Chapter 11: The Inspector
"Get down here, you brat!"
The noise of Bon's yelling made Danny stop his trailing of the recently revealed inspector. Only now he remembered that they were in the park to perform another exorcism entirely. Sighing, Phantom had to leave Rin to his own fate, being strangled and carried away by a lady that had put his head too close to her chest. And yes, Phantom wasn't going to leave the issue like that when Kirigakure gallivanted around in her bikini. Danny utilised his ability to slip away unnoticed. Turning to the rest of the group, who, with the exception of a very busy blonde, ogled the lady, Danny approached a lantern.
So far Bon had little success in grabbing a gleeful kid ghost. The student's hair seemed even more like a mess now.
"You do realise that the verses would work just as well?" Asked Danny calmly.
Growling, Bon turned to the half ghost. "I know, alright? But not before I give this thing a piece of my mind!"
Hearing a conversation, the kid stopped laughing and looked down, the mischief before replaced by pride and awe from before. He immediately floated down and faced his king, having something to say on his own.
"Hey, sir! I've done just as you asked, the girl is there!"
He pointed his fingerless palm at Shiemi, who seemed as surprised as everyone else at the sudden devotion of the spectre.
"Good job, kid," Danny flashed a small smile and ruffled his hair. " there anything else you want?"
It was his own way of asking about the touchy subject. Usually the ghosts wanted to concentrate on the very object of their desire, material or not.
"Nope!" The kid showed his tongue and giggled, "I usually didn't have the chance to go out and play. I was always sick and my parents never let me out, but it was REALLY fun today. Thank you sir and onee-chan."
All of a sudden he began to brightly glow, his body becoming more and more see-through, with the air filling with a childish laughter. And just like that, the little boy's obsession was fulfilled, and the only thing left now was a tiny wisp of ectoplasm that was gone soon as well.
"What was that?" Shiemi asked, awestruck, waving her hand where the ghost used to float.
"Nothing held him back anymore," Danny shrugged, "The demon leaves the vessel voluntarily when such thing occurs. A rare sight, I must say. It is always better to break the cycle of rebirths in such a way. So...'onee-chan'?" He snorted while looking at the blushing girl.
"Now wait a second..." Renzo began.
"This shitting thing was your familiar all along!?" Finished Bon while fixing his hair.
"Did his obedience give everything away? No, he was just a kid. They like to play, you just have to intrigue them. Ghosts are the most human-like and the basic psychology does sometimes apply. Anyway, I think our job here is done. And with both teachers absent, I say that we hit our dorms."
He didn't bother to explain anything to the class about the reason behind the teachers' absence. They had followed Kirigakure who knew where. Everyone knew that he was aware about everything more than he let on, and it was aggravating to some, but it seemed important enough not to pry, if that made any sense.
Phantom knew exactly where the lady would go. Besides, with Rin under her armpit she couldn't be that fast. Danny felt the need to follow them for several reasons. First, he couldn't leave Rin alone in the hands of a Vatican agent. Call it a care for his charge, a kinsman, or one desire Danny wasn't happy to comply with, but Phantom didn't wish for anything to happen to him. Secondly, it also concerned the ghost king himself. The inspector couldn't possibly know about his status, there was nothing they had said or did that could tip her off. Still, Shura knew that he was no ordinary half demon, having walked toe-to-toe with Amaimon, even if he was holding back. It was bound to raise questions.
Returning to the group, Danny looked at the thermos on his belt. The demon king in question had stopped fighting for a while, the constant furious pummelling had turned into occasional hits of what could only be considered a frustration. Phantom wondered how this wondrous piece of technology didn't gain enough attention. Most probably Shura was too occupied with the more pressing issue, Yukio was worrying about his brother, and nobody else saw him utilise the tool. Very soon Danny caught up with the exorcists, slipping inside the door at the very last second. Since the magic key was used with a particular destination in mind, Danny couldn't have walked in the same place by himself. He was invisible, not wishing to call too much attention to himself just yet.
On the other end he was greeted by the interior very gothic in design. The entrance was a door in an archway that stood in the very middle of the room. The path forward was evident, as the rest of the room was filled with water. Danny was entranced for a while, curious if he was violating some important rules. Then, deciding that he cared little now, Phantom turned his gaze to the next door that was shut. Sighing, he attempted to go through it, but a quiet thud was his response. Hissing, the teen rubbed his forehead.
