S E P T E M B E R 4 T H;
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About an hour and a half later, the blonde capers down the stairs in one of her favorite ballgowns, with magenta accents.
"Ciao, Mira, I'm going out to visit father."
Lucy declares, bidding her dismissal.
"Wait, princess! It is far too dangerous to venture out into the night alone, I shall accompany you."
Mira volunteers, tugging a sheer covering over her shoulders and slipping on a pair of white shoes.
The woman hastily scuries after the princess, her shoes pounding against the gravel.
The two caper towards the palace and abruptly pause at the polished gates surrounding the castle.
An estimation of thirteen-hundred uniformed guards were standing in a perfect formation, and the first thing that Mirajane noticed was that they all had glistening swords in their hands.
Lucy tilts her head in bewilderment as Mira steps afront of her and holds her arm out protectively.
"I'm here to see my father."
Lucy states to the guard who had walked over to them, also known as her admirer, Dan Straight.
Mirajane shoots him a sharp glare, sending chills up his spine.
"The king hasn't been present at the palace since two weeks ago. That's why all of the guards are on high alert, your royalHighness. And also why some aren't here."
He sighs and stares at the ground, gesturing to the missing guards.
"Do you have the slightest idea of where he might've gone?"
The blonde asks worriedly, biting on the crevice of her index finger apprehensively.
"Yes, he went...into the Forbidden Forest, we tried our hardest to stop him but he wouldn't listen to us. I wish I could've helped more though."
He bows his head, probably ashamed of his, no doubt countless, efforts.
"Thank you greatly for the information, Dan. And you tried your best."
Lucy showed him a genuine smile and waves her hand briefly, smiling with pure kindness.
He smiles widely and nods.
"Be safe, your majesty. Along with you, Mirajane."
Dan glances back to the pair with a serious expression, before returning to his placement.
Lucy gulps and ambles back to her living quarters, Mira directly by her side.
Tears swell in the blonde's eyes as she leans onto the woman next to her for support.
Once they both arrive to the splintering door frames, Lucy breaks down into a heap of tears.
"F-Father..h-he's missing...?"
The girl whimpers, burying her face in Mirajane's shoulder.
"That is quite the predicament."
She exhales, running her fingers through my hair.
"M-Mira...would you let me...go to search for him?"
She queries, wiping her eyelids with her index finger.
"Lucy, I can not allow t--.."
She mutters, puckering her lips off to the side.
"P-please, Mira! I promise, as soon as I find Father, I shall return."
Lucy wails, her gorgeous features streaked with salty tears.
"I know, that is a lie. But, if you really want to..."
She replies, pointing up the stairs, her gaze focusing down to the alabaster tile.
"It doesn't matter when, just, one day, come back safely, alright?"
She orders, her eyes growing apathetic.
"Thank you so much, Mira."
Lucy flings her arms around the woman and grins vehemently, before heading up the staircase.
Once reaching her bedroom, she tugs one of her durable suitcases out from her closet, hastily deciding only to pack a weeks worth of clothing.
She rummages through the stacks of clothing articles in her closet, picking out an assortment of knee-length gowns that were guaranteed comfortable.
Primping herself in the platinum mirror, she lets out a deep breath and grasps her suitcase by the handle.
Heading down the wooden steps, the gaze of her honey brown orbs meets Mira's.
Her admiral blue eyes grow worried, so, as reassurance, Lucy flashes her a revitalizing smile.
Smiling back for a brief moment, a faint, concerned frown proceeds to rest on her porcelain-skinned face.
"Don't worry, Mira. I shall return fairly soon, I promise."
She isn't afraid to let the tears slip from her eyes, dripping to the freshly cleaned floorboards.
"I'm going to miss you more than emotions can express, Mira."
Lucy simpers, wrapping her arms around the female and beginning to weep on her collarbone.
A gentle smile appears on her lips and she cradles the blonde's head in her arms, nuzzling at her forehead.
"I know you will, Lucy."
She whispers lowly, her tone growing brittle.
Her tears pelt at Lucy's scalp, accompanied with her occasional sniffling being heard around the room.
I lift up my head and look into her bloodshot eyes, only to see her smiling lovingly at me.
"Do not cry, Mira."
Mirajane wipes her eyelids with her index finger and lets go from the hug, wiping the blonde's dampened face.
"Until next time."
Lucy grins, heading outside of the residence and unlocking Lucky's stable.
The blonde grips onto Lucky's reins and climbs atop of the saddle, and tucks her feet in the stirrups.
Mira heads outside and walks over, patting Lucky on the head.
"Do not expect me to cover for you forever, your majesty."
She playfully tugs at the girl's cheeks, only making her giggle.
"Of course, I know."
Lucy pats Lucky on the calf and she begins to trot towards to the dull forest.
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