Steve ocs
Name : note Steve
Age : 16
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender: male
Hair color : light green
Eye color: purple
Personality:Shy,Caring,kind,Sweetheart,innocent .
Cloths : light green sweater and has a black note music 🎶 in front of his sweater,black pants, gray boots,white and black headphones,note music Scarf.
Birthday:August 20,20??
Friends : Green Steve,Purple Steve.
Crush : blue Steve
Favorite color: lime green and purple
Day or night: Day
Father : Brandon Star
Favorite place: his father house,Forest,park,Sweet Shop.
Power : Like green Steve power ,heal,music note,Music,Shield
Steve type: he is a Green Steve but with bright color
Like : Baking sweets,listening to music,Dancing,Singing,Drawing,Art,Spending time with his father,help others,Help the innocent people.
Dislike: :Rude,Scary stuff,Scary Steve,hurting his father and his friend,mean, Disrespectful, Lies,Manipulative,Death,Killed,Alone,Abandoned,Abused,Cheated,Being followed,Mean People,Used.
( this Note Music Scarf That he is wearing and also this picture doesn't belong to me it belongs to their owners .)
Name : Saturn Steve
Age :19
Gender: male
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: pale yellow
Skin: peach
Sexuality: Straight/Bisexual
Cloth : bright yellow sweater, white pants,black and gray shoes,pale brown and bright yellow Scarf .
Favorite color: pale yellow and pale white,Pale Gray,yellow and green.
Which Steve : Yellow Steve
Power: like green Steve,Yellow Steve speed,and Saturn powers ,ring power(?).
Favorite place: Space and his home is Saturn planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends : planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Like : make friends, cooking, Baking,Training,Singing,Dancing,Hang out with his friends,help others , protect his planets and others,Save the Steve and others,Reading books,Listening to music,Keep on watch his home planets,Fly around and explore new planets and places,Keep an eye on earth .
Dislike: Chaos, Destruction,Plants destroyed, bad peoples, Manipulative, Used, Lied,Death, Murder,Hurting his friends,abused,Cheated,Disrespectful, Mean.
( I couldn't find a color for Mars so I did my best so what do you think?)
Name : Mars Steve
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: pale orange
Eye color: Red
Skin: peach
Cloths : dark brown shirt and armor on his shoulder,black pants,deep orange and light orange shoes armor, gray and white capes,orange and red googles
Personality:kind,Serious,Calm,Heroic,Smart,Adventures,fires spirt .
Favorite color: Red and orange
Favorite place:Space and his home is Mars planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Friends: planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Like: chilling out,Read books,singing,go visiting his friends and hang out with his friends,listen to music, Dancing,Cooking,playing music,Training.
Power : like Red Steve power and with his power Mars
Dislike: Rude,Evil Steve,death,Murder,Manipulative,Used, Lied,hurtling his friends,Destruction,Chaos,Abused,Abandoned.
Name : Neptune Steve
Age :19
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Hair color: light blue
Eye color: Blue
Skin: peach
Cloth: Deep blue shirt,light blue and blue Scarf,black pants,Deep blue and white shoes.
Personality: nice,Calm,Caring,Sweet,Fighter,Smart
Favorite color: light blue and Dark blue
Favorite place: Space and his home is Neptune planets(that where he lives ),Visits his friends planets.
Friends : planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Saturn Steve,Blue Steve,Overseer.
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Power : like blue Steve and Neptune(?),ice.
Like : make friends,Reading books,Explore,Writing,Drawing,Art,Chill out,Practice with his powers,Listening to music,Dancing,Singing,hang out with his friends,Help others,Save the good Steve's,Cooking.
Dislike:Bad Steve,destroy everything,Chaos,Bad people,Villains,Manipulative,Used, Lied, Death, Murder,Hurtling his friends,Cheating,Destroying the planets,Annoying,Betrayal,Disrespectful.
Name : Earth Steve
Age :19
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: Deep blue
Eye color: sky blue
Skin: peach
Cloths: Green Jacket,Blue shirt, black pants,brown and light brown boots,white scarf.
