Chapter Five - Chapter Two ✔
"What???" Ms. O shouted.
"This book gives us absolutely no information about what Olympia will do next!! Uggh!!" Ms. O grunted.
She walked over to the cafeteria and plopped down into a chair. I gave her a juice box, hoping that would calm her nerves. Unfortunately, it didn't.
"We need to figure out what Odd Odysseus' past is, and figure out what she'll do next! We can't let our own agents do odd! That goes against everything Odd Squad stands for!!!!"
Ms. O slunk back into her chair, and slurped up the remaining juice in her box. She crumpled it up and threw it into the trash.
" Ugghh! I need another juice. Otis?"
"Sorry, Ms. O. This is the 15th juice box you've had! There's none left."
"Uugghh!!!! What else can possibly go wrong???"
Like I said, Ms. O has perfect timing. Oona came running into the room.
" Ms. O, I know you're busy, but I have a super duper terrible-"
Ms. O glared at Oona.
"-Teeny weeny problem that I can totally fix myself! Bye bye for now!" And with that, Oona ran off.
"Where was I?" Ms. O got lost in thought for a while.
"Oh, yes. We need to know what Olympia- err- Odysseus- will do next. We can't let anything catch us by surprise! Otis, let's look at the page again. Maybe we can find a clue."
I was compelled to follow her orders, though I didn't know what would help. We read it over again, but nothing seemed to stand out.
"Wait a minute!" I said as a lightbulb in my head. "I thought that the whole thing with Olympia and the librarian was just nonsense. But maybe-"
"Maybe it's a clue saying that she left it with the librarian! But, that doesn't make sense. That was just Chapter One. She could have written chapter two at a totally different time and place."
We both sighed, frustrated, stumped, and defeated. I looked back on the box, hoping that some clue would pop out. And to my pleasure, one did!
"Ms. O! Look at the inside of this box! There's writing in it!"
Sure enough, it was Olympia's handwriting. (I could tell because she always makes curly Q's on the ends of her letters.) It read:
First Pink Cupcake.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ms. O asked.
I snapped my fingers. "The bakery! Chapter Two is at the bakery!"
"How do you know?"
"Last week we went over the bakery, and we each tried something. She had her very first pink cupcake, and I had a chocolate croissant."
"But, why are there both bold letters and underlined words?"
"I don't know, but we better go to the bakery and find out. Where's Obfusco?"
Obfusco's voice came from nowhere.
"Like a sweating banana waiting for left handed cerebral stimuli with his fellow bunch of fruits, HERE!!"
He scared the daylights out of me by popping out from behind a cafeteria table.
When we arrived at the bakery, the baker was just going on her lunch break. We asked if we could look around for a box, and she said sure. We only had a half-hour to find it before customers would come back in.
We turned over every table, chair, even pineapple cakes! (I guess I'm a good chef... I made a pineapple upside down cake on Ms. O's head... am I gonna hear about this later....) and finally, the baker came back.
She was sorry for our misfortune, so as a treat to help us be more energetic, she gave us a box of pink cupcakes.
"I can't use these," she said "because for some reason someone locked up the box."
"These aren't cupcakes!" I shouted. "This is chapter two!"
Sure enough, the bottom of the box had an Odd Squad emblem on it. The lock on it was a number combination. Great.
"But, we finally figured out how to switch the numbers to letters. Now we have to do the opposite?" I breathed heavily, not quite sure where to start.
"Let's just break it down like we did with the last one!" Ms. O suggested.
F, I, S, U, C.
"Okay. So if we arrange the letters next to the numbers, it's:
6, 9, 19, 21, 3."
Ms. O tried putting in the numbers.
"Otis, the highest number it goes to is 9."
That did it. I was using up the last of my patience.
"Maybe we can just separate the numbers all into single digit numbers like this:
6, 9, 1, 9, 2, 1, 3." Ms. O counted the spaces in the lock.
"But there's only five spaces. Not seven!"
I looked over to Obfusco, who was deep in thought, carefully examining the inside of the first box.
First Pink Cupcake. What did that mean?
"Obfusco understands!" He shouted. "See how some letters are underlined?"
Ms. O and I nodded.
"Look at the word that's underlined. 'First.' Maybe, the lock only needs the first digit of each number!"
It all made sense, now! We lined up the numbers. 6, 9, 1, 2, 3.
The lock opened! We took out the lock, and opened up the box. There was a cupcake inside, and another pad of paper. I took out the pad of paper while Ms. O took out the cupcake, and started eating it.
"Chapter Two!
Odd Odysseus had kidnapped Olive and Otto! The only way we could get them back was to give Odysseus her own office! As the days went on, she got more and more control! The first day she was there, she stole all the gadgets away from Oona and planted a bomb in her lab underneath the table of unlucky coins! Poor Ms. O ran out of all her juice boxes. Anywho, we were unable to solve cases (since Odysseus took all of our gadgets), until one night....
Odysseus was on the phone, and I listened in. I heard her planning with Mr. Lightning and Evil Teddy to take over town! I heard that they would meet in the town square in 2100 hours. So I decided to follow her there...."
"That's a whole bunch more information!" Ms. O shouted, joyfully.
"Uh oh...." I trailed off.
"What's the matter, Otis?"
"Well, remember Oona's super duper terrible teeny weeny problem that she could totally fix herself?" I asked.
Ms. O's face turned grim.
"We need to get back to HQ before Olympia blows up the whole Squad!!!
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