Unedited Chapter Six [2]
She smiled as if it meant nothing: she smiled as if they were just words, words that weren't meant to get a reaction, and they didn't, because Bree and Neil had now entered the car, and Nathan kept his mouth shut over their laughter.
"Here," Neil said, throwing a bad over at Nathan. It had two t-shirts inside, and... swimming shorts?
"Since your presence was rather impromptu, had to get you stuff," he explained rather vaguely.
"We're going swimming?" Nathan asked.
"Well, we're going somewhere, and swimming is involved," Bree smiled. There was a look of excitement in her eyes.
"Neil, why'd you tell her?!" Kat looked disappointed.
"Sorry, Kat," Bree giggled. "I begged him to tell me, and you know... he had no other choice." Nathan heard the exaggerated sound of a wet kiss, probably on his cheek, because he was laughing way to hard.
"Camp Hayuka is my favorite place in the entire world!" Bree almost screamed it at the top of her lungs before falling over unto Neil.
"I know," he said, then everything was silent for a few seconds. Nathan knew what they were doing, and he felt his stomach clench tightly; it was even more awkward with Kat glancing over at him every two seconds.
Camp Hayuka: Nathan had never been there before, but the minute he stepped out of the car and looked out across the horizon, he fell in love with the view. He saw a flock of birds flying to the east. It was green all over, and it smelled all... nature-y. There was a welcome sign, but it was broken and rusted, covered in vines.
With yellow tape all around it, and a big, fat CLOSED sign.
"They closed it down two years ago," Kat answered his unspoken question.
"So... why are we here?"
"Because, it's my baby's favorite place, and it's for her."
The sudden reality check by Neil hit him at the back of his head. Initially, this was supposed to be a surprise for Bree for her and King Kong's 'second year anniversary'. He shouldn't be nagging them. Even Kat didn't seem okay with it, but she went along with everything.
Six years ago, she wouldn't have. Six years ago, she would have screamed to her father that Nathan was trying to sneak into an abandoned playground that wasn't all that harmless. He remembered being grounded for three weeks for trying to pull that stunt. He didn't talk to her for three full days until she came to visit him with her cookie surprise.
She was an excellent baker, and the minute he'd smell the fresh chocolate chips with extra chocolate chip, he'd forget he was ever angry with her. That was Kat's bribe, but bribe's don't always work out in the long run. Look at her now: desperate to get the attention of the boy that had cut the string that kept them close.
Suddenly, Nathan felt a heavy load on his shoulders, and it wasn't figuratively. He barely caught a hold of Kat, whom was standing next to him, to keep his balance. Neil smirked and threw the other bag over his shoulders with ease.
"Let's get a move on. It's a long hike to the perfect spot," he said, once again, leaning over to kiss Bree. What's with kissing Bree all the time? Is she that kissable?
Now that Nathan looked at her lips as they parted, her lipstick was gone, and he could see how pink they were (probably from kissing Neil a lot). Her hair was down, and looked a little frizzy at the top. Her cheeks were tinged a pink-ish-golden color, and it wasn't the makeup at all—so soft, so cute. When she smiled, they got pinker, and all he could think about was going over there and push Neil out of his way, just so he could kiss her.
She did look very kissable.
They began their journey to find 'the perfect spot', with Neil and Bree leading the way as Kat and Nathan walked a good three feet behind them.
"Hey, do you remember when your Dad took us camping?" Kat asked.
Nathan recalled the distant memory, and nodded. "It was the only time he took us camping."
"Kinda feels like that again," she smiled.
"Except that we're gonna get ourselves into deep trouble if someone finds out that we're here," Nathan stated.
"Nathan, lighten up. The rangers only come up here like, once a month or something. It's truly abandoned in all sense of the word," Kat argued. She was getting vexed by all of Nathan's non-existent enthusiasm.
"I don't want to get into tro- OUCH!"
Kat had kicked his shin. HARD.
"You too okay back there?" Bree giggled.
Why does she giggle so much?
"We're fine!" Kat said, waving and smiling as if everything was just peachy.
Well, they weren't peachy, rather, it was a lemony kind of moment.
And it hurt. A lot.
Nathan was left to limp; he tried to hit Kat back, forgetting about his principals, but she laughed and jumped away from him. He stopped and bent down to pick up a rock—they were all too big. He didn't want to hurt her.
"I swear to God, I will drown you when we get to the lake if you throw that rock at me, Nathan!" She pressed on his name with some kind of playful vengeance. It annoyed Nathan.
"I don't feel safe in your presence, Katherine. Might as well off you now!" He shot back.
Kat laughed, and slowly, Nathan began to laugh as well. He forgot about the two people ahead of them, and ran after Kat as she laughed at him.
"Catch me if you can, you turd!" She yelled. She moved off from the path, which Nathan thought was a very stupid and dangerous move on her behalf, but he went off too, in search of her. He could hear her laugh, and so he followed it, until he was completely lost from the path they had been following.
"Kat!" He called, stopping to catch his breath. "I'm not gonna come look for you, you know!"
"Then you're gonna leave me here?" She came out from behind a tree, smiling and clutching her stomach. Her eyes were lined with tears, as she tried to suppress her laughter. "You're such a dork!" She walked over and pulled him up.
In the blink of an eye, he was backed up against a tree with her arms around his neck, and their faces inches apart. They could hear water running in the distance, as well as their own heavy breathing. Her eyes were glossy, and when she blinked, he was afraid that a tear would slip down her red cheek.
"Why bring me along?" He asked quietly. He suddenly became very self conscious, since he was so very close to her face. What was she staring at? What flaw could she point out without a second glance?
"Bree wanted you to come. Said it would be nice for us all to hangout," she replied, almost as if she didn't want to speak.
"But it's her two year anniversary with Neil. Shouldn't they be alone?"
Kat nodded and looked down. "That's just how Bree is. I don't know why, but she just likes to include everyone."
There was something in Kat's eyes that he thought he recognized; it was something from long ago, but he couldn't quite grasp it. The sun was coming out from behind the clouds, although still partially hidden, and it touched his face, lighting it up like a bulb. Her eyes looked clearer, and he could see the brown in her eyes more clearly.
"Her eyes burned like fire, like grass under the scorching sun," he mumbled without notice.
Kat perked her face up. She heard him.
"What was that?" she asked.
"Lyrics," he stated as he moved away.
"You write lyrics?" She asked, surprised by this new bit of information. Of course, she hadn't been in Nathan's life the moment music took over.
"Um, yes," he began walking away, eager to get back to Neil and Bree, and not be alone with Kat. What if she kissed him again?!
("Wait, really? Slow down, sing for me!")
(("What? No.))
(((Oh come on. Is it because you can't sing that well?")))
((((Oh shut up!))))
If you're wondering, the text in () is while they're walking away from the scene. the more () there are, the more faded their voices sound.
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