Chapter 1: Visitors from below
A.N. My followers who have been with me for a while and read some of my stories may know that I have a soft spot for this one anime. Thus, I decided to touch upon it, even if lightly.
A prolonged sound of finishing a drink through the straw. This was one of the few sounds heard across the alleyway at about nine pm. The decreased number of cars passing at such late hour, coupled with the distance from the big roads, let the grimy place rest in nightly silence, disrupted only by a single young man, who had opted for a dinner outside. Not being much of a cook and caring too little to ask anyone, it was only logical that the person looking so out of place would eat at a familiar place. After all, McDonalds was McDonalds even here, albeit the language difference was a true pain, even with a special gift the boy possessed.
Dropping the carton cup in the nearest bin, the teen wiped his hands and took a good look around. It probably wasn't a very good place to be in, and those weren't the street gangs that he was worried about. Already he could see small black creatures inhabiting the place where simple green mildew would be the least of worries. Was the teen concerned about the fact that he was not looking at the typical dwellers of Trashland? Not really, no, they were harmless, and them scurrying off at his mere look was a sign that he was not the one who should be. But still, the scenery was not pleasant, it was the one that was to be changed as soon as possible.
Yet, it's not like he chose to pursue these valleys of unsanitary garbage. The paths most repulsive always were the safest, after all. Safest from attention, from extra company, from threats coming one's way. The list of things that could harm the teen was surprisingly short, and two of the three people there were not around, and thus he wasn't supposed to be worried. Or so it would seem at the first glance. Things were a tad bit more complicated than that, really. It was HIM that could be seen as a threat in need of annihilation, once he was discovered.
So, as the teen goes to his home, a little bit of history is in order. What makes Daniel Phantom a person who is a subject to many controversies? For starters, the name spoke for itself, for it was a handpicked one. Quite on the point, yet better than the nickname 'InvisoBill' as certain dully-minded reporters labeled him, much to the boy's dismay. Luckily, people out of town dismissed the notion completely, thinking that it was another crazy story from another crazy town. Daniel could guess that he should thank the people. Thanks to this dismissive response he was able to remain under the radar for long enough to become stronger. So much that he shall not fear anything.
He was...unique, even for a ghost type. To delve into how the universe worked, there were two worlds, two reverse sides of the same coin. One would think that somewhere in there would be Heaven, a place of divine order, as there was Gehenna — an iteration of Hell which, for some reason, was not named by its most common term. But there was no indication of the former's existence, there were no angels who stepped in. There was the Good Book, reciting which could grant you protection from many visitors who usually lived downstairs. Daniel knew it by heart, so he would know when a pesky nuisance would attempt to banish him. Not that there were many useful verses. Yet, despite the Bible, God was yet to make his entrance. Not that he would. It was a rather pessimistic thought. The world doesn't stop however, with or without the oldest being in existence and nonexistence.
But enough digressing. The story began when the hero was fourteen. His parents were...eccentric in many regards, bordering on outright heresy, they were exorcists. The irony of the case was that they managed to accomplish what only one demon could do. They opened a gateway between Assiah, the world of humans, and Gehenna. A stable two-way entrance that required blood of a single average demon to keep going for a week. Why would humans try it? A mad scientist would have responded 'For Science!' and they were, in a way. To learn more about an enemy, one had to look inside its house. The point is, there was no way of knowing where it led. It turned out to be the realm where spirit type demons dwelled. Daniel was the one who, while being alone, accidentally activated the gateway while being inside of it.
It was a twisted logic by which the world worked. A diabolical contraption his parents dedicated all their lives to... took the life of their son in order to work. But it was a very odd exchange. Despite the common belief, ghosts were not the souls of the deceased. They posed as ones, because the demons of this type took the dead people's regrets, beliefs and passions, twisting them and putting on this mask for endless entertainment. This time, however, things were different. No demon posed as Danny's ghost, HE was one. Or at least that's what he thought initially, his newfound power notwithstanding. He was terrified, afraid, he wanted to break down without even considering the oddity of his predicament, his new appearance, his new nature. But then... he simply became human again. He looked like himself again. And that was when the future Demon King began his new existence.