Personality: nice, kind, caring,Sweet,Fighter,Serious,Calm .
Favorite color:blue,white,Green,Brown
Favorite place:Space and his home is Earth planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape ,and his home earth planets not to be destroyed and others .
Friends: planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Power : Blue Steve,green Steve and light Steve power,healing,Earth powers,Wind,water,plants,earth
Like : make friends, cooking,Taking care of his home,singing,Dancing,play with his friends and animals,Drawing,Relaxing and and enjoy the nature and views ,hang out with his friends,helping the good people and protect them from any harms,help his friends.
Dislike: Ruining nature,Destruction,Mean,Rude,killed,Harming animals and his friends,Lied, Death,manipulative,abused,Abandoned,Cheated.
Name : Jupiter Steve
Age : 19
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color:Red bottom color Orange
Eye color : Brown
Skin : peach
Cloths : white jacket,yellow shirt,orange and Red and Orange ripped Pants, white and yellow shoes
Personality: Calm,Caring,Fighter,Smart,and A bit Arrogant,protective,And Stubbornness.
Favorite color:white,red, yellow,Orange,Brown
Favorite place:Space and his home is Jupiter planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends: planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Red Steve,Volcano Steve .
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape his home Jupiter not to fall apart .
Power : like red and Yellow Steve's speed,and fire,Jupiter powers
Like : make friends,helping his friends, cooking,Dancing,reading books,Hang out with his friends,Spending time alone,Explore his home,playing music.
Dislike: Rude,mean, Disrespectful,Hurting his friend,used,Abused,Cheated,killed, Death,Lied,Manipulate,taking advantage of his situation,abandoned .
Name : Midnight
Age :19
Gender: males
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color : black
Eyes :yellow
Skin: peach
Cloths : black jacket with white starts on the jacket,White shirt, black pants,white and black shoes.
Personality: nice, kind, caring,serious,Secretive, Distance,Smart,Mysterious,Fighter
Favorite color: black and white
Favorite place:Space and his home is midnight place (that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Siblings : white hole Steve( younger brother),Black hole Steve .
Friends :planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve.
Power : like Shadow Steve he can go to through shadow but instead he goes Midnight,and Midnight power ,meteor blast .
Job : make sure no his home and other places to be messed up and gets out of control and keep his midnight to be Destroyed or disappear or no nights or midnight time .
Like : make friends, cooking,Relaxing,Chilling out,Absorb outside of what is happening,Singing,Dancing,Drawing,play instrument,watch the moon and the night sky,Reading books,Hanging our with his friends,Training,Baking,Sweet,Macron,Candy,CoconutShrimp,Sicily Pizza,Noodle spaghetti,Helping the good Steve,protect the good people,and protect the innocent and protect his friends and his little brother( white hole Steve),help his friends .
Dislike: his brother(black hole Steve),Hurting his friends,being trapped in his own home,Death,Lied,Used,Manipulative,Tricked him, Abused,Abandoned,Evil,Bad Steve,Villains,Bad guys,Everything evil,Suspicious Steve's,Disrespectful,Annoying,Mean, Rude,Being followed,Taking advantage of him,Destroying,Destruction,Chaos happens.
Name : Mercury Steve
age :19
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: Dark gray
Eye color: Light Gray
Skin: peach
Cloths:light gray jacket, gray shirt,Dark gray pants,gray and light gray shoes,gray and Dark gray scarf, black glasses.
Favorite color: Gray and dark gray
Favorite place:Space and his home is Mercury planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends:planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Gray Steve,Ghost Steve .
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Power : Gray Steve's,Ghost Steve powers,Mercury Steve powers,Reflex,block .
Like : reading books,writing,alone time,Make machine,Studying stuff and create stuff,Baking, Training,Singing,Drawing,hang out with his friends,make friends,outsmart them,help the good guys,Protect the good people from the bad peoples.
Dislike: Rude, Rape, Abused, Cheated,Abandoned,Disrespectful,Death,Mean,Used,Lied,Manipulative,Hurting his friends,Destroying there home plants .
