Meet the Mob family
Upbeat jazz music echoed through the bar with a grub sitting with the band and jamming out with the music with the rare occasion he was able to blow on a trumpet and play with the band. He kicked his legs to the music and watched as each people played their instrument and imitating on an invisible tiny version of the instrument. His eyes went from the band to the troll that was considered his dad who was currently talking with another high blood. He wondered why his dad didn't care about music as much as he did but brushed it off and continued to focus on what was happening around him.
Luchiano kept trying to deal with someone all the while his first child; Hemkuz, was sitting under the table and playing with some toys. Right next to Luchiano was someone who he would consider a brother and best man due to how big and intimidating he looked. "Seriously nothing I can do to convince you?" Luchiano tried once more only for the other troll to shake his head. Luchiano shook his head and was about to get up until a gunshot had went off only to be followed by more. Quickly, the bigger troll flipped the table over to make sure to protect Hemkuz and Luchiano meanwhile the youngest was quickly taken to the back with the band to make sure he would be safe and alright. Not once did Luchiano break his unemotional state while a certain glimmer was in Hemkuz's eyes. The bigger troll returned the shots, not noticing the oldest grub take out the second gun in his pocket and use it to return the shots.
Once everything calmed down, everyone got up from their hiding positions and Otrele quickly ran out to hug his father. Tears were streaming down the younger trolls face as he hugged his dad's leg tightly while Hemkuz was explaining excitedly to the bigger troll how he was sure he shot the guy. The bigger troll just laughed and picked him up while Luchiano picked up Otrele and shook his head. "Dio maledetto ragazzo.. You can't cry in situations like this. Remember what I told you? You can't show emotion or they'll use that against you. It's a dangerous game we're playing so stop crying would ya?" Otrele nodded a little and rubbed his eyes of tears and tried to look as emotionless as his father did but was failing horribly.
So here are some songs I use to describe the characters:
Otrele - No Swinging In Your Walking by Black Cat Zoot
Hemkuz - Looking Like This by Lyre Le Temps
Luchiano - Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
And I decided to try something else, using other things to make my characters and I have designs I really like even if they are human or something similar XD So first is
Luchiano. He's name is from a mob boss but that's all I know about him XD. He's straight and orders hits for people he trusts. He's also in the bootlegging business and a few other areas. He would also look for a Mob wife, a woman who knows what's going on but doesn't get involved. He's always in high class stuff and I originally imagined him with a jacket with white fluff around the collar to just make him look a little more high class..
Next up!
Hemkuz. He never wanted the boss life and always wanted to be a hitman so that's what he did. He's messy in his work and had a lot of scars hidden by his hair and mask. I also just adore this outfit and it would instantly be his in the troll version. I lot of chains and bandages and baggy. Yeah. I really like him. He's a bit of a loose canon.
And finally, the descendant of the bigger troll:
Pestio. He had a scar from a hit that went wrong and he's a jade blood which gives him an excuse for blood on his clothing. He's also on the bigger and taller side for trolls of his blood. He's secretly a big softy I think but he's overall serious and the mob comes first. He can quickly make himself at home and is probably the best body guard for anyone. Here's human version just cause it was what I made first XD
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