Legolas awoke the next morning to a sinking feeling in his gut. Today they would leave this place, he would leave her. Sitting up, he sighed and brushed a stray lock of hair from his eyes. The once comfortable bed now felt like rocks underneath him, and he groaned. His feet touched the cold wooden floors, and he strode over to the window. Soft rays of sunlight peeked through, and he realized it was past sunrise. Pushing back the curtain, a brilliant beam of light shone through and embraced him, but he felt no comfort. No warmth filled him.
A groan of protest made him turn his head.
Galidar had brought his quilt over his face to block out the light. "Legolas, kindly close that," he said, his voice muffled. "What is the time?"
"Past sunrise, Galidar," came the stiff reply.
Frowning at his friend's tone of voice, Galidar lowered the blanket and observed Legolas. He just stood there, his eyes unfocused on the world around him, and Galidar nodded in understanding. "You saw her then?"
Legolas let out a breath and nodded. No words passed his lips.
"You love her..."
Legolas dropped his gaze to the floor, apparently interested in the pattern of the wood.
"Do you, Legolas?" Galidar pressed farther.
Legolas clenched his jaw and continued to stare at the floor. "Yes." His own questions and doubts were answered. He did love her.
Galidar didn't know whether to smile or sob. He had seen so much with Legolas but never had he seen him in love with someone else. A human at that... Eventually, she would die, and he could do nothing but watch as Legolas slowly faded beyond reach. A rush of anger swept over him. "You cannot stay here."
"You think I do not know that?" Legolas shot him a glare.
Galidar threw back the covers and ran a and through his chestnut hair. "Forgive me."
Legolas turned to his friend, his eyes blank and emotionless. "You needn't worry. It is not my time to leave Middle Earth, I have promised Aragorn that."
Great, the other human he has bond himself to, Galidar thought to himself, but his face betrayed him, and Legolas raised a brow.
"You do not approve?"
Galidar untangled himself from his bed, kicking away the quilt like it was an orc carcass. He strode over to Legolas and stood facing his friend. "It is not that I don't approve, Legolas--" his hand went to his shoulder--"I don't want to see you hurt."
A flicker of emotion sweep past Legolas' eyes and Galidar smiled. "You're a good friend, Galidar." He turned away and began to rummage through his pack.
Both elves dressed in their travel gear, Legolas in his green and brown and Galidar silver and blue. Their weapons fastened securely on their backs and long swords attached to their hips. Legolas had braided the sides of his hair and pulled them into a single high plait that cascaded down his back and brushed his powerful tighs. Galidar had his braided in the usual elven style and left it down to reach past his shoulders.
They looked every ounce of what they were. Elven Warriors, dangerous and beautiful.
"You know, Legolas, you really should cut some of that mop off," Galidar teased, earning him a smack on the back of his head before he could duck away.
Shuffling sounds below told them that the tavern workers were now moving about and opening their doors. Legolas knew Talmara was there, he wasn't ready to see her. Their last meeting he had walked off coldly, and he cringed at the memory. What a fool he was. He should have never kissed her. He should have never opened his heart to love.
"Legolas? Did you not hear me?" Galidar practically waved his hand in Legolas' face.
"Forgive me, what was it you were saying?" Legolas mentally scolded himself.
"Breakfast. Before we depart..."
Legolas merely nodded, his heart raced in his chest.
They bound down the steps with the grace of a young deer, their feet making not a sound. When they reached the bottom they noted that the tavern was already quite full of men, women, and children sitting at tables with bowls full of hot food. Every head turned towards them and acknowledged them with wide eyes. There were no gawks of disbelief, no murmuring of disapproval or suspicion. There was only respect and welcoming.
Galidar glanced at Legolas to see him scanning the many faces; he knew whom he searched for. "Go, find her Legolas." He nudged him and smirked when Legolas immediately dashed through the maze of tables, every eye followed his movements. Galidar sighed and strode over to a table full of children, one he recognized as Emilla and immediately was bombarded with questions. One even asked, no insisted to touch his ears. Valar save me, he thought with a chuckle.
"No, You may not touch my ears."
Legolas' mind was set on finding Talmara that he tuned out every other sound. He figured she was in the kitchen and with confident strides he reached the arch entrance. He heard voices from within and glimpsed inside.
His heart pounded in his chest.
Talmara was there, a bright smile spread over her face as she chatted with a blonde woman. Little Marli sat on the counter playing with a ball of dough, and Legolas' lips lifted in a smile.
He took a moment to compose himself then gently knocked on the wall to announce his presence. The three pairs of eyes turned to him but his gaze was trained on only her hazel eyes. Time seemed to stop as Talmara gazed back at him, and he forgot to breathe.
The blonde woman smirked as she looked from Legolas to Talmara. She felt a tinge of jealousy seeing her friend caught the attention of such a handsome male. Elf at that. She quickly excused herself to give her friend privacy.
Legolas didn't notice her leave nor did he acknowledge the hand that brushed over his arm. "Talmara--"
"--Legis!" An enthusiastic voice made him look down, and he smiled at seeing the little girl, her floured hands outstretched for him to pick her up.
Legolas lifted the small girl his arms and settled her on his hip. "Hello, little one."
The girl giggled and reached for his hair with a dirty hand, and Legolas didn't seem to mind. However, when she reached to touch his ears he shook his head, and Marli dropped her hand, disappointment crossing her green eyes.
