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I WAKE UP to my little sister shaking my shoulder. "Nyssa," she cries. "Wake up. It's Tuesday!" Of course she would wake me up so early on Market Day.
Market Day is when all the mobile shops and businesses from out of town set up in the normally bare market square. It's basically the only day all of the villagers are all out and about at the same time. They basically do not have a choice since it's the only day anyone can pick up their rations and the only time to buy or trade for any other necessities needed.
"I'm up, I'm up," I mumble, slowly opening my eyes to see Willow practically right in front of my face. Willow is only thirteen, yet she looks way better than I did at that age. No acne is in sight on her face, and her brown hair is sleek and shiny with no tangles in sight.
"Hurry up and change!" Willow exclaims in excitement, jumping off Nyssa's bed and heading towards the door. "Market Day begins in twenty minutes!"
I groan as soon as she shuts my door, closing my eyes tightly. I can hear the cabinets in the kitchen opening and shutting even though I'm all the way on the other end of the house. The front door opens and shuts, and Axis Newton's loud greeting practically causes me to fall off my bed.
Slowly but surely I roll out of bed, my arms and legs still sore from yesterday's junk haul. I grab a nice tunic I traded for awhile back and a pair of leggings. My mom hates for me to wear my workwear into town, so I compromise with her and wear something a bit nicer. I throw on the clothes along with my nice boots. One thing I can't compromise with her on is my hairdo; I throw it up in my signature ponytail and exit my room.
Axis Newton sits on the floral couch in the living room, playing a board game with Willow. Axis is my best friend and was also the smartest and most athletic guy back when we were in school. Now, he's an apprentice of Ms. Jenkins, the local apothecary. He makes good money, which his family desperately needs due to having three children rather than two. It's not that it's illegal to have more than two children, but the maximum number of rations per family is four. I try to help them out any way I can, but my family already struggles to make ends meet as it is.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," my mother, Callitha Travers, teases, pouring me some homemade cereal in a bowl. We do receive rations of cereal, but I often trade it with the leather man on Market Day since we can make our own without much trouble.
I send my mother a small smile, taking the bowl she hands me and sitting down at the table to eat. We haven't had the best relationship lately. We often get into disagreements and are known not to get along very well. Things weren't always so strained between us. Back when my father was alive, our mother-daughter relationship wasn't as bad, nor was our financial state either. Everything changed when we lost him, including me.
As soon as I finish my cereal, I'm getting up and heading over to Axis and Willow. "You two ready to go?"
"Yes!" Willow immediately exclaims and is already out the door before I can protest. I roll my eyes at her behavior and reach for my huge bag filled with things to trade with.
Axis beats me to it and picks up the bag with ease, sending me a small smile. "I got it, Nyssa." He is the perfect gentleman. From what I can remember, he has always been that way.
I met Axis going into my first year of upper division school, the death of my father an open wound since it happened over the summer. He was attractive then, even more so now, and was so perfect. He played on the small baseball team the school managed to round up and was always getting straight A's. All the girls—especially the more fortunate and pretty ones—fawned over him, yet the only girl he ever really talked to was and always has been me. I ran into him on my first day of school quite literally, and despite the cruel words that I spit out of my mouth, he sent me the biggest smile I had ever seen and wouldn't leave me alone the rest of the year. I didn't understand why he wanted to hang out with me all the time, considering I was just a hot tempered girl who beat up on homemade punching bags when angry and hunted for junk as a hobby.
Axis is quite the opposite from me. Short to anger, patient, kind, and just a really good person all around. He would be the perfect husband, just not to me I'm afraid. It's not that I wouldn't mind marrying Axis. It's just I do not have the time for love, let along all the pain that comes with it. After my father died, I was a wreck. I still am I wreck. I do not ever want to go through it again.
I walk in between Axis and Willow, letting out a small yawn when I finally tune back into the long story Willow is spewing out of her mouth. Something about how one of her many friends birthday party. Willow is a social butterfly, and I blame that on the fact that she was only six when our father's life was stripped away and can barely remember a life with him. She is undamaged, and I desperately want to keep her that way.
When we finally reach the market square, my eyes widen when I notice a huge futuristic aircraft parked off to the side. The name ALLICO is in dark blue letters on the side. I turn to Axis in confusion just to find him staring back at me giddily. "Nyssa, this is the best thing that has happened since...since I met you!" he exclaimed, surprising her by wrapping her in a hug and lifting her off the ground.