He was a half-demon. While not unheard of, there were no half breeds among the spirit type. Neither there were humans who BECAME even part-demon. They were born, not made, it was simply impossible. Nonetheless, here he was. And despite the rocky start, Danny got the hang of it pretty quickly. His demonic traits: a spectral tail, the pointy ears and flowing hair, they sometimes manifested in his human form,, it took some control to learn that. But there were also some changes in character, gradual, but noticeable as a lantern in a dark room. The timid, shy Danny-boy who was pushed around by everyone, he slowly began showing his temper. He was more snarky, cynical at times, and way more violent. His bully, near the end of the freshman year got several broken bones, and it was the final act of spectacle that finally showed everyone that Danny Fenton was not who he once was. Many attributed that to the fact that his parents disappeared. In fact, the True Cross Order came to his parents and, as a result, they were executed for such heinous act as opening the gates.
Daniel cared little about it, senior Fentons cared little for the boy as well. But he was still capable of love, it was something he found solace at. It meant that something humane was still there. His love for his older sister was still there, he was ready to die again for her, and yet it did not turn into obsession as some would believe. He let her go and Jazz went to Harvard, and Phantom was truly happy for her. She was so reluctant to leave, fearing for her little brother, of whose condition she was painfully aware. And yet her Danny just smiled and promised that he would be okay. She still was worried and called him daily even by now.
With his sister away he was not well by many demons' standards. Daniel was not your usual Gehenna dweller in terms of their desires. He was compassionate to many, helping wherever he could and fighting off the demons who dared to step into the town of Amity Park. All national services ignored the fact of adolescent living on his own, courtesy of demonic possession. It was nothing harmful, and Daniel kept the demons subjugated by him on the shortest leash imaginable. If they were not malevolent, just impulsive as all demons were, the leash was almost intangible until the harm was done. It made some half-demons even stay in town, because exorcists cared little about the place, unable to distinguish which wacky story was truth and which was a hoax. And they liked some peace and quiet. After all, who was to better ward off the hostile demons than one of a bigger caliber? And since everyone knew how territorial the spirit types were, few were concerned about it. But then everyone realised that Phantom was no usual ghost. Because he just got up one day and left, but not without obliterating the portal, previously destroyed by exorcists and repaired with nothing but Daniel's own memory. The gate was shut, while many were unaware about its mere existence even inside Gehenna.
He left, informing the special collective of the half-demons he knew about this development. With the gate shut, the place should be fine. But if something big happened, they had his number. The ability to teleport was handy. And now, skipping a lot of details, we find the one simply called 'Ghost boy' across the ocean, in Japan. The pick was not random. If he simply wanted to get away, Danny would have moved near Jazz. He had an enormous supply of money, few would guess it by his appearance. With this wealth Jazz was able to afford her education, he could afford a nice apartment in Tokyo. Without having to work, mind you.
Albeit not working was nice in its own way, the teen also found himself really bored out of his mind sometimes. More often than before. And his demon side demanded something exciting. His newest hobby was finding some Japanese weird shit and indulging his curiosity in...many different ways. The rest of the time was spent practicing his power. There were numerous demons eager to kill him, exorcists willing to rip him a new one. But he would be alright, that's what he had promised to his sister. That's what kept him from the bottom tier of thrill, namely drugs and such. Not that they would harm him in any way, it was more of a moral thing.
Phantom got to his house by half to ten, the key was twisted in the hole, and the teen entered. It took him several seconds to realise that the lights inside were on. His ice blue eyes narrowed. Quietly shutting the door behind him, the teen slowly went deeper inside. His eyes glowed brighter, and from nowhere a transparent knife grew in his hand. But then a loud and cheerful voice interrupted him.
"Hello there, my good fellow!"