Talmara approached them with a smile and went to take Marli but the child held tighter to Legolas. "Marli, why don't you go help Elowen with the tables."
Marli nodded and hugged Legolas tight. "Goodbye, Legis."
Legolas let out a smile that revealed his pearly teeth. He kissed the girl's cheek, "goodbye, little one, " he said then placed her on her feet and watched her run out of the room.
They were alone now. The faint sounds of laughing in the background slowly dimmed; there was only silence as they gazed into each other's eyes. No words were exchanged between them before both went crashing into each other's arms.
Legolas wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, gently squeezing. Talmara's heart fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his once more. She sunk into the warmth of his embrace, and his masculine scent enveloped her.
They embraced as if their lives depended on it and warm tears flowed down Talmara's cheeks. Neither wanted to let go, but they had to.
Legolas pulled away, blinking rapidly to fight back his own tears. His hand came up to brush aside the tears on Talmara's face, and a faint smile reached her lips. His hand lingered, tracing her features and marking them forever in his mind.
Talmara brought her hand up and caressed his cheek. She wanted to kiss him, to feel that ecstasy one last time. How could fate be so evil to give her everything then rip it away? Her lips trembled as she leaned closer to him. "Legolas," she whispered, savoring every syllable, "what am I to you.''
" Everything," Legolas said, his voice deep and slightly hoarse. He caught her face in both hands, his lips met hers in a deep kiss.
He lightly brushed his tongue between her lips. His hands slid up her warm body as he passionately kissed her. Talmara's hands tangled into his hair, and he signed in pleasure. A low moan escaped her lips, and Legolas pulled her closer.
She wouldn't dare to open her eyes. For it would only bring her back into reality. A cruel reality that sought to destroy everything that was dear to her. Her parents, nearly her sister and now it gave her someone she could never have.
Legolas trailed kisses down her cheeks, kissing away her salty tears. "Talmara," he whispered but the silence was his only answer. "Talmara, if there is a way, I will find you again."
She smiled then. "I will be waiting."
Legolas nodded. His heart tore at seeing the trails of tears running down her rosy cheeks, and he swallowed thickly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver chain, attached to it was an emerald leaf pendant. "I want you to have this."
Talmara stared at it in wonder. It must have been very valuable. She only nodded and smiled as he clasped it around her neck. Her hand went up to touch the smooth pendant that rested on her chest. Her hands touched his, and their eyes met. Their eyes held words that didn't quite reach their mouths.
"You are beautiful," Legolas ran his fingers down her neck, her skin so soft underneath his fingertips. He lent in to kiss again, but the sound of movement caught his ears, and he turned to see Galidar standing by the door. He groaned.
"Forgive me, " Galidar approached to a respectable distance and cleared his throat, "we best be going, we have a long journey."
Legolas nodded and reluctantly let go of Talmara. "Until then, farewell, Talmara." And once again he disappeared through the archway.
They had said goodbye to the people of the village. Many gifted them with food and flasks of wine which Galidar took without a second thought. Legolas had only smiled softly.
Emilla approached the two and said her heartfelt goodbye and to her surprise, Legolas gave her a white diamond that twinkled like stars.
"Will you keep this for me, Emilla?"
Her eyes beamed brighter than the diamond as she met his gaze, and she nodded rapidly. "Must you go?" She asked innocently.
Before Legolas could answer, Emilla threw her arms around him. Legolas hesitated briefly before returning the embrace. "Yes, child. I must go."
"I will miss you Legolas, and you, Gal...Galidar."
Galidar winked and mounted his grey steed.
"Will you return?" Emilla asked, a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
Legolas dropped his eyes, aware of the many attentive eyes of the villagers. "I do not know, penneth."
"Promise you will return to Willowdale."
Legolas lowered himself to one knee, now eye level with the young girl. "I cannot promise that," he sighed at seeing the joy in her eyes vanish," but I can promise I won't ever forget you, Emilla."
He mounted his horse and cast his eyes over the crowd. He didn't see Talmara. Maybe it was for the best. He nodded at Galidar, silently telling him it was time to leave. They spurred their horses on and rode to the outskirts of Willowdale. Legolas halted his horse, and his eyes searched. He spotted Talmara standing on a hill, her hand outstretched in a silent goodbye. The soft breeze blew her hair across her face, and he itched to push it back. Even from a distance, he saw tears staining her rosy cheeks. He couldn't turn away; deep down he knew he might never see her again. A hand on his shoulder brought him back into reality.
"Legolas, the road is ahead," Galidar squeezed his friend's shoulder then commanded his horse into a gallop.
Casting one last glance, Legolas turned his horse to pursue Galidar. He let the steady gait of his stallion calm his aching heart. He stroked Valamir's mane fondly and urged him faster, passing Galidar along the way.
"Come, my friend. We ride to Gondor."
~The End
Or is it...?
Word count: 2,148
Thank you, everyone, for reading this far and for the encouragement and critiques! My first fanfiction is finally complete! My fanfictions won't stop here though :) I enjoy it, and it makes great writing practice! I have so many ideas, but sadly I do not know how to put them in words at times...
Special thanks to Posi24 UnworthyLegolasLover TessThranduillion FridOlsen6 _DarkAngelLegolas_ Narsil_Anduril
Until next time :)
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