Zombie Apocalypse
Music: Sad Piano - Mad Father (Madness) - Ib Prelude.
The whole world has turned to shit. A virus was introduced that got rid of any and all diseases and when doctors discovered it, they were quick to get it out. But slowly once it was introduced, things started to seem off. People started to overdose and get addicted until it shut down their systems and yet they were still walking. Anyone that was bitten would become part of the infected. A very small handful still survive but it's too difficult to work together so it's a fight for access to weapons, food and water. Among those that were alive was G, Daniel and Lachlan.
Lachlan looked behind a corner before continuing to walk, his glasses broken to just being shattered glass and thick black rims. He held a gun firmly in his hands and G followed behind with a shotgun and his bowtie was undone and ripped. Then behind him was Daniel with a sword and he was also looking worse for ware. Lachlan held onto a bag of supplies and G had the strongest gun due to the fact that he hated shooting people so he would shoot someone at least once. "There has to be a safe area around here somewhere" Daniel said as all 3 walked along, using their ears to hear for any zombies. Daniel was somehow able to put his compulsive behaviour behind him to help them survive. "I-I dunno..." G said. He didn't speak much often anymore. "I feel like I can already hear the non-existent funeral bells." Lachlan mumbled to himself as he looked around cautiously.
Most of their days consisted of just walking, defence, resting and remembering. Remembering the fights, the kisses and secrets, life being normal. "L-Lachlan... please don't t-t-think that w-way." G said, lowering his gun and gently hugging Lachlan from behind but he slowly removed G's hands and continues walking. He didn't want to act like a tight ass but it was the only way to make sure they were alive. They all suddenly came to a stop of a voice crowd and looked around cautiously. A sudden door broke down in front off Lachlan and a zombie lunched at him, able to get a bite at Lachlan's leg through his jeans. He yelled out and kicked the zombie's head hard enough to dislocate it's neck.
"N-No..." G said when he noticed the bite and he instantly took the bag off Lachlan to look for the medical kit. "Maybe we could just cut off your leg to stop the infection." G said, his stutter and quite tone leaving him with a gentle and solid voice behind. "I should have kept my guard up... I'm sorry G..." Lachlan said slowly already feeling it crawl though his leg. G was quickly brought to tears and Daniel had tears in his eyes. "G... I know this will be hard but I want you... to be the one to kill me... before I turn."
Lachlan said before groaning loudly and the infection spreading quickly and burning like a wildfire. G was speechless and was frozen, even when Lachlan pushed the gun into his hand and let it press against his forehead. By this point, everyone was crying. "Lachlan, don't make me... I-I can't... You k-k-know I can't." He choked out pulling the gun away. "You know... I would kiss you if it wasn't that contagious... hehe..." Lachlan laughed before collapsing onto the floor and breaking down into tears, feeling the infection spread to his lower torso. " I'm so afraid but... I don't want to die by anything or anyone else..." G just stood there crying his eyes out. He had to but he could never bring himself to pull the trigger.
Lachlan let out another loud groan. "I know you can survive... Don't forget me... I love you..." Lachlan said with a smile as he stared at the smaller boy. G aimed the gun at the brunette which was too hard with his shaking hands and Daniel couldn't bare to really watch. There was suddenly a loud gunshot and blood splattered all over the floor. G dropped the gun and fell to his knees and cried loudly at the sight "I-I love you t-t-too...". Daniel walked over and slowly helped up G who latched onto him and cried into the other male's chest. As they both cried, they thought of what Lachlan would have wanted so they dug a hole into the ground and buried him where he could rest in peace and that only caused them to cry more. They eventually had to leave the site with the bag and the gun. Though G was still crying, the only thing that was stuck in his face was the memory of Lachlan's smiling face when everything was fine... Before the whole world turned to shit.
( johnny_windsock dannykitty105 Sad enough, I'll continue this. It's based off of ZombieStuck comics and I hope it made one or 2 of you cry because it made me cry and gave me a headache ;-; )
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