Chapter 12: New Perspectives
The task Phantom had taken up was much harder to complete now when he thought about this twice. He had the thermos that held one of the most powerful beings around, to release Amaimon was to play a Russian roulette, where at best case scenario nothing would happen. The Ghost King made sure that the coast was clear, and the roof of the dorm was void of any living beings. Shura had gone with Mephisto, presumably to settle the issues of the latter with Vatican. Thus, the concerns lied elsewhere at the moment, much closer in fact. After taking a sip out of a can filled with some strange Japanese concoction, Danny looked at the thermos, looking sour about the need to do this.
"Alright, pal, I'm letting you out. One condition, however. I am inclined to talk every issue out, so we will talk. If you try to attack, I won't hesitate to put you back."
Phantom had some hopes that the Demon King was willing to talk. They were always smarter than their kin. They were capable of reason. It was with this expectation that Danny tossed away the can and opened the lid of the device. With a bright flash the contents were emptied, the Demon King was launched forward, landing on his feet and sliding several meters forward. Amaimon was barely keeping the human appearance together, fuming, ready to burst, but holding back for now. He had already got burned.
"I have nothing to talk with you about, imposter."
"I don't pretend to be a Demon King. I am one. I guess you aren't in the mood for games anymore, so I'll cut to the chase. I don't need any conflicts with you nor your family."
"Doesn't seem like it."
"You attacked me. I warned ya that your ass is gonna get handed to you, but did you listen?"
"You won with cheap tricks."
"All is fair if you want to win," Danny sat on a chair created out of energy and crossed his legs. "And if cheap tricks do that, you just do the same, is all. I am not above using human tools. None of my or another kin expect a turn of events like this. I once again extend my hand of peace."
Amaimon snorted and made a small laugh, "You obviously are a newbie around here. You aren't a brother of mine, I have nothing to discuss with you."
"Yeah-yeah. You've been around for centuries, I am not legally allowed to drink. I'm not going to pretend that I know more than you. I'll stay naive and hope that there is no bad blood between us."
"You stuffed me in a soup can!"
"Suck it up. I let you out, didn't I? Furthermore, would you rather talk with the Vatican detachment? Not much of an obstacle, but a nuisance nonetheless. And you are not getting the scolding you would otherwise receive from Mephisto. And I am using the word liberally. I saved you the troubles at the cost of dignity. Not that I'll go around telling everyone about your misfortune."
Amaimon was quiet for a moment, nibbling on his long nail thoughtfully.
"You will get in trouble if you make it a public knowledge. This is not a favour. If you are more powerful, why do you bother?"
"It's just who I am," Danny shrugged, "I just know that we have nothing to be warring over, aside from this petty hit to your pride."
"You killed my brother."
"I don't see you crying over it."
"Fair enough. Everything that happens is your problem. Mephisto asked me to come and test Okumura. We have to make a proper vessel, and if you stand in the way you will have problems not only with me."
"And what exactly do you think I have been doing all this time?"
"I am the one training him. Hasn't Pheles told you?"
"No, he just said that you two have become friends."
"Mephisto says many things. Now, I won't pretend to hold hidden sympathies towards Satan. I'll be cross, I am worried, and I do not wish to poke a sleeping bear. That's the extent of my desire to help the god of all Gehenna, but this is enough, I think."
"Huh. I thought you had some better principles."
"And just what gave you this idea? I am half-ghost, all I want is to be left alone with my unnatural existence. How many times am I to say this?" Asked Danny with exasperation in his voice.
"You won't ever be left alone," responded Amaimon matter-of-factly, "You are a Demon King, even if we don't accept it. It is a constant fight against stupid people."
"You fought me just today."
Amaimon did not laugh, only a deadpan expression made it onto his face. It was hard to make out due to an apathetic air he had been giving off.
"You know what I mean, Phantom. It wasn't an outright challenge to your "rule". I just "poked the bear" as you put it. I am disinterested in your position, but your power still intrigues me. I want to test it."
"Get in line, pal," Phantom snorted. "But fine. As long as it is not an attempt to kill me again. And we won't be doing that in front of everyone, I value my secrecy."
Amaimon hummed, "Sounds good. There is also another thing you can help me with."
"Help? You?"
"Not much of a help, more like guidance. Like my big brother I am somewhat curious about this world. You are the only somewhat human I know."
"Go ask Pheles, then, he's been around for years."
"I...don't think that I should be seeing him for a while."
A moment of silence.
"This explains why he wanted the thermos so much. I can't be seen gallivanting around with you in toe, however. Kirigakure will want your prison once she remembers about its existence. She will get suspicious, she already is, and you want to put a cherry on top of this shit pie."
"She isn't going to follow us day and night. Okumura is her priority. I will make it worth your time."
"And what can you offer me?"
"I can say a couple of good words to my siblings and father. That you pose no danger and can be ignored. That's what you want, right?"