Name : Universe Steve
Age :19
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: black and bottom white
Eyes color: Red
Skin : peach
Cloths : black and white tuxedo,white and black shoes .
Personality: nice,Kind,Serious,honest,Caring,Fighter
Favorite color: black and white,Red
Favorite place:Favorite place:Space and his home is universe (that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends:planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Power: like Galaxy Steve and Void Steve,Time Steve powers combine,Stopping time and manipulative time and control times,create new stars,Universe powers .
Like : chicken Fried and chicken fried buttermilk,Sweets,coconut Shrimp,pizza,French fries,Dancing,Doing his business,doing his jobs,hang out with his friends, cooking, Baking, Training, Protect the people and his universe,protect all goods people from any bad peoples,Relaxing spending time with his friends and his home,spending Alone time,Drawing,Singing,Dancing,Drawing,Reading books,Relaxing in space,looks at the universe and galaxy,help others,protect his friends.
Dislike: Rude,Disrespectful,Death,Abusing the powers,Destruction,Destroying planets and the universe being in trouble,hurting his friends,mean,Cheating,Taking Advantage on someone,Manipulative, Used, Lied,hurting others,Harming his friend,annoying, Being followed.
Name : Venus Steve
Age :18
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: light orange
Eye color: Pumpkin orange
Skin: peach
Cloths: jacket deep red and gray shirt, black pants, white and black shoes
Personality:Calm,kind,nice, kind,Mature,Fighter .
Favorite color: light orange,Orange,Red,Gray
Favorite place:Space and his home is Venus planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends:planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape .
Power : Orange Steve and light Steve,Red Steve,Fire,Venus power.
Like : make friends, Cooking,Reading books,Relaxing,Dancing,Training his power,hang out with his friends,helping other and good Steve,Protect the good people and his friends, lasagna .
Dislike: mean, Disrespectful,Bullied,hurting his friends and other people,evil Steve's,Bad guys,Betrayed,used,life,Cheated,Destruction,Destroying everything and planets,going missing,Death,Rude,killed,Abandoned.
Name :Moon Steve
Age : 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: white
Eye color: Gray
Skin : peach
Cloths : white sweater,black pants,gray and Dark gray boots
Personality: Shy,Caring,kind, Fighter,Sweet
Favorite color: white and gray
Favorite place:Space and his home is Moon planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends: planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Light Steve,Rainbow Steve,Reverse Steve .
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape, and not him home to crushing his home the earth Steve home .
Power : light Steve power,Moon power,meteor crash and Meteor blast .
Like:making friends, Cooking,Baking,Dancing,Sweets,Listening to music,Hang out with his friends,Reading books, looks at Stars and planets,Sweets,Helping the good Steve's.
Dislike: jumpedScared,Scary thing and Scary Stuff,Scaring him,Death,Rude,Mean,Bullies,Used,Lied,betrayal,Abandoned,Abused,Alone,Cheated,Annoying, Disrespectful,Manipulative,Taking advantage of him,monsters .
Name : Sun Steve
Age :19
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: orange and bottom color white
Eye color: Red
Skin: peach
Cloths: orange jacket and red shirt, black pants,orange and white shoes .
Personality: nice, kind,Royalty,Sweet,Fighter,protect,Heroic.
Favorite color: orange and red
Favorite place:Space and his home is Sun planets(that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends: planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Job : make sure no his planet and other planets to be messed up and gets out of control and keep planets shape ,and his home .
Power : orange Steve and red Steve powers,Fire,heat,Radius ability,Sun power,Lava.
Like : make friends, cooking, Baking, Training,Protect the good people from getting hurt,Sweets,Dancing,Singing,Relaxing or chilling,like a bit spicy food,Drawing,Goes for a swimming in the lava and water,Spending time to himself,hang out with his friends.
Dislike: Rude,Disrespectful, Mean,Death,Cheated,Destroying the planets,Hurting his friends,losing his friends,Lied,Betrayal,Manipulative,used,taking advantage of him,Abandoned,lost .