"Figures they would be fool-proof," he whispered, before turning visible. He then entered the old-fashioned way.
And there he found Mephisto. He had been looking at the door on the other side of yet another large hall along with Yukio and that exorcist that was basically their coach. They all turned to the side to see the one who wasn't supposed to be here.
"Oh, Daniel! I am glad that you..."
Phantom's eyes glowed green, before a blast emerged from them and flew right past the Demon King, lightly burning off the edge of his one sticking hair.
"Don't pretend like everything is fine, Pheles!" His eyes returned to blue. "You sent your brother at us!"
"And you seemed to have handled it just fine! Just as I would expect from someone of your calibre. Speaking of, where is he?"
The loud metallic knock was his answer. Danny raised a thermos, much to everyone's confusion. Amaimon was agitated again.
"Locked nice and tight. For as much as I want."
"This thing can lock a Demon King?" The coach asked in shock.
"Why, yes. The original thing couldn't, so I take some pride in this little toy. It creates a certain power vacuum, dissipating the power demons put into their strikes in attempts to escape."
Mephisto seemed the most curious, his concern for the younger brother notwithstanding. A tool like this seemed outlandish and impressive. No child could have created something like this from scratch, so the original must have been made by someone else.
"That is quite interesting, Daniel. Now, can I take my brother back?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'd rather launch this little bastard into Gehenna. Lest you send him after Rin without warning. You just put his very life on the line. He is not ready for this. Speaking of, where is he?"
"With Shura. Behind that door," Yukio sighed, before a loud noise reached their ears. Whatever was happening there, it wasn't good. Yet there was nothing he could do.
"How much does she know?" Danny asked grimly.
"About your rank she is unaware. Rin, however, is a book open and read through. I think she will want to have a word with you afterwards," Mephisto shrugged, "So, about this thermos of yours..."
"I am keeping it until I know it is safe to let him out. You put this job on me, Pheles. And I will see it through as I see fit. You know exactly what your method will bring."
"And that will be?" Yukio asked, his interest spiked.
"Well, in a swim or suffocate situation, realistically, what does happen? Before running out of stamina a person will flail their hands erratically, shout and bring down whoever tries to save them. Same here. Bringing out the power like this is a sure way to lose any resemblance of control. I speak from experience," Danny snorted, "Nearly got my family killed. Stupid fruitloop..." he muttered.
Soon the doors opened. Rin emerged from there, looking awfully beat up, and yet awfully determined. Shura came soon after, her eyes falling on Danny. Yukio in the meantime approached them, enraged at the damage, but promptly ignored by her, who reminded of Rin's need of medical assistance. In the meantime she told Phantom to come in now.
"I don't recall doing anything illegal."
"I haven't exorcised you yet because I need info. So, come in."
Sighing, Danny went forward and into the room. He had little choice, either that or getting the label straight away. It looked worse for the wear, and it resembled a mix between a machinery room due to the pipes everywhere and, surprisingly, an asylum cell, due to white colour everywhere. All beat up, burnt and damaged in other ways. Danny checked up the thermos again, he didn't need to remain in a locked room with a furious Demon King. And locked it was, for he had heard the key do its work on the old piece of metal right behind him.
"I am willing to cooperate," Danny immediately offered as he turned to face Shura, "It is not like I am able to hide what you already know."
"Spill it out, then. Who are you?"
"Name is Danny. We've been sharing a class for a while, y'know."
"I meant more than that," the lady responded and huffed.
"'What' and 'who' mean different things. I am a half-demon, Kirigakure. One that was forced into training Okumura on how to control his power. The motives behind such request are up to your own consideration. Depending on whether or not you trust Pheles. I know I don't."
"He has aided the Order for decades. And, abysmal as it is, my trust in him is bigger than some random creature I've just met. How exactly are you supposed to train the kid of Satan, exactly?"
"The key principles are the same for the likes of us. Mephisto got this figured out. And in exchange for me staying here without troubles I am to do this job. He obviously failed to uphold his end of the bargain."
