MISSING: Daybreak and Midnight
Recap: At first, Evil Liv was tormenting Evil Liv using twin telepathy. Then, Jake manages to help her. Daybreak grabs onto Midnight, and they both teleport away, but everyone forgets about this. Angel confronts Evil Liv in the forest and manages to get her to stay away for a while. Sabrina slips over a shoe, and goes flying. She's injured a lot. DJ is acting really weird, he's not family friendly anymore and he's swearing a lot. Soph takes care of Sabrina, and she has a glint of love in her eyes. Jake notices this and confronts her about it. Unfortunately, DJ and Angel heard. Angel gets furious and summons an entire ship with his Sword of Transportation. He flies away, not even caring about the damage to most of the RBB studio. Jake had previously fired a hole in the wall, so he jumps through that. Lego shows up and flies away with Russo and Liv. Then, Soph and Sabrina get trapped under rubble. Angel's starting to turn into a demon by this point. He attacks Evil Liv for no reason. Who retaliates, by trying to turn him to stone. Luckily, he dodges the stone beam. A mysterious red circle with chains pulls him down to the ground, and tries to swallow him up. Jake manages to get him to calm down by talking to him in his head, using the power of Space. Angel turns back to normal and apologises for hitting Evil Liv. She accepts it. Jinx is a ghost that teleports a lot and phases through stuff a lot at either the wrong time or the right time. The injured people get bandaged up. Angel and Jake apologise to eachother and kiss. They are so in sync- Then, Angel teleports a motorcycle for Sabrina and Soph. They ride it out of the studio and into the forest with the others. Russo uses his power of Truth on Evil Liv, causing him to pass out. Evil Liv tries to change for the better. Liv tries to get Russo to wake up using her sword but it unfortunately doesn't work. Sabrina comes clean about her feelings. She sees DJ as a friend now, and she's bisexual. Jake teleports them to the Metaverse for her to explain properly, with her distorted past flying past them. Jake and Angel understand. Soph had previously passed out. Jake teleports DJ to them, and he passes out. Angel pulls him into a tight hug, so he doesn't lose him. Sabrina tells DJ about how she's feeling. DJ accepts this and they breakup, becoming best friends once more. Sabrina uses her Sword of Healing on Jake to wake him up. He snaps them back to reality, where he transfers Soph's voice into her mind. Sabrina is shocked by what she hears (Hopefully Sopapilla_1204, explains that here.) Everyone is now on the same page. Angel lets them all stay at his mum's house. In the morning, they decide to go searching for Midnight and Daybreak, because they only just remembered about them-
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