Name : Spaden
Spade twin brother
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Name:Night Steve
Age : 19
Gender : male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: black and bottom hair color: white
Eyes color: black
Skin: peach
Cloth : white Shirt, black pants and white and black shoes,white scarf and on black and white Vil Scarf
Personality:quiet,a bit shy,kind, Caring,Smart,A bit shy .
Sibling: Star Steve,Midnight Steve,BlackHole Steve,Whitehole Steve.
Favorite color: black and white
Favorite place:Space and his home is night Dimension (that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends : planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Green Steve,Shadow Steve,Reverse Steve.
Job: making sure he watch over the night make sure not to go wrong .
Power: Dark Steve's powers and shadow powers,Night powers,healing,block the attack,and Break the illusion,block the infections .
Like :Cooking,Making friends,Eggs Salad,Drawing,Reading books, Relaxing,Singing,Alone Time,Dancing,Candy,Hang out with his friends,Shrimped fried rice,Cookie,Granola bar,help his friends,protect the innocent people,protect the good guys and help others.
Dislike: Rude,People Disappearing,Death, lies, Abused,Used,Manipulate,cheated,Rejected,Abusing powers,Hurting his friends and sibling,Annoying,Abandons,Disrespect,force something to do bad,Evil,bad Steve,bad guys,Chaos and Destruction.
Name : Star Steve
Age :18
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: yellow and black Star pupils
Skin: peach
Cloths: yellow sweater,white pants,yellow and white pants,yellow cape,white star.
Personality: nice,Sweet,Caring,Kind.
Sibling:Night Steve,Midnight Steve,BlackHole Steve,WhiteHole Steve .
Favorite color: white and yellow
Favorite place:Space and his home is Star Dimension (that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends : planets Steve,Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve,Yellow Steve,Purple Steve,Valentine Steve .
Job: making sure making new stars and watch over the star make sure they don't all fall off and make to darker in the Darker sky or no light .
Power: yellow Steve and Light Steve and Red Steve power,heal,block the attack,Break the illusion,Speed,Star blast,Star shower,Star Meteor,Star power.
Like :sweets,Cookies,Chocolate,Candy,making friends,look at Stars,dancing,Singing,Drawing, Art,Baking sweets,hang out with his friends,help his friends,Protect the good people from bad guys,protect the innocent people.
Dislike: Rude,Lied,Abused,Abusing powers,Death,Control him,manipulative,Bad people and bad guys,Villains,hurting his friends and Family,Cheated,Abandoned,lost,Disrespectful,Annoying, Death,Chaos and Destruction,Messing up the time lines.
( so what do you think of Planets Steve looks?)
Name : Planets Steve
Age :19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair color: Green
Eyes color: Deep blue
Skin: peach
Cloth : deep blue Shirt,deep blue pants, gray and deep blue boots.
Favorite color: Deep blue and Green
Favorite place: Space and his home is planets Dimension (that where he lives ), visits his friends planets .
Friends :Earth Steve,Universe Steve,Jupiter Steve,Mercury Steve,Mars Steve,Venus Steve,Sun Steve,Moon Steve,Uranus Steve,Neptune Steve,Galaxy Steve,Void Steve,Time Steve,Elemental Steve, Dimension Steve,Midnight Steve.
Job : Keep the planets shape and make more different types of planets
Power: Green Steve and Blue Steve and Galaxy Steve power,Create Planets,Heal,water,time Travels,shield,Planets power,and bring the living beings and creature,Dimension,Remove people out of the time line make them powerless to fight.
Like :Sweets,Sandwich,Apples,Apple Pie,Making Friends,hang out with his friends, cooking,Reading books,Meditation,Training his powers,Singing,Flying around and looks at planets,dancing,helping his friends,protect the planets,protect his friends,protect the innocent people from the bad guys,help the good guys.
Dislike: Annoying, Disrespectful,Death,Manipulate,used,lies, Abused,Cheated,Abusing powers,destruction,Destroying the time lines,abandoned,harming his friend and planets,Chaos,Messing up the time lines,force him to do something that he doesn't want to do,Pranks.
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