"You seriously thought you could hide from the True Cross by staying in its academy?" Shura asked incredulously.
"Fooled you for a good while. Had it not been for Amaimon..."
"I knew nearly from the start. Ya aren't as good at hiding as you think."
As she smirked, the teen's expression became sour.
"I'll tell you even more. I did some digging, Phantom. Or maybe Fenton is yer preferred last name?"
In retrospect, Danny should have kept neutral face. Pretend that it had nothing to do with him in actuality. But the brief flare of his neon eyes, caused by the subconscious desire to protect himself, gave everything away.
"The hell..."
"Wasn't so hard. Vatican's influence in the US is not as big as way to the south...or in Quebec. So the list of the exorcists there is pretty small. I did listen to what you said. So, a family of dead exorcists was simple to come by. And what do you know, the photo is there, too. And since both of their kids are the offsprings of Jack and Madeline Fenton, it leaves me with a simple conclusion."
"Which is..."
With a familiar mumble she brandished her sword and pointed it at the still stunned teen.
"You are no half-demon, are you?"
"I was made into one! It wasn't my choice!"
"Like I am supposed to believe that. let go of the kid or his corpse right now."
Danny glared at the stupid woman in front of him, "I CAN'T! I am ME!"
"I won't buy it that easily. Nobody was ever turned into such creature. Last chance."
Instead of saying anything, the teen let a flash of light engulf him, revealing the ghostly persona. He immediately took a battle stance.
"Last chance for you, maybe. I don't want to fight, but you are way over your head."
With a snort Shura attacked him, her purple sword gleaming menacingly.
Phantom dodged her swings at first. He ducked, circled around her and then jumped backwards, firing a weak blast at her. She was quick with her attacks and she avoided the blast easily too. But it gave him the space and a couple of seconds to think up the tactic. Shura was a swordsman. She would try to stay close. At the last second Danny summoned his blade, blocked the hit and nullified the momentum. It vanished as soon as it came, before the freed hand slapped the woman with the back of the palm and launched her flying. He wasn't intending to hold back forever. But the killed inspector would only make matters worse.
"I am Fenton, Kirigakure! Born and raised. All I want is for you people to leave me and my sister alone!"
"Us? You are the demon here."
"I beg to differ. You are the one trying to kill me."
Shura swung her weapon at quick speed, and the crescent shaped gusts flew a the teen. Phantom flung his hand and the shield appeared to block them. The wall stood firm, the waves were like bursts of strong wind. The inspector was briefly impressed at the strength of the barrier, but utilised the distraction to go around it and jump right at the demon. Phantom noticed it. Another swing of the hand — a metal plate from the floor blew upwards, right at her. It was impossible to dodge, but Shura used it as a platform to jump even further. Her sword hit another barrier,
"You don't know what kind of 'demon' I am, do you?" Phantom smirked, "Is it light? But how do I turn invisible? Water? I command over electricity, too."
To prove his point he hit the ground with his leg, and the lighting jumped all around the iron floor. Shura jumped away and jumped onto a big pipe, from which she leaped over the wave of electricity. Once again an emerald blade blocked hers.
"You would have chanted the right passage if you knew. Or admitted the truth."
"So what are you supposed to be? A half-ghost? Ye, and I am half-pregnant."
"Yes, I am a mistake of nature. Had to deal with this fact long ago. But you know what?"
Danny lightly pushed her, before telekinesis did the same, many times as strong. His opponent flew across the room.
"If this power helps me keep away both your Order and the demons, I am not complaining. I am still trying to be more civil than most. Can we just talk? I'll tell what you what you want. You are yet to even touch me."
"Talk is cheap. Why should I believe yer words?"
"You have no reason," Danny sighed tiredly, "But if I wanted you to be quiet and WAS NOT the peaceful one, do you think I would kick around the bush?"
Shura assessed the situation. He obviously wasn't giving this fight his all. He barely even moved from his place. And she could see that the teen in front of her was also doing the same thing. He examined her moves, her tricks, she could see it in his glowing eyes. Kirigakure had to admit that it was why he was chosen to train the child of Satan. He was obviously more skilled than the latter. But just how powerful as a demon was he? That was the question that bothered the inspector, and she wanted him to bring it up for her to see. Then she would make her conclusion. At this thought the lady smirked and bit her finger. The blood from it was spread across the blade as it grew bigger.