Danny turned around and hurled the knife in direction of the sound. There he saw a man, an obvious demon. The pointy ears, the tail. It was almost insulting how he gallivanted around without a care. Dressed in the most ludicrous and extravagant of outfits: with white suit and a pink shirt beneath, a white hat and...were those pantaloons? Danny wasn't that good at clothes' names. The umbrella too was an odd addition, there weren't supposed to be any rains for a week to come. Despite never meeting that person, Phantom knew who he was.
"Mephisto Pheles himself," the teen mumbled, standing straight, "To what do I owe the honours?"
"To my perfect network of informers, my dear," the demon smiled.
"And why exactly is the Demon King of Time in my apartment? With muddy boots might I add."
Mephisto smirked invisibly. A boy who was not afraid of a King, huh? If anything, Danny just looked... bored. That was odd.
"Because you are too close for my liking, little demon. Don't think I cannot see through your disguise, who do you take me for?"
"For a guy who broke into my home," Danny shrugged nonchalantly, "Seriously, what gives?"
"Do you even know where you are?" Mephisto raised his eyebrow and Phantom did the same.
"Tokyo, Japan, Eastern Hemisphere. What am I supposed to say?"
"Nevermind that. I guess I'll just get this over with," The guest sighed, pointing an umbrella at him.
"Alright, Mary Poppins," Danny said as Mephisto slowly counted in German, "What are you doing?"
"...Drei!" The demon snapped his fingers, before a gust of flames was launched from the tip of his umbrella. A minor one, he sensed that that would be enough. It led to a surprise when the boy remained there unscathed. His apartment, however...
"You are tougher than you let out, aren't you, boy?" Mephisto grinned, obviously excited.
Danny glared at him, "Setting my apartment on fire is not a good idea," his eyes glowed with a bright, venomous green colour.
Before the demon could do anything, a powerful hit launched him to the side, right through the wall, reducing it to rubble. As if nothing happened, Mephisto shook off the dust as he graciously landed. Not a scratch, which meant he could poke this interesting bear a bit longer. Curiously he looked up. How did the kid attack him like this? Mephisto could see him all along, the boy hadn't moved an inch. In one leap the Demon King got back to the hole in the wall, only to be greeted by a blast of green light, dispersed at the contact with the opened umbrella. Obviously both sides were but poking. Was he a light demon? No, their light was normal, white or yellow. Not GREEN.
"What do you want?!" Danny exclaimed, his voice gaining an echo.
"I told you, have I not? You are too close to my house, I don't like when someone is too close."
"You mean your academy? You can go to hell with it, I don't care." where was the heat of passion?
Phantom sighed.
"It's but a coincidence. Why would I WANT to live near exorcists? This place just was affordable AND nice. Speaking of... I think I should put it out," he said looking at the growing fire, "Why would you care? I live two miles away from your school."
"I was planning on expanding the Mephyland, and I need some free space."
"You mean that deserted and ghastly theme park I see outside daily?" Danny deadpanned, "Guess I am off for homehunt again."
"Wait," Mephysto whined, "We were just about to have a nice fight, don't you back down now!"
"So you can learn more about me? Fat chance, Time King," a fire extinguisher flew into the boy's hand as he got to work, "I know you will figure it out. It's not that hard, really. But until then I really would like you out of my hair."
Why wait just a moment...
"What's that on your hand?"
The boy froze. Before he could even blink his hand was grabbed by Mephisto. Right, he controlled time, figures he would be fast.
"This ring belongs to Azazel, kid. Where did you get it?"
The demon didn't sound all that concerned or angry. It was a genuine intrigue. Danny's got his hand out, rubbing the fist.
"He went by Pariah as of late. Guess Daddy abandoning him turned him into an edgy teen with an adult body... then again, I am not the one to say," Danny shrugged, now standing tall while being shorter than the blue-haired demon, "I ended his existence. He is gone. For good."
"Now that is most interesting!" Mephisto exclaimed. "If you are not some petty thief, that is. I still don't sense any power from you."