"Axis, put me down!" I exclaim, although I can't help but laugh at his excitement. When he finally complies, I gesture to the aircraft and ask, "What does this mean?"
"Nyssa, ALLICO is the most well-known and successful science corporations. They are the ones who came up with the breakthrough technology of sun barriers," Axis explains as if it is obvious, and I should know exactly who the company is. I suddenly feel a bit grateful for this ALLICO since it gave us the sun barriers, which protects us from getting too much heat from the sun. It was necessary since we were going to have to survive in a desert.
A young man around our age in a suit that is too fancy for our village approaches us, noticing we are interested in the aircraft. "Hi," he greets, giving both Axis and me a once over. "I'm Jax Ebony of ALLICO."
"Oh, my goodness." Axis practically freaks out right there in front of Jax. He shakes Jax's awaiting hand enthusiastically, trying to keep his expression as professional and normal as possible. "Sorry, I'm just a big fan of ALLICO's work. My name's Axis Newton."
Jax Ebony smiles kindly, his gaze shifting to me in question. However, I make no interest in introducing myself as my eyes follow my little sister around the market square to make sure she's not getting into any trouble. Jax coughs to get my attention. "And who is the lovely lady?"
I want to scoff. He could not possibly be serious. I am more than one hundred percent positive that he has seen women way better looking than me. If there is one word that I am not, it is lovely. However, I decide to introduce myself anyway. "Nyssa. Nyssa Travers."
Axis gently nudges me, sensing my hostility and hesitation to introduce myself. I know him well enough that this is his way of telling me that he wants me to be nice.
"It is nice to meet you both, Axis and Nyssa," Jax politely replies, his smile unwavering.
I'm tempted to ask him what he is doing here, but I know Axis will definitely not appreciate that. This is not a normal occurrence here in Solaris.
Jax seems to realize what I am wondering and decides to explain himself. "You are both probably wondering what ALLICO is doing here, so allow me to explain. We're recruiting a few new bright young minds to our team to move back and work with us at HQ in Atlantis."
I could tell Axis was freaking out on the inside, but somehow he managed to keep his cool towards Jax, a smile gracing his features. "That sounds like an amazing opportunity. Is there an application process to complete?" Of course he would be eager to work for ALLICO. It is probably his dream.
"Actually, I've decided to stay for a week or two to meet everyone in the village, spend some time with everyone, and see who would be the best candidates for all of the positions. I'm sure both of you will have a superb chance of receiving a spot. I look forward to connecting with you," Jax informs, his green eyes finding my gray ones.
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you for your time," Axis states formally before gently pulling me away. "Oh, my gosh. Can you believe it?"
I roll my eyes at his dramatics as I get out of his grip and go to hunt down Willow. "Believe what?" I ask as I walk away.
He easily catches up to me and grabs my hand to stop me. "Nyssa, we could get a job at ALLICO. We wouldn't have to struggle to make ends meet." I know what he means. I would no longer have to go junk hunting to keep my family alive.
"Axis, I don't want a job at ALLICO," I reply plainly, pulling my hand away and continuing on my way.
"Well, that's too bad, because I'm not going without you," he declares, his voice completely serious.
I stop immediately, turning around to stare at him in awe. Why in the world would he pass up an opportunity to work at ALLICO, which is possibly his dream job, just because I would not be there? "Axis, I know you are smart and all, but sometimes you can be an idiot."
"I'm serious, Nyssa. There is no way I am leaving you here," he reiterates.
"Well, you should really reconsider, because I am not going with you," I tell him in a harsh tone, continuing my search for my sister. I know I am being difficult, but he is being idiotic. Not taking a once in a lifetime opportunity just because I won't go with him. That's ridiculous.
He does not push any further, and we do not speak very much the rest of the day, only opening our mouths to trade or converse with Willow. I cannot help but wonder if he is mad at me. Axis and I rarely ever fight, mostly because of how impossible it is to argue with him. No matter how irritated I get with him and horrible I treat him, he never retaliates. He is probably smart enough to know that that is what I want, a reaction. It seems that I sometimes want him to yell, or scream at me even. Maybe I want a reaction so I won't feel guilty for hurting him.
The day goes by quickly, and soon, we are heading back home. Axis carries my stuff on his back despite our silence to each other all day, and after dropping it off inside and saying goodbye to my mother and sister, he gives me a tight hug and even a kiss on the forehead. I find myself wishing he would have yelled at me so I would not feel the familiar feeling of guilt in my stomach as he exits the house.
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