"I think I will take the risk."
"All your brains went to your chest, didn't they?" Danny growled, his fangs showing.
"What? Can't look away?" Shura smirked.
"I am more of a butt type. And you lack in that department."
It wasn't much of a phrase before a fight, but it had to do. Phantom vanished from sight, leaving only a cold trail behind. The inspector huffed.
"Invisibility? Cheapest trick in the book, kiddo. I am a pro," She began to mutter a prayer while looking around.
Danny could feel the pressure pulling him into the visible spectre very slowly. But before this, he lunged right at her a speed, his hand covered in a layer of ice for extra force. At the last second she swung her sword, with Phantom grabbing it. He immediately recognised how she found him. Quick speed equaled the sound of wind. Damn it.
"Already rusty?" She asked. "You ought to train more yourself."
"I did train. You people are not the only ones who want me to perish."
"For how long?"
Danny vanished again, and Shura expected another attempt of attack, but he appeared several meters away, in the air.
"For a couple of years. Ever since I got my powers. Our town didn't have many exorcists. Only my parents, who were on the list of people who wanted to kill me."
"I figured as much. Did they stand in your way, kid?"
Danny deflated a bit, "They didn't know about my mutation."
"What? How could they not know? No exorcist would let a demon sleep under the same roof as them!"
"I did sleep under their roof, while this form drew a target on my chest. They were bright, but not in everything," he chuckled without enthusiasm, "Their deaths...despite how much Jasmine tries to convince me, it is my fault. At least partially."
"You ain't helping your case."
"My fault being not fast enough. Those morons actually thought they could take a Demon King. The FOURTH MOST POWERFUL DEMON!" He exclaimed angrily. "They were killed. And I still can't forgive their stupidity."
"Stupidity, eh? They obviously tried to protect you two."
"Nobody asked them to beat a beehive with a baseball bat. Nobody asked them to make the gateway to HELL!"
This seemed to surprise the inspector. This fight was left forgotten for a moment.
"Yes. Their magnum opus since college years. What for, heck if I know. But it worked, it remained open for a good year for every demon to come through. Why hasn't there been an infestation? Because someone in this room actually did something about it. They haven't exorcised a single demon in their lives! They were a goddamn laughing stock that shamed me since day one. Guess that's what forced them to jump into battle — that stupid desire to be acknowledged. I used my new power to keep the demons in line. I alone kept our entire town safe. Not the Vatican, not the local enthusiasts. I did. And I will take no shit from the group that didn't care about our lives even when the entire town was ripped into Gehenna."
"These stories are hard to believe."
"I don't ask you to. What I want is to be left alone. You did spare Rin. How am I a bigger problem?"
"Unlike him you know how to use the power. And you seemed to handle yourself acceptably. Okumura is a punching bag at the moment."
"And you punched him. A lot. Yet he still got out alive. You had no reason to simply beat him unless you were intent on finishing him off initially. That must have been your orders from Vatican. I know they won't tolerate him."
Shura cursed slightly. She should have known he would be observant.
"He is like a kicked puppy," she smirked and chuckled, "The reasons for that are my own. I don't have to tell you."
"If that involves you bringing an army in trench coats to my doorstep, I'd say it is my business to know. Besides, you know he will tell me instead if you don't. He isn't exactly subtle."
"Then go and ask him, don't bother me."
"I would, if you..." Danny tilted his head, "Oh, I see."
Shura sighed, "I will be keeping an eye on you two. I will be present during your 'trainings'. For now the Vatican won't get my report."
Phantom released a breath. "Good, then this is unneeded."
She didn't understand what he meant at first. Then a thing glimmer right above and slightly behind her caught her attention. A myriad of green blades had been there all this time. He had kept talking and distracted her from the literal Damocles's sword. The weapons disappeared, and Danny changed to his human form. He gave a small smile.
"You can find me in the dorm. I don't have any plans today."
It was a small lie. He had one minor plan, and it involved the inhabitant of his thermos. It was his luck that the inspector was too busy fighting him.
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