"I mask it. The ring helps to stay under radar," Danny rubbed the back of his neck, "You are not the only one who hears the thing beep."
"Well then. I was long since wondering which one of us will kick the bucket sooner. Listen here, kiddo," Mephisto wrapped his hand around Phantom, his sudden friendliness not giving him any trust whatsoever. "I get it why you would be cocky, know, the third strongest Demon King. But I could beat Azazel with my hands tied and my eyes blindfolded. You may beat me if I do both, albeit even this is unlikely. So do mind that I can still murder you if I feel like it."
"Is this a threat?" Danny smirked.
That kid had guts, that much was obvious. Or he was just so stupid.
"You know what..." Mephisto tapped on his chin, "I think I..."
His eyes fell on something on the shelves. In a comical fashion he bolted towards it, breathing heavily.
"Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed, "Is this the fifth issue of Ari-gui wa mesukōsei ga daisukidesu? Where did you get it?" There was jealousy in his growl.
"I have my ways. Will you get out of my hair if I let you have it?"
"You have my word!" The Demon King made a 'Scout's honour' sign. Silence settled. "But I still have to settle the issue of you living here. This just won't do, you know."
"There are more people living here. What about them?"
"I've been in the middle of the legal process. You are the newest thorn in this plan. So move, kid."
"Not until I figure another place to live."
"I am to demolish this building tomorrow. You have time until then to pack your things and be away. Be thankful that I am not disclosing your existence to everyone around at the moment. And I won't. As long as you are nowhere near the Academy...Wait!" Mephisto suddenly brightened, "You are half demon, aren't you?" He asked.
"Yes..." Danny sighed.
"That's what I figured."
So powerful in half of his potential. Truly a remarkable specimen. And he just waltzed into the Demon King's hands, how wonderful is that? Now to utilise this opportunity to its fullest potential and kill a whole flock of birds with one stone.
"Then this changes a whole lot. As your older advisor in Demon Kingly things and somewhat of a kinsman, I want to offer you a deal..."
"Hearing none of it. The door is there. Or you can exit through that giant hole. Nothing to gape at!" Phantom exclaimed at the man living on the opposite side of the alleyway. The mid aged man retreated into his apartment.
"Come on. I am offering you an accommodation until you find a proper house. Sounds perfect, does it not?"
"Spill the catch already."
"Well..." Mephisto fidgeted on his place, "The point is, it is the Academy. If you cannot be noticed just like that it changes whole lot. BUT. I am afraid the True Cross Order would get suspicious if I house some random kid from the street. They are tense enough as it is. So, my offer is, I get you in as a student."
"That's just dumb."
"What?" Mephisto's shoulders sank.
"You read too many mangas, pal. A new student just bumping in unannounced is ASKING for trouble."
"But..." he seemed to be on the verge of tears, "Japanese culture, why do I love you so much and you betray me like that?!" He yelled.
"You are overreacting..."
"Probably," Mephisto resumed his composure, "Still. My offer does not go anywhere. You don't even have to study, boyo. It's not like you are going to be an exorcist anytime soon. Not with your... career, shall I say. I doubt you will have anything to offer them, unlike me. You know, so they don't try to kill you, And think about this... no contenders to your shaky position there. Powerful demons cannot trespass."
That did sound tempting. But Phantom was no idiot.
"You just want to watch me closely. Not gonna happen, Pheles."
"The world does not circle around you, you know," Mephisto sighed dramatically.
"Yet you are sticking around for far too long. You are the one to talk."
"Why are you so secretive? It is not the end of the world."
"Knowing this will leave me without an advantage and several aces up my sleeve. So far those are few things that will keep me safe."
"Such a considerate child. I can see why you have lived longer than I would expect."
"Will you leave now?"
"Fine, fine. I will be back tomorrow with a bulldozer. Be warned. Now I am off, I have..." he looked at the manga, " do."
And with that, after a countdown, the extravagant man left. And something told the boy that his visitor would go through with this.
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