"Yeah. Can't expect Mephisto to do this. So in exchange for me risking to antagonise the humans you offer to appease the demons. Well, your family sure poses more danger to me than the entire Vatican...fine. But those good words must be pretty damn convincing."
The two kings shook their hands. "I think you should go and lay low until the dust settles."
Amaimon nodded, "Yes, I'll do just that. But I will be back in a couple of days."
As he turned to leave, Danny called for him. "And Amaimon," the demon turned to look at the teen, "Do not attack Okumura out of the blue. It does nothing for his improvement."
"Being able to defend at all times is important."
"Yeah. Once you CAN defend yourself. Before that, please, refrain."
Amaimon shrugged, before jumping off the roof. Danny could only hope that the agreement would hold. Still, to some extent this conversation incited the feeling of pride within the teen, for he had managed to convince a Demon King of all people. It wasn't an easy task, and even pissed off Amaimon was thinking twice about attacking him. That's what Phantom's policy towards everything demonic should probably be, he reasoned. Fear made people listen, no matter how conceited they were. But now he needed a plan of what to do with Shura. With this thought in mind Danny was about to go back inside, but then a gust of air left his mouth. He recognised the feeling, and he knew who that was.
Phantom's ears picked up a whirring sound, and before anything, he jumped aside, narrowly dodging the explosion.
"I can't believe you," Bon grumbled.
Renzo sipped from his McDonalds cup. After Danny had suggested that they should go to the dorms, the teens had gone off to get something to eat first. Unlike Okumuras or Danny they didn't have their personal cook. It was only natural to go to eat at a cheaper place at this time of day. While they had been walking home, Renzo remembered that he might have lost his portable console during the training camp. Thus, he wanted to check if it was in the old dorm, and his friend went along, not exactly willing, however. Since the universe and the Lord above hated half-ghosts, the cosmic coincidence was to occur.
Just as they were nearing one particular dorm, a loud booming sound caught their attention. A bright green flash came from the roof, and soon, right near them, something fell on the ground, leaving behind a lot of broken tree branches and trail on the grass. With shock everyone saw that the falling object was Danny, who got up surprisingly easily despite the rough landing. His school uniform was now a mess.
"I'm going to KILL that asshole!" He yelled furiously.
"What is going on, Phantom?" Asked Bon loudly.
Phantom looked at the others and silently cursed. Now they, of all the people, just had to appear and prevent him from going ghost. Not that the attacker was that tough. Before he could explain anything, everyone heard something reminiscent of a sound of engines. In fact, their assumption was not wrong, and yet the newcomer caught them by surprise nonetheless. His appearance was out of this world, and yet so down-to earth. It had to do with a metal suit with flaming green mane, this stuff could be found in comics and, theoretically, be made by man. However, the strange glow surrounding him was making everything too confusing. The metal mouth of the guest turned into a smirk as the engines and the wings retracted in his back.
"It took me a good while to track you down," he said, "But I, Skulker, will always..."
He didn't have time to finish, before his rival snatched a blaster out of nowhere, before anyone could blink. The most powerful blast the tiny thing could manage hit the metal attacker right on, launching him deeper into the garden. Now they were even. The series of loud cracks could be heard behind the lush greenery, now largely reduced to the status of brushwood covering the ground.
"You talk too much," grumbled the half demon, before looking at his classmates. "Well? Either go or help out."
"Who is he? You two know each other," Bon demanded to know as Renzo put the weapon aside and took out his staff.
"Skulker," the king responded, looking into the space between the trees. He was taking too long to attack. "Bon. Psalm 32 will work. I forgot it, though."
"What?! He doesn't look like a weakling!"
"Trust me, he is compensating for something."
"I am not!"
Danny immediately fired in direction of the sound, and it hit the invisible body again, but this time Skulker managed to remain the air, dropping his disguise immediately. Phantom tossed the gun away, as the battery decided to die off after two maximum power shots. That's why he preferred his own power to the guns.
"You cannot sneak up on me twice. About time you learned that. What are you doing here, tinhead?"
"Same thing as always, whelp — I want your pelt. Besides, nowadays a nice bonus comes with killing you."
"Wait, what bonus?" Renzo asked.
Phantom had to act. So far his enemies did honour his secrecy. And in exchange he didn't kill them each time they chose to harass the people of his town. Surprisingly enough, even immortal demons did not like being killed off over and over again. And yet he wasn't going to count on Skulker not blathering out important things. He couldn't blast the bastard into oblivion. Bon was too busy listening to what the ghost had to say, just like Renzo, the only person with weapons here — Rin was too busy in the medical wing after what Shura did to his body and pride. Thankfully, the attacker was too conceited to indulge the curiosity of two humans. Instead of answering, Skulker merely snorted, pointing the blaster built into his arm right at them. From it, an emerald beam was fired, and the students narrowly dodged the first blast that snapped everyone into action.
