to eat, damn it."
Danny's laugh turned from mocking to a more good-natured one, "Sure. I promise we will find a place. AFTER I come back. Until then, though, I ask you to be on the lookout. I can open another portal to get out, but I may just open it around the exorcists by accident. Or in the middle of a crowd. Just make sure nobody finds a gaping hole here."
"Just how long are you going to be absent?"
Phantom's hand suddenly grew razor-sharp claws, glowing with the neon green energy. He swiped it, and a tear formed in the air, into the swirling green abyss. One leg already inside the portal, Danny turned around and grinned.
"Probably I'll be absent up until the evening. I should be quick. Oh, and since you blend in so nicely, try to discourage people from coming here. A murder so close to the school is bound to cause an uproar."
And with that the teen leaned inside, stepping on an empty piece of land in the realm of demons. Gehenna, the ghostly part of it in particular, looked like a figment of imagination, spurred by the heaviest of fevers. The sky was a dark, swirling mass of green, black and purple, somehow sending around the rays of light that were seemingly coming out of nowhere. In the air there was an eerie silence, interrupted only by the sounds of footsteps Danny made on the wet soil. He knew that soon he would have to set off in the air. The landmass presented itself as a number of islands floating wherever they saw fit. Luckily, they never drifted too far away, allowing for some sort of navigation. Phantom knew this area, and it was renowned not for its captivating sights.
At the edge of an island Danny made a step forward, now floating in the air. Looking around, he quickly flew in the desired direction.
Another interesting thing about this part of Gehenna were the dwellings of many ghosts. They were literally doors, with each leading to another pocket dimension, where the demons could sit undisturbed by the outside world. It was an unspoken rule not to barge in uninvited, lest you enrage the owner of such door. If a demon was exceptionally powerful, or they banded together in a group, they could get themselves an entire piece of land, recognised as their own domain. If Pariah paid no regard to their autonomy, Phantom was quite satisfied with such arrangement, it meant less responsibilities for him. He had merely declared that if someone acted against the few rules he himself imposed, there would be repercussions. That's why Jazz never saw a demon ever since departing for college.
Danny saw some ghosts along his path, aside from the weak and insignificant specs that were lower demons. And those who saw him, well, they scurried off at that very instant. They feared him. Of course they did. After all, nothing forbade the King from destroying everyone in his way if he felt like it. It was so simple. The others did just that sometimes. And such fear was acceptable, you couldn't gain the sympathy of the demon kind easily, there was only a select number of such individuals, to one of which Phantom held the course.
Soon before his eyes stood a gigantic building on its own island. Danny's first visit here taught him the manners well. So, upon setting his feet at the doorstep, he made sure to knock loudly, otherwise the owner might not have heard him. Soon a scruffy voice sounded from another end, before the door swung open, revealing the master of the place. From the seems it was a ghost of a man in his early thirties, with raven hair all over the place and a neat goatee. His green eyes sized the guest, before they became wide as saucers.
"K-king P-phantom, what a surprise!"
Even if he had the sympathy, it did not necessarily exclude fear.
"Hello, Ghostwriter," Danny smiled amusedly, "May I come in?"
"Oh, of course."
Phantom now walked in like he owned the place. When the etiquette was done with, Danny pulled the grey neckerchief of the ghost and him in extension.
"I don't want anyone to hear and I am in a hurry," he explained, before they stood in a middle of a large hall, filled to the brim with bookshelves and floating manuscripts. He finally let go of the piece of clothing.
"I trust you came not for reading 'Moby Dick'."
"Correct. In fact, I need a couple of other books. Of a more delicate content. I need the books about Satan."
If it was possible, the ghost's skin became even paler.
"Why...would you need them, Your Majesty?"
Danny sighed, his ice blue eyes scanning the ghost, and the purpose of this examination became clear with the following words.
"I trust you can keep secrets, Ghostwriter."
"I never leave this place. And nobody but you comes here. But I don't wish to be trusted with a secret so important."
"Relax. Nobody is getting you involved. You bring the books, I train the son of Satan."
"Shush!" Danny raised a finger, "It's a library, pal. Don't be so loud."
"This is insane. YOU are insane! Satan already hates you, how can you..."
"Train his son due to their inability to be present in each other's worlds?" Danny lied smoothly.
That had a desired effect. Ghostwriter calmed down a bit, but then raised a confused eyebrow.
"Then why doesn't he tell you how to train him?"
"Simple. You know how the God of Gehenna is. Especially with someone he dislikes. He barked an order, yet failed to provide the means. Thus, I need the books."
"Why don't you bring that child to him then? He can survive the environment."
"Satan is not a nurturing mother. He won't be watching his son all the time so he doesn't get eaten by the first demon the kid meets. Besides, his plans involve him being in Assiah."
The easiest excuse in the world — the enigmatic "plan", which could entail literally everything.
"So, you need some sort of textbook."
"If you want to put it that way. The extent of my teachings is limited."
"Very well, I shall gather what you need. Wait here."
And just like that the Ghostwriter left, muttering about the insane Demon King training the son of Satan. He really couldn't get over the fact. Indeed, it was hard to believe that Satan would entrust such a delicate matter to someone as foreign as Phantom, an upstart hated by every other Demon King. Most of what was said during this conversation was a lie, and yet, Danny couldn't help but admit the potential usefulness of the half demon to secure his own place in Gehenna and get Satan off his back. If only the latter was trustworthy for the tiniest bit.
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