S E P T E M B E R 4 TH
It was nigh the brink of sunrise, that meant that the princess'd be heading back from coaching.
Suddenly, an abnormally diminutive rodent trampled across the dirt path in which the mademoiselle and her horse were strolling.
The mare, Lucky, abruptly cast herself backwards, whilst Lucy struggled to maintain her reins.
The rodent hastily scampers away, yet, Lucky still proceeds to thrash around.
Frantically, she presses her palm to the crown of her snout, running her slender fingers through her bronze mane.
Gradually, she settles down, allowing the blonde to lead her along the trail again.
Upon returning to the palace corral, Lucy unravels Lucky's harness, then securely ties it around the wooden fence post, making certain that she couldn't caper off somewhere and possibly get lost on her way.
Ambling towards her colossal living quaters, she occasionally strikes pebbles astray, enumerating the steps in her mind.
She gently shoves open the wooden door frames, removing her calve-length, chestnut boots, that were actually beginning to itch.
She takes a brief glimpse into the dim kitchen and notices her family's personal maid, Mirajane Strauss.
Mirajane, or Mira, as she asks to be called, lost her parents and younger sister in one of Fiore's great wars, and only she and her brother were left.
Upon hearing that, King Jude politely accompanied them into the palace, where they took on numerous duties out of appreciation.
Mirajane works solely for the intent of keeping the princess safe, along with her brother, Elfman, who is a palace guard.
Mirajane and Lucy have had countless memories together, within the consideration of the fact that they've known eachother for about eight years.
They could easily pass for sisters, knowing of Mirajane's nurturing personality and gorgeous appearance.
Grinning softly, Lucy begins to stroll over to woman.
"Good morning to you, Mirajane!"
The lady of the house greets, with an enthused grin laced on her lips.
"Good morning to you also, Princess Lucilin."
She smiles back, her gorgeous ivory hair, voluminous and silky as usual.
"Did you sleep well? Elfman told me of how exhausted you seemed last night, I hope you aren't to deprived of your slumber?"
Mira questions in a worried tone, pausing and setting down the wine glass that she was cleaning.
"Oh, I'm wonderful. Father just invited me to a meeting out in Hargeon, and it took a while to get there and back."
Lucy giggles, smiling at the fact that the two always would always care for her well-being, even if she was going to remain a princess.
They are trustworthy companions.
"May I ask what his imperial majesty wished to converse with you about?"
Mira questions ever-so-properly, retrieving another filthy dish from the counter.
"Ah, he just wanted an excuse to 'introduce his new mistress to his daughter.' "
Lucy mentally rolls her eyes at the statement, and the emphasis she put on 'mistress.'
"Your royal Highness, pardon me for saying this, but, I do not believe that what you are thinking right now is correct."
Mirajane claims, stepping out from the other side of the counters.
Lucy flinched as the ivory-locked woman encompassed her amrs around her waist, a beatific smile present on her lush lips.
"In no way is your father trying to replace the late Majesty, for I am certain that he is just as, or even more, pained than you are to reminisce about the love of his life's passing."
Mira snuggles up against the blonde, who now began to simper.
"I hope so, Mirajane, and also, please refrain from entitling me as 'your highness,' and just as Lucy"
Lucy suggests with an awkward smile, her cheeks tinting amaranth.
"I shall try--Lucy--, old habits are hard to surpass."
Mira exhales exuberantly, giving Lucy another tight hug before returning to the opposite side of the surfaces.
"Mira, I don't ever think I've actually thanked you properly."
Lucy frowns at the disturbing thought.
"It is alright,--Lucy, I am doing this out of my free will after a--!"
Lucy cuts her off with a quick peck on the cheek and a vibrant grin.
"That's my thank you, I know it isn't much, but.."
Lucy blushes vigorously.
"It was my first kiss, so..keep that in mind."
Lucy informs her, before turning to head up the wooden staircase.
Mirajane presses her palm to her cheek, letting a smile spread across her lips once more.
I should be the one thanking you....
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