"They use guns now?!" Renzo exclaimed.
"They use guns now," Phantom rolled his eyes, coming up with a plan. "Renzo, you and Bon distract him," he ordered quietly, as he saw Bon putting his hands together in recitation. "I'll try to get closer."
"How...alright, fine. Do what you need."
Renzo ran forward, pretty sure that his metal staff was going to do nothing against the armoured demon. Bon watched it all with hidden concern, but he understood what was happening, from the attempts Danny, attempted to hide as close as possible to the hunter. The gun in Skulker's hand retracted, before a green blade emerged from his forearm. With a burst of speed he lunged towards the student that was the most dangerous to him and was in the line of sight— the blonde one. Bon saw the rapidly approaching enemy, ducked under the first swing and rolled away, before Renzo caught up with them and blocked the first hit — a strong and almost bone-breaking one. The lack of physical training on the teen's part and the inhuman strength on the other left their mark. Skulker grinned, before using his free hand to punch the pink-haired boy. Renzo fell on his knees and leaned on the staff. The hunter raised his blade again and looked at Bon, who kept reciting the psalm.
"You'd better shut up or your friend loses his head. I count to three. One..."
Bon kept reciting faster. He didn't have the time. He wouldn't make it.
" won't be able to finish in time. I only need Phantom, whelp, I have no interest in you two. Wait," his eyes darted around, "Where is..."
He didn't finish, as from one of the treetops the named teen jumped down right on him. The force of the impact was enough to pummel the ghost into the ground while letting out a metallic sound. Skulker looked up and met a pair of lifeless green eyes. With his back turned to the others, Danny didn't risk being found out.
"It ends like this each damn time. When," Danny stomped on the neck joint once, "Will," another stomp, " YOU," the wiring came loose from the snapped metal, "LEARN?!"
With the final yell Skulker's head came off, and this awfully graphic scene unsettled two other students. Danny didn't wait for long, before picking up the severed head and looking into the helmet's eye sockets, now void of their previous light.
"No need for prayers now, Bon. We got him."
The blonde was only glad. "I have so many damn questions," he muttered.
"I do, too," Danny said. "That is why," he dug in the helmet, making everyone expect a lifeless head to emerge, "I will...OUCH! Oh, that's how you play, huh?"
Pulling out his hand, he also took someone from inside. Renzo and Bon's jaws dropped upon seeing a small, red-eyed green glob which Danny held by its leg.
"Lo and behold, the reason of my headache and a soon to be guest of oblivion."
Skulker realised his position quickly. "H-hey...Phantom. Let's not get hasty here. We are pals, right?"
"I prefer friendship bracelets to pelts on the wall," The teen responded dryly.
"Hey, how do you know each other?" Renzo asked.
"Oh, we..." Skulker met a look that left zero room for him to go but the one desired. "He has been the one exorcist I failed to kill. In training or not."
"Well, now you have two more on the list. This is your record, actually, you lost before a single prayer could be finished."
"And I wanted to kill him for that...but I won't anymore, I swear!"
"Nope. Still killing you."
Danny clenched the demon in his hand, tighter and tighter, until his eyes were ready to pop out.
"Wait..." Skulker croaked. "I can tell you something important."
The grip lessened.
"You have ten seconds."
"Wait, Phantom," Bon said, "He is a demon that got into the school without permission. How did he do that?"
"Oh, it's simple, really simple," Skulker rambled, "My armour negated the effects. I integrated the tech into the motherboard in the back."
"A...motherboard?" Renzo rubbed his cheek, "Just how far have the demons gone?"
"It is not for everyone. The Far Frozen tribe has even surpassed you, but they hate everyone except Phantom."
"Why not you?" Bon looked at Danny.
"I'm their Chosen saviour, apparently. Go figure. What was that you wanted to tell me?"
"It's about your sister."
That got the attention of the half ghost. Skulker felt relieved about the outcome. Phantom's look alone made him continue.
"Yeah, I heard she is not at her university at this time. I don't know why and when she has departed."
"Wait, you have a sister?!" Danny's classmates asked in surprise.
"Yes," Danny responded tiredly. Things were just not going his way. "And I would prefer that she stays as far away from our family business as possible. That's what my big sister wanted and what I want to give her. And I have no idea why she has left...we have departed from our home long ago, she lives right near her campus. If someone touches her, I'll gouge their eyes out," he all but growled, before looking at his captive. "As for you..."
" will spare me now that I've told you, right?"
"Get out of my sight before I change my mind."
Danny tossed the little demon away, and he flew off in a small blur of light, followed by a gaze of the half ghost.
"Why did you let him go?" Inquired Bon.
"Today we ask a lot of questions, Bonnie," Danny smiled without enthusiasm, "He is ONLY after me. I'm not worried about him harming anyone else. 'Sides, I am somewhat amused by his fruitless attempts. If you excuse me...I have something important to do. Jasmine has some explanations to do."
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